Eighth Grade Composition
Deer Creek Middle School
Mrs. Kristin Nelson
The eighth grade composition course will focus on developing the standards of writing, speaking, listening, and language.
Required Supplies:
-Notebook for composition journal
-Binder with tab dividers
-Loose leaf notebook paper (to be kept in binder)
-Grading pens (red or blue)
-While not required, it would be very beneficial for you to have a USB flash drive for saving documents
Bell Work Journal Entries:
-Students will write in some form every day. At the beginning of each class period, students will complete a bell work journal entry. This could include responding to a prompt, picture, music, quote, or free writing. Bell work journal entry quizzes will be given randomly to ensure that students are writing consistently. Students who are absent should check with a classmate in order to complete the bell work journal entry from when they were not present. Completing missed entries is entirely the students' responsibility.
Daily Work:
-The majority of assignments will be completed in class. Daily work includes any assignments given and completed during class time.
-Occasionally students will be assigned homework to practice mastery of a targeted objective. Also, any work not finished during class time will be considered homework and is due at the beginning of the next class period unless otherwise stated (See homework policy below).
-With a few exceptions, each Thursday students will take a spelling/vocabulary quiz. This will require students to spell and define vocabulary words taught at the beginning of week. Weekly spelling words and definitions will be posted on my website well in advance. Other quizzes covering various concepts will be given as necessary.
-Tests will be given at the end of each nine week period and any other time at the teacher’s discretion. Any material covered during that time frame may be on the test. A study guide will always be provided in advance. (See retake policy below).
-All major essay assignments are considered projects. Students spend a great deal of time carrying out the stages of the writing process and working in cooperative groups, so most essay assignments can be completed during class time. However, there are times when students will need to revise, edit, or complete essay assignments at home. In addition to generating essays, students will produce an extensive poetry project after the state writing test.
Grading Policy:
40% - Bell Work Journal Entries, Daily Work, Homework, and Quizzes
60% - Tests and Projects
Homework Policy:
My expectation is that homework will be completed when assigned. If a student does not have his/her assignment on the day it is due (usually the next class period) and turns it in one day late, the grade will be “grade earned” minus 20 points. If the assignment is two or more days late the student will receive half credit
Retake Policy:
Any student scoring below a 70% on a test will be required to retake the test within a one week window. Prior to retaking the test, the student must complete and turn in a qualifying assignment (provided by me). This will be designed to help the student reexamine the information in hopes of bettering his/her performance.
Behavior Policy:
Each student is expected to follow the rules adopted by the Deer Creek School Board. These rules are listed in the Deer Creek Parent/Student Handbook.
Roles and Responsibilities:
-Be in class on time with all supplies necessary and be prepared to put forth 100% effort and participation in class.
-Be respectful to yourself, your materials, your classmates and your teacher.
-Be proactive if you are absent; check my website and talk to me if you have any questions.
I am looking forward to a great school year. I am excited about working together to further develop essential skills necessary for high school and beyond. I encourage you to check my website (web address listed at the top of this syllabus or easily accessible from DCMS website) regularly for important information and updates, and please feel free to email me with any comments, questions, or concerns.
8th Grade Composition – Mrs. Nelson
After reviewing the syllabus, please complete and return this form as soon as possible.
I understand Mrs. Nelson’s expectations and agree to follow all the rules and procedures in Mrs. Nelson’s class as well as all of the school rules as outlined in the DCMS students handbook.
Student Name (print first and last) ______
Student Signature:______
Parent/Guardian Name(s) (print first and last) ______
Parent/Guardian Signature:______
Parent Contact Information:
It is important that I know the best ways to contact you. Please provide the below information. This is for my use only.
Phone number:______
Please list any allergies/health/medical issues that I should know about your child: