Ordinary Meeting

Late Items

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Council of Burwood will be held in the Council Chamber, Suite 1, Level 2, 1-17 Elsie Street, Burwood on Tuesday, 27 March 2012 at 6.00pm

Michael McMahon


Our Mission

Burwood Council will create a quality lifestyle for its citizens

by promoting harmony and excellence in the delivery of its services

Suite 1, Level 2, 1-17 Elsie Street, Burwood NSW 2134, PO Box 240 Burwood NSW 1805

phone: 9911 9911 facsimile: 9911 9900




General Business

(Item 30/12)Department of Sport and Recreation - Recent Notification of Unsuccessful Grant Applications for Burwood Council 2

(Item 31/12)New South Wales Local Infrastructure Renewal Scheme (LIRS) - Funding Application 5




File No:12/14278

REPORT BY Deputy General ManagerLand, Infrastructure & Environment

This report provides Council with an update on the current status of the New South Wales Communities Sport and Recreation (CS&R) grants. Council received notification on 15 March 2012 that the four grants (shade structures and seating) submitted under the 2011 grant round were deemed unsuccessful by the CS&R. As a result, Council is unable to implement these projects without utilising current Capital Reserves.


In 2010 Council applied for six CS&R grants. Council was successful with two of the applications which included practice cricket pitches in HenleyPark and fencing in Grant Park. The four unsuccessful grants included shade structures in Keith Smith Reserve and Jackett Reserve and two projects in BurwoodPark, a multipurpose shade structure and 15 new seats.

However, on the CS&R’s advice Council reapplied for the four unsuccessful grants under the 2011 grant round. It should be noted that the grant applications were revised and included additional supporting information. The additional information addressed the feedback comments received from CS&R on why the original 2010 grants were unsuccessful.

Council received notification on 15 March 2012 that the four CS&R grants (shade structures in Keith Smith Reserve, Jackett Reserve, BurwoodPark and 15 new seats also for BurwoodPark) were again deemed unsuccessful. Council staff subsequently contacted an Administration Officer at CS&R on the 23 March 2012 seeking further feedback on why the grants were again unsuccessful. The comments from that personal communication were noted and included the following:

The four projects met the requirements of the CS&R selection criteria

Council submitted everything required of the grant applications including the additional information required from the first grant round 2010 feedback

In the 2011 grant round there were over 900 grant applications with only $2.7 million to be divided up between 155 successful grant applications

In the 2010 and 2011 grant rounds Burwood Council was outscored by other projects (pers. com 23 March 2011 Administration Officer CS&R)

It should be noted that the grant to install a shade structure in BurwoodPark was to support Council resolution 145/08.


As this is now the second time that Council has applied for these particular grants, it is recommended that Council not apply for grant funding for these projects again. However, Council should still continue to seek grant funding opportunities for other relevant projects under the CS&R scheme and other grant funding organisations as appropriate.


The community were advised of the proposed shade structure developments prior to the submission of the 2010 grant applications. Council has received representations from the community for the installation of the multi-purpose shade structure in BurwoodPark.

Planning or Policy Implications

The original grant applications in 2010 required that Development Applications be submitted and approved by Council for the shade structures in BurwoodPark, Keith Smith Reserve and Jacket Reserve. The surrounding properties were notified of the proposed developments at the time.

A development application is not required for the installation of 15 seats in BurwoodPark as park furniture is considered Exempt Development. Therefore, community consultation is not required for the installation of new seats in BurwoodPark.

The second round of grant applications in 2011 did not require Development Approval as the installation of shade structures in parks are now also considered Exempt Development.

Financial Implications

All grants were submitted to the CS&R on a $ for $ basis. Details of the cost for the projects are as follows:

1.BurwoodPark - Shade Structure

Funding requested from CS&R - $66,440

Funding from Council - $66,440

The total project cost is $132,880 inclusive of GST

2.BurwoodPark - 15 New Seats

Funding requested from CS&R - $14,415

Funding from Council - $14,415

The total project cost is $28,830 inclusive of GST

3.Keith Smith Reserve - Shade Structure

Funding requested from CS&R - $15,620

Funding from Council - $15,620

The total project cost is $31,240 inclusive of GST

4.Jacket Reserve - Shade Structure

Funding requested from CS&R - $21,120

Funding from Council - $21,120

The total project cost is $42,240 inclusive of GST

This shortfall in grant funding will mean that Council is unable to implement these projects without utilising its Capital Reserves. Accordingly, Council is recommended to defer the works to a future Capital Works Program except for the seating in BurwoodPark which can be met from funds available from within the 2012-13 Capital Program.


