CoDA UK – National Steering Committee (NSC) Meeting
Saturday 14th November 2009 1pm – 3pm at Trinity Church, Clapham Common
Tracey / Chair & TreasurerAnouska / London Reg. Liaison / Geraldine / Literature & CoDa Inc Rep.
Christian / NSC Web person / Dagmar / Secretary & GSR Exeter
1. Traditions
The 12 Traditions were read
2. Apologies
Maria sent apologies
Fionnula resigned from the committee. The NSC thanked her for her service and in particular for her service in preparing the new “New Meeting Starter pack”
3. Minutes of previous meeting
Having been approved by email the minutes of previous meeting (22nd Aug 08) are to be published on the website. The minutes of the May 2nd meeting, prepared in retrospect, are also complete.
4. Treasurer’s report
4.1 The balance at the end of the previous quarter, 30/09/09 was £2,947.88. Further donations have been received since.
4.2 Tracey will be resigning as Treasurer at the AGM and will be replaced as a signatory at that stage. Geraldine volunteered to become a signatory and will make the necessary arrangements with the bank and then forward the paperwork to Tracey. Sue is to be removed as a signatory (Geraldine to arrange). Bryony is currently the third signatory. Two new signatories will be required at the AGM, one to be the new Treasurer
5. emails to CoDA UK website
5.1 .All the outstanding emails brought to the previous meeting have now been dealt with
5.2 Jess and Cara are currently doing service as email responders. They do it one week on, one week off.
Anything that they can't respond to is referred to the NSC email group. Tracey has been responding on behalf of the NSC and forwarding the emails onto the relevant person in the Committee. This process will need to be reviewed as Tracey may not be able to access her emails regularly in the near future.
5.3 In order to gain more transparency for CoDa UK and ensure continuity, the access codes for the email are to be recorded in the file.
ACTION: Anouska to find out codes and add to the folder
6. CoDa US
6.1 The report of Geraldine and Maria’s delegation to the CoDA worldwide Conference and Convention held in July 09 in Toronto is published on the website. They were appointed to the Board at the Conference.
6.2 They have since participated in monthly conference calls and Geraldine has visited Atlanta for a Board meeting earlier this month. The calls and meetings are opportunities for CoDA UK to communicate issues and concerns with CoDA Inc..
6.3 The Board have requested that CoDA UK sign a Print and Distribution Agreement for Literature. They have been advised that CoDA UK has no current intention of printing or distributing its own Literature. Currently the only CoDA UK endorsed source of CoDA approved literature is CORE in the U.S..
6.4 The Board are anxious to appoint more members, particularly from the U.K.. There are currently 7 Board members of a full quota of 8. Each Board member is required to sit on two sub-committees. In order to ensure continuity there are also 4 positions as “Alternates” who step up to the Board as vacancies arise.
6.5 The next world conference is scheduled for 3rd week in July in Los Angeles. Any motions from the U.K. should be brought to the AGM On Feb 6th
6.6 Giving consideration to offering to host the worldwide conference in the U.K. should be added to the agenda for the AGM
6.7 Geraldine has requested more details and transparency around the finances of CoDA Inc
7. Meeting Starter pack
The updated version has now been uploaded to the website. The committee thanked Fionnula for preparing it and Christian for uploading it to the website
8. Regional Meeting Update
Frank has resigned as secretary of the London region and the meeting is not currently running. Could anyone interested in offering service as secretary of London Region please get in touch with CoDA UK. The NSC will contact the GSRs to see if any of them would wish to take on the role.
ACTION: Christian to request list of GSRs, Anouska to draft email and send.
9. Website
9.1 The Meeting Starter Pack can be downloaded as individual documents or as a complete pack from links on the newsletter and from the drop-down menu.(About co-dependency/How to start a CoDA meeting)
9.2 There was discussion around having the website re-written on a more up-to-date platform and hosted on another server. Simplifying the email addresses, and the admin process would assist continuity because it would be much easier to hand over
ACTION: Christian to get in touch with a programmer who specialises in working on charity website. He will prepare the specification and arrange to get a quote for the necessary work. A budget of £1,000 was agreed at the previous meeting and it’s envisaged that this exploratory work can be done in time for the AGM.
9.3 It was agreed that the home page be re-written so that “What is co-dependency” appears at the top of the page with a prominent link “For this month’s newsletter” readily visible. This would be less confusing for new visitors to the site
ACTION: Christian
10. Literature
10.1 A copy of the letter withdrawing endorsement from Fellowship Souvenirs together with a receipt for the recorded delivery is to be filed on the literature file for the record. Another copy is to be sent to Dagmar for filing in the Archive currently held in Exeter
ACTION: Geraldine, Dagmar
10.2 Exeter group had requested that they purchase one of the full sets of the currently available literature. NSC declined and the set is to be retained as a library in the Archive as the other set has become fragmented.
10.3 Dagmar gave a photocopy of the Agreement to print CoDA Inc/ CoDA UK/ Fellowship Souvenirs 1998 to Geraldine for the file. The original is in the Archive.
10.4 Tracey has been approached by someone considering buying fellowship Souvenirs for CoDA UK feedback. The committee decided that this is not a matter for CoDA UK at this point. CORE in US is currently the only endorsed supplier of CoDA approved literature. Any other potential suppliers would be required to formally approach and present to CoDA UK who would consider endorsement in the light of the Traditions.
10.5 Problems had been encountered in ordering literature using the order form available on the website. This is because the form stipulates that international orders require a credit card payment and cc payments required a phone number. The form will not currently accept a U.K. number. It was decided therefore to change the literature section of the website and suggest using (and provide a link) to the new CORE estore. This is now available on the CoDA Inc. website.
11. AGM 2010
11.1 The date was set for Saturday 6th February 11am – 5pm at a venue in central London to be confirmed. Various suggestions for venues were made and a budget of £250 for room hire was suggested.
11.2 The committee suggested an extraordinary meeting to be held one evening to assist Maria in the planning of the AGM and that we consider offering some form of lunch.
11.3 All suggestions for agenda items should be emailed to CoDA UK
12. Any Other Business
In her absence Maria suggested that a different, more central venue for NSC meetings be found, for example Hinde St. This to be discussed at the next meeting (AGM) as well as the possibility of having conferences calls in between the quarterly meetings
13. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting is the AGM on Saturday 6th February at a venue to be confirmed. Agenda and further details to be agreed. All CoDA members are welcome
14. The meeting closed with the Serenity Prayer
NSC 14.11.09 Minutes