Press Release EIMA Show n. 3/2017

EIMA Show Umbria: a wide-ranging project

The bodies organizing the EIMA Show - the event dedicated to technologies for precision farming scheduled for July 28 and 29 in Casalina di Deruta - represent the public administration at its highest level, the scientific world, the economic and commercial world, and the professional organizations of the sector. The partnership among these bodies is formed with the intent of creating a “system” in the region that may promote innovation, and support, also in the future, informative and educational initiatives.

In short, the partners involved in the project are:

FederUnacoma surl is the service company of the the Italian Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers Federation, the trade association member of Confindustria. Its associates are about 300 manufacturers of machinery and equipment for agriculture and gardening and relative components. For about thirty years now EIMA Show has been organized by FederUnacoma both in Italy and abroad; the event is based on dynamic and field tests of machinery and equipment for soil tillage.

Coldiretti Umbria represents about 15,000 companies and is present in the region with the Regional Federation and the Federation of Perugia and Terni. Coldiretti, with its 16 local offices, six branch offices and offices of correspondence in the various municipalities of Umbria, is today the agricultural organization that is most representative of the region. Coldiretti Umbria acts as an interlocutor with political, economic and social institutions in the region, promoting a varied agriculture in all the main productive sectors.

UmbriaFiere spa is the main trade fair organization of the Umbria Region. The broad experience acquired with the organization of Agriumbria - which constitutes a success case at a national level, attracting a great number of visitors from every region in the country - make UmbriaFiere the ideal interlocutor for staging events and implementing the relative logistics.

The University of Perugia, with its 43 bachelor degree courses and single-cycle degree programmes, ranks among the best universities in Italy.

The Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences is the feather in the cap of the university: its didactic and research activities are aimed at improving knowledge of modern agriculture, not only in order to meet the technical needs of production, but also to guarantee safe and high-quality food, to protect the environment and the landscape, to organize and manage the economic and cultural development of the territorial systems.

The Foundation for Agrarian Education in Perugia manages plots of land that cover an area of more than 2000 hectares, constituting one of the largest companies in Umbria. Under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, the Foundation supports research and education in the sector of agrarian sciences, and is responsible for the custody and preservation of the monumental assets of the complex of Saint Peter’s in Perugia, and of its heritage that has been declared of historical and artistic interest. The body promotes, in collaboration with the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, initiatives in archival, paleographical, historical and artistic fields.

The Ce.S.A.R. (Center for the Agricultural and Rural Development) carries out research activities, studies and consultancy aimed at enhancing the social and economic aspects of the territory, implementing measures that favour sustainable development. The Center has numerous accreditations, such as the one with Umbria Region for training courses financed by EU funds (FSE, FEASR); also, it is recognized as International Training Centre by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Bastia Umbra, March 31, 2017