Sustainability Scavenger Hunt
Welcome to Luther! We hope you enjoy learning a bit more about sustainability initiatives on campus! Please complete the scavenger hunt and return to Maren Beard in Valders 372C (leave in the box outside of her office if she’s not there). Free KleanKanteens are available for everyone who completes the scavenger hunt!
- Use Google and members of the campus community for clues if you are stumped.
- Complete in alone or in a small group.
- Scavenger hunt does not need to be completed in order. Feel free to skip around, as long as you get to all of them.
- Take photos of the items or with the items (selfies) to bring back.
- Return to Maren Beard in Valders 372C (Center for Sustainable Communities)
- Like/Follow Luther Sustainability on Facebook, Instagram and/or Snapchat and tag us in a post/photo from the scavenger hunt.
- The thing that produces 30% of campus electricity
- Luther has reduced its carbon footprint ____% and has the goal of carbon neutrality by the year _____.
- Find the place that creates hot water and heat for campus.
- The group of buildings on campus that are entirely powered by the sun and earth (hint: student residence).
- The only building on central campus with solar pv on the roof. While you are there, read the sign in the entrance to this building to learn more.
- The only building on central campus with geothermal technology (hint: academic building). While you are there read the sign in the entrance to that building to learn more.
- The building that you think consumes the most energy.
- Luther’s only LEED certified building. While you are there, read the sign next to the LEED plaque to learn more. Take photos of 2 green features of the building.
- Luther produces a lot of renewable energy from the sun and wind. When do you think is the best time to charge your electronic devices on campus, given the source of some of our electricity? (written response) ______.
- What are three ways that you can conserve energy during your time at Luther? (photos of someone in the group taking the recommended actions).
- Compost bin closest to your room.
- A plastic film recycling receptacle.
- A place where you can drop off or pick up free reused office supplies
- The place on campus that provides free recycled notepads.
- Luther coordinates move out waste diversion efforts each May. This year we sent ___% less solid waste to the landfill than 5 years ago.
- Big blue recycling roll-off bin closest to the res hall building of someone in your group.
- Dumpster closest to one of your res halls and identify 2 things that could have been diverted to recycling or composting.
- Names of three thrift stores in Decorah: 1) 2) 3)
- What are three ways that you can reduce waste in your life during your time at Luther?
- Three locally produced food or beverage items available in campus dining locations (Oneota Market, Cafeteria, Marty’s, Nordic Brew, Sunnyside). Also write them here:
- Photo of an edible landscape. Pick a treat and eat it. What did you find and where did you find it? (list below)
- Where are the Luther Student Gardens located? Who grows food there? Where is it sold?
- Lisa Scott’s office (new Vice President for Equity and Inclusion)
- Diversity Center
- Gender inclusive restroom
- Three things you can do to be more inclusive and welcoming to someone who is different than you:
- What is one way that each of you experiences some sort of advantage in your life because of your gender, sexual orientation, race or class? Think about this on your own or discuss as a group.
- Luther’s Electric Vehicle Charging Station
- Bike Share Bikes
- Is your bike registered in Decorah? If not, visit the Welcome Desk to register today for free.
- Bike rack closest to your earliest class.
Land Stewardship
- Flower in an on campus prairie
- Only parking lot on campus that is permeable
- Rain garden
- The slope that is being restored on central campus
- Floodplain
- Upper Iowa River
- The levee protecting Luther from the river
- A water bottle filling station on campus.
- A gender inclusive restroom
- The Diversity Center
- What are two things that you think Luther could do to be a more sustainable campus?