El Dorado 9th Grade Academy

14400 Pebble Hills Blvd

El Paso, TX 79938

(915) 937-9400

CIT Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

ED9 Principal’s Conference Room

4:15 p.m.

Meeting commenced at approximately 4:15 p.m.

Members present:

Aida Ritchey / Assistant Principal
Andrea Luevano / Math Dept. Chair
Emily Thompson / SCEI Coach
Francisco Ayala / P.E.
Janice Briones / CIS
Jessica Lopez / English Dept.
Jessica Pussman / SCEI Coach
Jody Miranda / IT/CTE
Karina Cataldi / Counselor
Oscar Porras / History Dept. Chair
Patricia Cuevas / Assistant Principal
Troy Byrne / Principal
Venessa Holguin / Science Dept. Chair

1.  SAFETY: (Troy Byrne)

  1. Discussed current issues regarding safety at ED9
  2. Visibility and diligence at all times
  3. Whistles for teachers

2.  Saturday School / Intersession Remediation: (Troy Byrne)

  1. Outcome of English enrichment
  2. World Geography: Questioning and test-taking skills
  3. Biology: Project-based
  4. Algebra: Dependent, independent, intercepts
  5. ELAR: Rubric, peer evaluation, continue reviewing literary, expository writing
  6. Possible Timeline: Intersession both weeks from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Monday – Friday
  7. Core content to discuss next steps for cross-curricular enrichment during intersession on Monday, February 25th during PLC

3.  Teacher Self-Reports: (Troy Byrne)

  1. Sections II and III will be due shortly
  2. Utilize as an opportunity to showcase current best practices being used

4.  2013-2014 Calendar: (Troy Byrne)

  1. Similar to current calendar
  2. Employee calendar availability anticipated soon

5.  AP Text Resources Available: (Troy Byrne)

I.  AP Human Geography

II.  AP Biology

III.  AP English

6.  Dual Credit at ED9: (Troy Byrne)

I.  Encourage departments to pursue Masters degree in order to offer dual credit to students

7.  TELPAS: (Patricia Cuevas)

I.  Training taking place Thursday, February 21, 2013 during PLC

II.  Two elective teachers with each house team

8.  EOC Test Administration Training: (Aida Ritchey)

I.  Training taking place Monday, March 4, 2013 during PLC

9.  Day Without Shoes: (Oscar Porras)

  1. January 19th event was a success

II.  Next Day Without Shoes scheduled for April 10, 2013

III.  Possible awareness: sponsor a student for a donation that will contribute to the purchase of a pair of shoes. Partnership with Sam’s Club.

Meeting concluded at approximately 5:35 p.m.

Next CIT Meeting:

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

4:15 p.m.

Principal’s Conference Room