This electronic supplementary material (ESM) of Helin et al. (2013) lists all the characterisation factors applied in this study and includes graphic illustrations of the results from all individual impact indicators and categories. Please cite to the original article Helin et al. (2013) when referring to this material.
List of characterisation factors
All the characterisation factors applied in the impact assessment phase of this case study, with the exception of GWPbio-100 factors used for climate (and present in Table 1 of main article), can be found in the Excel-spreadsheet attached below.
Graphic illustrations of indicator results
Case study results are presented in the main article in tabulated format (Table 2). All the result can be found in graphic format in the Figs. S1-S8 below.
Inventory results and resource (pressure) indicators
Fig. S 1. Land occupation and transformation inventory flows in the studied solid biofuels
Fig. S 2. Comparison of land occupation inventory flows and results of ecological footprint/land use footprint indicator for the studied solid biofuels
Fig. S 3. Results of human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP) indicator for the studied solid biofuels
Impact indicators on ecosystem services
Fig. S 4a. BPP indicator results including all forest management scenarios, both barley harvest scenarios and the sensitivity analysis to LUC in reed canary grass production. RCG = reed canary grass
Fig. S 4b. Results of erosion resistance potential (ERP) indicator for the studied solid biofuels
Fig. S 5. Results of freshwater regulation potential (FWRP) indicator for the studied solid biofuels
Fig. S 6. Results of both water purificaton potential indicators, mechanical filtration (WPP-MF) and physiochemical filtration (WPP-PCF) for the studied solid biofuels
Fig. S 7. Results of 100 year global warming potential via impacts on terrestrial C cycle (GWPbio-100) indicator for the studied solid biofuels
Impact indicators on biodiversity
Fig. S 8. Results of biodiversity damage potential (BDP) and Potentially lost non-endemic species (PLES) indicators for the studied solid biofuels