Research Projects Video Documentary

January 30, 2012

Dear Parents and Students:

We are beginning a major project in Research Projects. This project will be the basis of your child's grade third quarter and will be part of the fourth quarter grade as well. Students will be researching a topic of their choosing, and then they will create a 12 to 15 minute documentary on that topic using many forms of technology.

Students will be divided into groups of 2, 3, or 4 people to research and produce a documentary video. The group members and subject matter will be of the students' choosing, however the subject must be something that can be researched, must be a topic that has some importance to the broader community, and must be approved by me. The final project will be a DVD documentary video about the topic chosen by the group that includes all of the elements listed below. The video taping and editing will be done both in class and at home. Students will learn how to edit and produce movies using software available at school. The final project will be dueduring the fourth quarter, on May 24th, so the students will have 31/2 months to complete this project. They will work in pairs or groups of 3 or 4 with people of their own choosing. Each group will choose a topic and have the topic approved by me. I have included a schedule and due dates on the next sheet.

It is my desire that the students use authentic research skills to discover more about a topic of interest and then create a real life documentary that will be of interest to others. In doing this, they will be researchers, writers, and producers. They will be involved in self-evaluation, as well as peer and expert evaluation of the finished products. We will be planning an evening event to showcase the work that the students will have done, so that everyone can enjoy their documentaries.

Please sign and return this form with your child by Tuesday, February 7, 2012.

Thank you,

Lorri Vallone

Gifted Education Teacher

My Child's Name:

Topic Chosen:

Group Members working with my child:

I have read the instructions and discussed the project, topic, and group members with my child. I understand the due dates and that this project will be the primary basis of my child's grade in Research Projects.

Parent's Signature:


Documentary Video Project

Why do I have to do this??

Research shows that projects involving student video production have the potential to motivate student learning in deep and meaningful ways, providing opportunities for them to reflect on their experiences and construct their own learning. Video production requires integration of aural, oral, textual, gestural, spatial, and multimodal communications, and language required to communicate about images, music, motion, and film.

Participation in video production projects provides opportunities for students to develop a variety of skills, including critical viewing skills, language and communication skills, observation and investigation skills, collaborative learning skills, thinking, reasoning, and problem solving skills, project management and organizational skills, and visioning and analytical skills.

Video production is interactive, immersive, and student centered. It helps students build skills across the curriculum while developing greater understanding in the given content area.

Students enjoy producing and publishing their work for an audience. Publication in turn provides more opportunities for interaction and feedback.

From "Creating and Assessing Video Assignments"

Studio 204 © Copyright 2005, The Pennsylvania State University

Documentary Video Requirements

All documentaries will be research based

All sources must be cited in the credits

Documentaries will all have a simple outline

From the outline, a script will be developed

Using the script, the group will develop a shot sheet or story board

Videos must be accurate with credits given for all sources used

  • Videos must incorporate artwork and/or graphics, such as pictures, drawings, maps, charts, or graphs to enhance the production
  • There must be intro and exit music
  • Other background music may be added to some pieces of the video
  • All documentaries must contain transitions and appropriate editing
  • Documentaries must contain video from more than one source, i.e. camera and internet source
  • Documentaries must contain still photos
  • All students must take an active role in the production of the video, both on and off camera
  • On camera characters or interviews may include others who are not in the group or class
  • Creativity is very important! Use appropriate humor and language!
  • Have fun!

Instructional Schedule

Wednesday, February 1Begin selecting group and topic

Tuesday, February 7Group Members and topic due/assign duties/begin research

Wednesday, February 17Written Topic overview due

Friday, February 28Source cards due

Wednesday, March 7General outline due

Thursday, March 15Research and Citations due

Wednesday, March 21Rough draft of script due

Thursday, March 29Finished script due

Wedneday, April 4Storyboard or shot sheet due/Begin video taping

Thursday, April 26B Roll video complete; begin editing process

Thursday, May 10Video check-rough video due

Thursday, May 24Final Video Due

Tueday, May 29Video screening by class-Celebration