Fill in the STUDENT ID NUMBER section with your own eight-digit student code, and then the TEST ID section with the four-digit code for this exam (1006), followed by a digit for your level of Latin (1 for Latin I, 2 for Latin 2 etc. Latin 5 and up students should enter 5). Fill in completely the space of the answer sheet corresponding to the answer for each question. Do not write on the exam itself.
- Apollo was born on
a. Lesbos b. Delos c. Keos d. Naxos
- It was ______who fell in love with her stepson.
a. Phaedra b. Hippolyta c. Scylla d. Dido
- Who is the father of Circe?
a. Zeus b. Apollo c. Helios d. Perseus
- Who of the following was killed by his own wife?
a. Agamemnon b. Achilles c. Ajax d. Aeneas
- Hermes is associated with
a. earthquakes b. volcanos c. thunderbolts d. thieves
- ______is the god who shakes the earth.
a. Hades b. Ares c. Poseidon d. Hephaestus
- ______defeated Atalanta in a race with the help of Aphrodite.
a. Jason b. Milanion c. Hermes d. Achilles
- Athena is not associated with
a. war b. law-courts c. wisdom d. prophecy
- The Romans called Aphrodite
a. Minerva b. Juno c. Venus d. Diana
- Which of the following isa virgin goddess?
a. Leto b. Persephone c. Demeter d. Hestia
- Whomdoes Pentheus refuse to worship?
a. Zeus b. Adonis c. Dionysus d. Demeter
- Echowas transformed into
a. A cow b. an owl c. a voice d. a donkey
- ______had one eye and ate people.
a. Lykaon b. Tantalus c. Tereus d. Polyphemus
- Mezentius was
a. Trojan b. Rutulian c. Arcadian d. Etruscan
- Echo fell in love with
a. Adonis b. Cupid c. Narcissus d. Achilles
- Who lost a weaving contest with Athena?
a. Niobe b. Arachne c. Daedalus d. Penelope
- ______stole fire from the gods.
a. Epimethius b. Autolycus c. Promethius d. Sisyphus
- Which Greek hero does Helen not describe to Priam?
a. Achilles b. Odysseus c. Agamemnon d. Ajax
- Minos, father of Ariadne, married
a. Phaedra b. Pasiphae c. Medea d. Hippodameia
- Phaethon was the son of
a. Helios b. Apollo c. Zeus d. Hermes
- Which hero was not trained by the centaur Chiron?
a. Peleus b. Jason c. Cadmus d. Achilles
- Who was the mother of Oedipus?
a. Hera b. Jocasta c. Eurydice d. Antigone
- Apollo’s priestess at Cumae was
a. Cassandra b. Sibyl c. Pythia d. Marpessa
- To escape Apollo, Daphne was transformed into a
a. man b. laurel tree c. constellation d. nightingale
- What didn’t Hermes do on the day he was born?
a. Meet with Zeus b. Talk to a turtle c. Steal cattle d. Weave sandals of wicker
- Three of the following are sons of Priam. Who is not?
a. Helenus b. Hector c. Paris d. Aeneas
- What is not true about Medea?
a. She killed her own father b. She flew away in a chariot drawn by dragons
c. She killed her own children d. She killed her own half-brother
- What is not true about Odysseus?
a. He was the father of Telemachus b. He was the son of Laertes
c. He was the husband of Penelope d. He was the king of Athens
- Which of the following places did the Sphinx threaten?
a. Delphi b. Eleusis c. Athens d. Thebes
- Which of the following heroes went into the Underworld and came back?
a. Perseus b. Achilles c. Oedipus d. Heracles
- Philomela was abducted by
a. Zeus b. Heracles c. Tereus d. her own husband
- Which of these is not a son of Zeus?
a. Ares b. Apollo c. Atlas d. Hermes
- The seer Tiresias does notappear as a character in
a.Medea b. Oedipus Rex c. The Odysseyd. The Bacchae
- Which animal nursed Romulus and Remus?
a. Wolf b. Tigress c. Chimpanzeed. Kraken
- The Lapiths fought the
a. Titans b. Trojans c. Persians d. Centaurs
- Which pair of brothers fought over Thebes?
a. Romulus and Remus b. Eteocles and Polynices c. Castor and Pollux d. Agamemnon and Menelaus
- ______is the leader of the Greeks at Troy.
a. Agamemnon b. Achilles c. Ajax d. Odysseus
- Which goddess helped design the Argo?
a. Aphrodite b. Thetis c. Athena d. Hera
- Which Homeric hero wounded both Aphrodite and Ares in the Iliad?
a. Diomedes b. Achilles c. Menelaus d. Patroclus
- Several heroes wanted the armor of Achilles. Who got it in the end?
a. Ajax b. Menelaus c. Odysseus d. Phoenix
- Who was the wife of Aeneas in Troy?
a. Helen b. Penelope c. Thetis d. Creusa
- ______, son of Agamemnon, avenged his father.
a. Telemachus b. Orestes c. Polynices d. Neoptolemus
- Bellerophon slew
a. The Nemean Lionb. The Chimaeran c. The Pegasus d. Heracles
- Which is not one of Heracles’ Twelve Labors?
a. The Arcadian Bearb. The Lernean Hydra c. The Erymanthian Boar d. The Horses of Diomedes
- Who is not one of Zeus’s women?
a. Io b. Leda c. Thetis d. Alcmena
- Which of the following is one of the labors of Jason?
a. Planting a field with fire-breathing bulls b. Cleaning a stable with man-eating horses
c. Killing the Minotaur d. Bringing back the head of Medusa
- Which creatures tormented the seer, Phineus?
a. Sirens b. Harpies c. Goblins d. Furies
- ______rescued Andromeda from the sea monster.
a. Perseus b. Poseidon c. Jason d. Theseus
- Tantalus was condemned in the Underworld to
a. rolla huge rock up a hill b. never eat or drink
c. be bound to a revolving wheel d. have his liver devoured by vultures
- At the end of the Aeneid, Aeneas defeated
a. Camilla b. Turnus c. Mezentius d. Messapus