ElectronicNLIS (Sheep & Goats) transition package
Saleyards – phase 2
Funding Application Form
Funding details
The Minister for Agriculture, Jaala Pulford, announced on 24 August 2016 that Victoria will transition to an electronic NLIS (Sheep & Goats), from 1 January 2017.
Funding is available as part of a transition package, which provides a program of support to assist industry to transition to an electronic NLIS (Sheep & Goats).
Two phases of funding are available to saleyards:
Phase 1 funding is available to support the cost of planning and designing infrastructure requirements in saleyards, including any essential saleyard modifications. Applications may include the cost of engaging a consultant or project manager to coordinate the project. Successful applicants will need to produce a report outlining the required infrastructure, essential modifications and estimated costs.Applications close 30 June 2017.
Phase 2 fundingis available to support the cost of purchasing and installing required infrastructure and undertaking essential saleyard modifications. Applicants for phase 2 funding will need to substantiate their requirement by providing a costed plan thatis technically sound,provides value for money and that adequately addresses:
- anticipated risks (for example, equipment redundancy, staff training and saleyard and agent software integration);
- compliance issues (for example, where the agreed ‘action level’ for a mob is not met); and
- data discrepancies (for example, where the solution involves scanning tags more than once).
There are many scenarios associated with tradingsheep at saleyards, including but not limited to, store versus prime sales, splitting and boxing of mobs and small consignments arriving and/or leaving in farm vehicles. The application needs to account for the various operating scenarios for the applicable saleyard.
The Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR), through Agriculture Victoria, is seekingfunding applications from, or on behalf of, saleyards for phase 2 funding.
A separate application form must be completed to apply for phase 1 funding.
Theelectronic NLIS (Sheep & Goats) transition package funding application guidelines provide information on eligibility, how to apply and the process for assessing applications. The guidelines are available at by emailing .
Closing date for phase 2applications: 31 October 2017.
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Summary of funding
Funding is available for specified activities and the purchase of selected types of infrastructure, as described below.
(phase 1 funding) / Planning and design activities (including engaging a project manager and/or consultant) to develop a costed estimate of infrastructure (including hardware and software) and operational requirements.
A separate application form must be completed to apply for phase 1 funding.
Eligible infrastructure to meet
regulatory requirements (phase2 funding) /
- Readers
- Software and associated data logging and data management equipment
- Auto-drafters and installation
- Essential saleyard modifications may be considered.
Exclusions / Computers, laptops, phones and tablets.
Maximum funding available / Determined based on assessment against the core criteria.
Level of co-funding required / No co-investment is required for applications that satisfactorily address the core criteria and demonstrate the requested infrastructure is required to meet the applicant’s regulatory requirements.
Who can apply? / Persons operating a public saleyard at which sheep or goats are sold.
An organisation operating on behalf of more than one saleyard.
Conditions of funding / Successful applicants for phase 2 funding need to report against agreed milestones.
Fields marked (*) are mandatory
*ABN::*ABN entity name:
Trading name:
* Registered for GST: / Yes No
* Businessaddress:
* Town / Suburb: / * Postcode: / * State:
* Is your postal address the same as your business address? / Yes No
* Town / Suburb: / * Postcode: / * State:
* Contact person
Title: / First name: / Last name:
Telephone: / Mobile: / Fax:
Electronic NLIS (Sheep & Goats) transition package – saleyard phase 1 funding applicationPage 1 of 9
Applicant to complete
Detail sheep and goat sales in the 2016 calendar yearSaleyard (name and location) / Property Identification Code (PIC) / Type of sales routinely conducted
e.g. prime or store / Head soldin 2016, for each sale type
(estimated) / Largest number of head soldin 2016, for each sale type
(estimated) / Average sale lot size for each sale type
(estimated) / Number of selling agents / Percentage drafted into sale lots prior to sale
(estimated) / Percentage received from interstate vendors
(estimated) / Percentage purchased by interstate buyers
(estimated) / Other relevant information
Add an additional row for each type of sale
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Proposal details
Separate applications must be submitted for each saleyard.Detailed attachments may be provided containing the information specified below.
- Attach a plan of the saleyard layout
- Detail when and where sheep arrive, where they are drafted into sale lots, where they are sold and where they are taken prior to their departure
- Detail where readers will be placed for the reading of tags, including for stock arriving in farm vehicles
- Detail when, where and how key data (i.e. Property Identification Code (PIC) of consignor, EIDs, number of head, National Vendor Declaration (NVD) serial number and destination PIC) will be recorded and linked.
- Describe how saleyard software will, where necessary, interface with agent software
- Describe the responsibilities, including timelines for completing activities relating to sale days, for parties involved in the proposal
- Describe the likely scenarios where the ‘Action Level’ following the scanning of a mob at the saleyard may not be met -for example, mobs with missing tags
- Detail, for each scenario, what you plan to do to correct a failure to meet the ‘Action Level’
- Describe how data discrepancies will be resolved, for example, where the solution involves scanning tags on more than one occasion, where a buyer rejects one or more animals in a mob or where mobs from different vendors are mixed
- Describe plans to train agents, saleyard staff and transporters
- Detail the redundancy plan, for example, where a reader fails.
