Eighteenth meeting of the tenth Senate was called to order at 5:00 pm on Tuesday February 28, 2012.
There were 32 senators present. Senator Crowley moved to approve minutes from last week. Passed.
Officer reports
President Billy Stephens
Elections are March 27-28 and the applications are online. Remember that all senators are up for reelection. The SGA sponsored baseball game is March 25. Have fun on spring break!
Executive Vice President Kendrick Bryan
I urge you to vote in favor of the transcript vouchers. We are trying to figure out a way to pay for conventions in September.
Administrative Vice President Devon Hilderbrandt
Org aid is on Wednesday and Thursday at the same times as usual. If you are interested in AVP please come to org aid. We have a bill up for first read. Be careful on spring break.
Speaker Kaylee Egerer
If you came in late make sure you talk to Rachel. Remember that you all need to apply for senate for next year and the application is due Friday.
Staff Reports
Chief of Staff- Katie Stillwell
We got out of our meeting not too long ago. I was really impressed with Michael Crowe and Howard Bailey as they received our criticisms well. They also requested a follow up meeting for this summer about social media policy. There are lots of new people up for appointments so be sure to say hello.
Director of Academic and Student Affairs -Travis Taylor
The HODS application is online so be sure to tell any seniors you know about it and have them apply.
IT Director- Cory Dodds
Last night the new version of the off campus website was changed. Better functionality and increased aesthetics were part of the new website. I encourage people to visit the website which is our project and it has some good listings.
Director of Public Relations- Jane Wood
I am working on posters for elections, the baseball game, and handouts for our new housing website. If you have any suggestions feel free to email me.
Committee Reports
Campus Improvements-Keyana Boka
We will be discussing the campus safety walk and campus clean up and will meet here after the meeting.
Public Relations- Mallory Treece
We will have a short meeting outside after senate.
Academic Affairs- Brittany Crowley
We have two bills up for second read. Our committee will be meeting at 4:45 on Thursday and will be looking at more scholarships.
Legislative Research- Eileen Forsythe
No meeting this week so have a safe spring break.
Student Affairs- Natalie Broderick
I hope you guys were able to make it to healthy days, they had lots of freebies. Brief meeting down the hall after senate.
Special Reports
University Athletic Committee
Speaker Egerer: We discussed Harper’s new position and the new head of the University Athletic Committee. They will also be releasing the football schedule soon.
Presidential appointments
Senators at large: Kevin Adams, JD Shadburne, Hayley Wilkins, Catherine Havel, Richard Crumbie, Tori Conyers
Senator Shaw motioned to suspend the by-laws to move Presidential appointments into approvals. Passed.
Senator Mullins motioned to approve the senators at large. Passed.
Senator Costa motioned to move back into the by-laws. One senator opposed. Passed.
Unfinished Business
Bill 3-12-S: Transcript Voucher Pilot Program
Senator Broderick moved to have the bill constructively read. One senator opposed. Passed.
Cory Dodds: The way this program would work is that a student would come to our office to get a voucher. Then they would take it to the registrar to get a free transcript. We have arranged a total of 175 transcripts limiting two per student that will be good until May 31. We will only pay for those redeemed. I hope it is successful and will need to purchase more in the future.
Senator Shaw: Two friendly amendments:February 28 should be the date by second read. Also, the whereas clause should be moved down.
Senator Boka: When will this program begin?
Cory Dodds: The Monday following spring break.
Bill 4-12-S: Study Away Scholarships
Senator Crowley: This bill allocates $500 from general senate to the study away office to make five $100 scholarships for students. The people in their office choose the scholars and then we approve it.
Senator Shaw: Do we allocate this every semester?
Kendrick Bryan: This is a pilot program so next year you can look at it.
Speaker Egerer: Is SGA’s name still on the scholarships?
Kendrick Bryan: I believe it says SGA study away scholarship.
Senator Shaw: Is this how we always do study away? Is this a new way?
Senator Crowley: This is the only the first year that we have done this so next year it will be up to the new committee head.
Senator Shaw: I recommend this bill as it is a good idea to do it through their office. They are intimately aware of study away and there is such a broad range The Academic Affairs could cover. Academic affairs would be well served to tackle issues like course shopping and leave scholarships to other offices.
Bill 5-12-S: Scholar Development Grant Award & Study Abroad Award Allocations
Senator Shaw moved to have the bill constructively read. One senator opposed and one abstained. Passed.
Senator Crowley: We have one study abroad winner on this bill because the application did not get processed last semester. The rest are for scholar development grants. All winners well deserved.
New Business
Bill 6-12-S: Funding for the Organizations Honors Abroad Alumni, Student Identity Outreach, Alpha Epsilon Delta, Western Kentucky Communication Organization for Graduate Students, and Phi Gamma Delta (Fiji)
Secretary Calhoun: Please see me if you came in late and for all new senators be sure to go to one committee meeting every week along with the regular Senate meeting.
Senator Broderick: I invite all new senators to my meeting.
Cory Dodds: Also, new senators if you miss a meeting there is an online excuse form on the website to submit an excuse for any missed meeting.
Kendrick Bryan: There is a forum on Thursday about a new position so please look and see if you can go because I can't make it. It is really neat to be a part of the hiring process at WKU.
President Stephens: Tonight at Buckhead until 9 proceeds will be going to a scholarship fund in honor ofBradley Boling.
Chief Justice Spalding: Tomorrow at Buckhead there will be a fundraiser for Up ‘till Dawn with part of the proceeds going to St. Jude's.
Senator Egerer: Please leave your agendas if you don’t want them so I can recycle them.
Senator Broderick motioned to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 5:24 pm on Tuesday February 28, 2012.