‘Self’ Poster
You are required to make an A3 poster that represents what makes you YOU! To do this you will need to show your results from each of the psychological tests you have performed during the unit.
Make sure you check the assessment rubric to make sure you get the best possible marks.
Excellent / Very Good / Good / Satisfactory / Not SatisfactoryNervous System / The structure AND function of each part of the brain has clearly been shown / The structures of each part of the brain and some functions have clearly been shown. / The brain has been shown and some structures and their main functions have been labelled. / The brain and spinal chord has been shown. / No representation of the nervous System has been shown
Dominant Side:
Body / Dominant side has been shown for each body part, with explanation of results / Dominant side has been shown for each body part. / Dominant side has been shown for some body parts. / Dominant side has been shown for only one part of the body. / No representation of the dominant side of the body has been shown
Personality / Both personality types have been shown, with detailed description of personality traits / Both personality types have been shown, with description of some personality traits / Both personality types have been shown and attempt made to describe personality traits / Both ‘Eysenick’ and ‘MBTI’ personality types have been shown. / Only one or no representation of personality types has been shown
Intelligence / Both IQ & Multiple Intelligences Strengths have been with detailed description of characteristics / Both IQ & Multiple Intelligences Strengths have been with description of some characteristics / Both IQ & Multiple Intelligences Strengths have been shown and attempt made to describe their characteristics / Both IQ and Multiple Intelligences Strengths have been shown / Only one or no representation of intelligence has been shown
Presentation / All work is written in student’s own words / Attempt has been made to write work in student’s own words. / Entire work is copied or not in student’s own words
Work is presented clearly and a combination of text and images has been used to show understanding / Work is presented clearly and easily understood but mainly text has been used. / Work presented is somewhat clear, but at times not easily understood. / Work presented is confusing and not easy to read or understand.