Small and infrequently used saleyards may propose a funding model that would enable them to engage a scanning contractor for the sheep sales that they conduct. The scope of the role of the contractor needs to be explained, for example, scanning or scanning and data management, along with the contractor’s proposed approach for the saleyard. Quotations from possible service provider(s)should be submittedwith details of when contractors can commence scanning sheep at sales.
Description- Describe the hardware needed to meet Victorian regulatory requirement(s), including supplier, number of units, model(s) selected; and:
- supplier’s warranty
- supplier’s service commitment
- expected tag reading percentage including any relevant studies, and information on the ability of the equipment to withstand exposure to water, expected temperature ranges and routine ‘wear and tear’.
4. PART A: HARDWARE(continued)
BudgetWritten quotes (three quotes, unless sole supplier) must be submitted with this application.
include brand and model / Cost
($) (excl GST) / Funding requested
($) (excl GST)
Add additional rows if required
Attach quotesDelivery timelines
- What is the expected timeframe required to complete your project?
Key deliverable / Activity / Completion time
(No. of weeks)
Add additional rows if required
Description- Describe the software needed to meet Victorian regulatory requirement(s). (Not required for saleyards planning to use scanning contractors with their own software.)
- Detail the supplier’s warranty and service commitment.
Written quotes (three quotes, unless sole supplier) must be submitted with this application.
include application brand and model / Cost
($) (excl GST) / Funding requested
($) (excl GST)
Add additional rows if required
Attach quotes5. PART B: SOFTWARE(continued)
Delivery timelinesWhat is the expected timeframe required to complete the software component of your project?
Key deliverable / Activity / Completion time
(No. of weeks)
Add additional rows if required
DescriptionDescribe any essential structural modifications to the saleyard required to install required hardware, (Optional for saleyards planning to use scanning contractors)
Written quotes (three quotes, unless sole supplier) must be submitted with this application.
include brand and model / Cost
($) (excl GST) / Funding requested
($) (excl GST)
Add additional rows if required
Description- Describe any project management costs associated with managing/overseeing the acquisition, training and commissioning process.
- Describe how funding for project management will be used
- Outline the expertise of the project manager and support team (where applicable) to deliver this project
BudgetA written quote must be submitted with this application if using a third party for project management.
Description / Cost
($) (excl GST) / Funding requested
($) (excl GST)
Add additional rows if required
Total funding requestedPart A funding requested (excl GST) / $
Part B funding requested (excl GST) / $
Part C funding requested (excl GST) / $
Part D funding requested (excl GST) / $
Delivery timelines
What is the overall expected timeframe required to have equipment and software commissioned and available for routine use, assuming approval to proceed is received by no later than 1 September 2017?
Add additional rows if required
Project risk(s)Outline any current or potential risks which may impact on the successful delivery of this project
Risk / Mitigation strategies / Person responsibleAdd additional row(s) if required
If successful in obtaining funding, you will be required to enter into a legally binding Funding Agreement with DEDJTR and provide reports and detailed funding expenditure against agreed milestones.
As proposed solutions will be assessed on the basis of assessment criteria, DEDJTR, at its discretion, may determine whether a proposed solution, or item within a proposed solution, meets the assessment criteria for funding or not. The department reserves the right to request additional information, including evidence of financial viability, or verification of information provided to confirm its assessment.
Where possible, attachments should be in MS Word format.Attach any documents you wish to provide to support your application.
List all documents attached to your application. /
Please email any questions to:
While applications may be lodged electronically or by post, electronic lodgement is preferred. The application form and any attachments should be in MS Word format wherever possible.
Send your application:
By email:
By post:Transition Package Application
Agriculture Victoria
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources
475 Mickleham Road
If mailing your application please provide both a hard copy (printed copy) and a soft copy (as electronic documents on a USB stick).
Applicant Declaration
I state that the information in this application and attachments is to the best of my knowledge true and correct. I will notify DEDJTR of any changes to this information and any circumstances that may affect this application.
In submitting this application, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the relevant Funding Guidelines and requirements.
I acknowledge that DEDJTR may refer this application to external experts or other Government Departments for assessment, reporting, advice, comment or for discussions regarding alternative or collaborative grant funding opportunities.
I understand that DEDJTR is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and that if a Freedom of Information request is made, DEDJTR will consult with the applicant before any decision is made to release the application or supporting documentation.
I understand that this is an application only and may not necessarily result in funding approval. I understand that if this application is successful, that funding will be subject to terms and conditions set out in an agreement with the Department.
Where I am making an application on behalf of an organisation, I declare that I am an authorised representative of the organisation and have the legal capacity to act on behalf of the organisation nominated in this application when providing this declaration and submitting this application.
Signature: / Date:Print name: / Position:
To be signed by a person with delegated authority to apply.
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