In this section, you must enter in block letters your name or that of your enterprise as it figures in the Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation (MAPAQ) registration file, your complete address, Social Insurance Number (SIN) or Québec Enterprise Number (NEQ), as well as your Department Identification Number (NIM).
Name of the person or enterprise as entered in MAPAQ’s registration file / MunicipalitySocial Insurance Number (SIN)* of the person named above, where applicable, orthe Québec Enterprise Number (NEQ). You must enter one of these two numbers. / Department Identification Number (NIM)
Mailing address / Name of main respondent
*Important: All natural persons must provide their SIN in order to participate in the farm property tax credit program (PCTFA). The SIN is confidential information protected under the Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information.
SECTION 2. DECLARATION OF THE OPERATOR CONCERNING THE PHOSPHORUS REPORTIf you are anoperator (owner or tenant), you must check off the statement that matches the situation that describes the raising or spreading sites that you operate. If you are not sure about your situation, contact the Ministère du Développement Durable, de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les Changements Climatiques (MDDELCC) directly at (418) 644-8844 or toll-free 1-877-775-1745.
You must also enable the statement to be corroboratedby authorizing MAPAQ and MDDELCCto exchange all information about your farm operation. Lastly, you must agree to update the declaration if the situation of your agricultural operation changes.
Among the three following statements, check off the one that represents your situation with regard to the raising and spreading sites that you operate.
- I do not operate either a raising or a spreading site within the meaning of the Agricultural Operations Regulation.
- I operate a raising or a spreading site or sites within the meaning of the Agricultural Operations Regulation, but none of them are subject to the obligation provided for in section 35 of the Regulation to have an annual phosphorus report for this site/these sites for the year for which the application was made.
- I operate a raising or spreading site or sites subject to the obligation provided for in section 35 of the Agricultural Operations Regulation to have a phosphorus report for the spreading site or sites for the year for which the application to participate in PCTFA was made. If this is the case, answer "yes" or "no" to the two following statements:
- I transmitted, by the deadline prescribed in section 35.1 of the Agricultural Operations Regulation, the annual phosphorus report required for all raising or spreading sites contemplated in this Regulation and that form part of my agricultural operation;
- I have, at the beginning of every growing season and for all the season, cultivated parcels that correspond to the total area required for the purpose of spreading, in accordance with section 20 or 20.1 of the Agricultural Operations Regulation, as the case may be.
Important:Pursuant to section 13 of the Regulation respecting the registration of agricultural operations and the payment of property taxes and compensations, your statement concerning the phosphorus report must be corroborated by MDDELCC;if not, your agricultural operation will not be eligible for PCTFA. In order to do this and to facilitate processing of your application, please sign the consent in Section 3 authorizing MAPAQ and MDDELCCto share all information about your agricultural operation and deemed necessary for corroboration of the statement in Section 2.
SECTION 3. CONSENT CONCERNING THE EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION BETWEEN MDDEFP AND MAPAQThis section only concerns the operator. In order to enable MDDELCCto corroborate your statement concerning the phosphorus report, please sign the consent to the exchange of information between MDDELCCand MAPAQ in your capacity as the operator.
I authorize the Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation (MAPAQ) and the Ministère du Développement Durable, de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les Changements Climatiques (MDDELCC) to share all information, including, where applicable, personal information concerning my agricultural operation and deemed necessary for corroboration of the statement in Section 2. This consent is valid for the duration of my registration but may be cancelled at any time upon written notice to MAPAQ.X
Signature of operator / Name in block letters / Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
I declare that information provided in this form is true.
Signature of operator / Name in block letters / Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
Please mail or fax the duly completed and signed form to:
Postal address:Programme de crédit de taxes foncières agricoles
Direction de la planification et des programmes
Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation
200, chemin Sainte-Foy, 1er étage
Québec (Québec) G1R 4X6
Fax: (418)380-2172