Council is eligible to re-apply for each of the four grants again. However, given the unsuccessful result it is recommended that new grant funding opportunities are investigated. Council will be required to allocate sufficient funding to fully finance the four unsuccessful grant projects in the future.


For reasons unknown, Council was unsuccessful in the four grant applications in 2011. It should be noted that Council has been very successful in the past in securing CS&R grants for various park capital projects, including shade structures. Council staff are confident that every effort is made to apply for projects that are suited to the requirements of the funding organisation and that address the selection criteria as appropriate. Staff are also confident that the four grant applications, submitted in the 2010 and 2011 CS&R grant rounds, presented the required information to support the applications.

As Council was unsuccessful in securing the grants these projects cannot proceed without utilising its current Capital Reserves. Accordingly, it is recommended that Council defer the three shade structure projects works to a future Capital Works Program and note that the seating in BurwoodPark will be completed in 2012-13.

  1. That Council receive and note the report.
  2. That the Communities Sport &Recreation grants for the four subject projects are not resubmitted.
  3. That new Communities Sport &Recreation grant funding opportunities be sought.
  4. That Council defer the three shade structure projects to a future Capital Works Program as appropriate and note that the seating in BurwoodPark will be completed in 2012-13.


There are no attachments for this report.




File No:12/14488

REPORT BY Senior Manager Assets & Design

Council’s approval is being sought to apply for loan funding under the New South Wales Local Infrastructure Renewal Scheme (LIRS) for the amount of $1,000,000 to assist in funding the Burwood Council Infrastructure Renewal Backlog Program.


Council’s approval is being sought to apply for loan funding under the New South Wales Local Infrastructure Renewal Scheme (LIRS) for the amount of $1,000,000 to assist in funding the Burwood Council Infrastructure Renewal Backlog Program.

In January 2012 the State Government announced the Local Infrastructure Renewal Scheme (LIRS) to provide funding assistance for Council’s in dealing with infrastructure backlog projects. The LIRS aims to provide a 4% interest subsidy to assist Councils with a legitimate infrastructure backlog to cover the cost of borrowing. The subsidy aims to provide an incentive to Councils to make greater use of debt funding to accelerate investment in infrastructure backlogs and augment funding options already available to Council.

In accordance with the guidelines Council advised the State Government on 9 February 2012 of its intention to lodge an application for funding. The formal application is due on 30 March 2012.


It is now Council’s intention to formally lodge an application for $1,000,000 by 30 March 2012 for infrastructure improvements outside of the town centre. It should be noted that priority may be given to local roadworks that feed into a regional network.


Consultation with appropriate state government agencies will take place as required.

Planning or Policy Implications

The preparation of the funding application will reference Councils Asset Management Plan and Long Term Financial Plan as part of the Integrated Planning Framework.

Financial Implications

Council’s intention to formally lodge an application for $1,000,000 for infrastructure improvements outside of the town centre would result in the LIRS providing a 4% interest subsidy to assist Councils to cover the cost of borrowing.


It is recommended that Council authorise the General Manager to formally lodge an application for $1,000,000 by 30 March 2012 for infrastructure improvements outside of the town centre and that the General Manager be authorised to sign all appropriate documentation in relation to the New South Wales Local Infrastructure Renewal Scheme (LIRS) for the amount of $1,000,000.

1.That Council authorise the General Manager to formally lodge an application for $1,000,000 by 30 March 2012 for the New South Wales Local Infrastructure Renewal Scheme (LIRS).
2.That the General Manager be authorised under the Power of Attorney to sign all appropriate documentation in relation to the New South Wales Local Infrastructure Renewal Scheme (LIRS) for the amount of $1,000,000.


There are no attachments for this report.