Spy Games;

-Eisenhower mainly relied on brinkmanship, this tactic didn’t always work.

-Brinkmanship prevented war but didn’t prevent communist from starting revolutions within countries.

-Covert; hidden, operations conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

-CIA’s operations took place in developing nations: nations with primarily agricultural economies

-Countries blamed European imperialism and American capitalism for their problems.

- Leaders looked to the soviet union as a model to industrialize their countries
-threatened to nationalize/put under government Control foreign business operating in countries
-a way to stop developing nations, into communist camp is to provide them Financial aid
-Eisenhower tried in Egypt
-CIA ran covert operations to overthrow anti-American leaders and replace them with pro-American leaders when the threat of communism seemed stronger

- Ex of covert operations achieved American objectives; Iran & Guatemala
- 1953: Iranian prime minister Mahammed Mossadegh nationalized Anglo Iranion oil comp.
wanted to make oil deal with soviet union
- Pro- American shah of Iran, Tried to force Massadegh out of office, failed and fled

-CIA Sent agents, organized street riots, in hopes that it would oust Massadegh & return the Shah to power

-CIA intervened in Guatemala

1950: Communist support Jacob Arbenz Guzman elected president

-1951: Guzman assumed office

- Land reform program took over large estates & plantations & American- owned United Fruit Comp.

-May 1954: Communist Czechoslovakians delivered arms

- CIA armed Guatemalan opposition & trainings at secret camps in Nicaragua & Honduras

- Forces invaded Guatemala, Guzman left office


-Stalin died in 1953

-1956 Nikita Khruschev emerged Soviet leader

- Nikita attacked Stalin’s policies in a speech, many ways to build communist society

- CIA obtained copy of speech, gave it throughout Europe & world

- June 1956: Riots erupt in Eastern Europe.

- Late October: Full scale uprising in Hungary.

- Khrushchev tolerated greater freedoms in Eastern Europe, but did not imply that soviets would tolerate end of communism

-After uprising began, Soviet tanks rolled in Hungary & crushed rebellion


- President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt also used cover operations.
- he worked with Jordan and Syria on spreading the pan-Arabism
- pan-Arabism- the belief that the Arab people should be united under one nation.
- Eisenhower was worried that Nasser was setting the base for the Middle East to be under soviet control
-1957: Eisenhower asked congress to authorize the use of military forces whenever the president sought fit to aid the middle east that were resisting communism. (Policy called the Eisenhower Doctrine)
-fears were right
-left-wing rebels were believed to have been backed be Nasser and the soviets
-5,000 U.S. Troops were sent
- after situation stabilized the U.S. Withdrew their troops.


-1960 the Soviet Union shot down an American U-2 plane.
- Eisenhower denied it.
-Eisenhower then refused to apologize saying that, that flight protected American security.
-Khrushchev broke up the piece summit.

1) Why did Eisenhower direct the CIA to use covert operations?
2) What was the Eisenhower Doctrine?
3) In what year did the U-2 Spy plane shot down by the soviet union?
4) What does the CIA stand for?
5) In what types of countries did the CIA mainly have covert involvement in?