Newbury & Thatcham Neighbourhood Watch Meeting

Minutes of meeting held at West Berkshire Council Offices

Monday 27th February 2017

Executive Committee Members: Committee Members:

Chairperson: Angela Money BEM Joan Stacey

Treasurer: Pat Lilleystone Gerald Lilleystone

Pauline Gates

Minutes Secretary: Claire Robins

Welcome & Introductions

Angela welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending, as well as their continued support to Neighbourhood Watch. Angela welcomed the guest speakers for the evening Sergeant Andy Bone, Ian Taylor, Safer Communities Coordinator, Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service and Graham Loxton-Best.

Apologies received from: Richard Benyon MP, Jackie Raleigh, Susan Powell, John Swift, Celia Pay, Lynne Bartholomew, Terry Dummett, Chris Ord (Newbury Weekly News), Pauline Budworth, Eddie Harris, Graham Storey, Christine Fairbrother, Shannon Carr and Marion Fenn.

Minutes of the last Meeting

The minutes were accepted as a true record.

Fire Update by Ian Taylor, Safer Communities Coordinator, Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue

Ian began by addressing a query from the floor regarding fire regulations pertaining to rental properties. Ian will email the lady directly with any further finding. Ian then spoke about the current redesign and restructure in his department, which sees him based at the station with improved contact with crew. All changes will be in place by July/September. Ian then discussed the new issue hand held devices that have abolished all paper forms as well as expanded the services they provide, including home fire safety checks, assisting the vulnerable in our communities and instructing youngsters in our schools on topics such as water safety. Questions were opened to the floor.

Crime Update by Sergeant Andy Bone

Andy is now based in Pangbourne having previously been responsible for the Town Centre. He began by detailing the penalties for drivers using mobile phones behind the wheel, which come into force on 1st March. Offenders could receive six points on their licence and a £200 fine with no option of a remedial course. Andy then praised the Thatcham Neighbourhood Policing Team whose work over the past eighteen months has culminated in five charges being brought against a woman for puppy farming. Finally, Andy urged us all to tune into BBC1 on 14th March to view a documentary profiling Thames Valley Police’s Domestic Violence Unit. Questions were opened to the floor.

Guest Speaker: Graham Loxton-Best ‘A Day in an English Court Room’

Graham spoke about the functions of the different types of court, the people who work within them and their duties and responsibilities. He discussed modern updates such as changes to vernacular and the use of interpreters. Graham concluded his talk with a witty collection of ‘verbal misdemeanors’. Angela thanked Graham for his talk after which questions were opened to the floor.

Report for Shaw, Speen, Donnington area – Maureen Wynn

Angela welcomed Maureen who, alongside her husband Eric has taken over Raymond Brennan’s role as Coordinator. Angela also acknowledged Raymond’s long and much valued service in the role as Coordinator.

Maureen’s report focused on Shaw Park and the car park at Poplar Place where issues involve drug dealing and associated paraphernalia. The Neighbourhood Policing Team is patrolling the area regularly.

Report for Clayhill/Turnpike area – Chris Lusby-Taylor

Chris began by evidencing the lack of Neighbourhood Wardens after seeing two supermarket trolleys dumped into the River Lambourn that day. Since public consultations were not performed during the winter months he had no other issues to raise at this time. The Neighbourhood Policing Team report issues of ASB in the area of Rosemoor Gardens play area, Claremont Crescent, Ascot Way, Leonardslee Crescent, Owletts Grove, Overbecks, Gaywood Drive and near to Cromwell Road. The team has conducted a number of drug warrants in the area and also tackled shoplifting.

Report for Greenham

In Shannon’s absence, Angela summarised the latest Neighbourhood Policing Team report as follows. Eight drivers were caught speeding and each issued with a ticket. A man was caught in possession of cannabis in Pinchington Lane and a male was arrested on Greenham Road for being drunk and disorderly. A male was also arrested for two counts of assault against a Police officer at the Retail Park and is awaiting a date to appear in court. The Neighbourhood Team has received reports of ASB at Howarth Court. The team continues to tackle ASB driving at the Retail Park and Tesco’s car park.

Report for Wash Common/Newbury South West – PCSO Nathan Long

Angela summarised Nathan’s report. First priority is the Co-op on Pound Street where issues surrounding shoplifting and abusive customers persist. The footpath beside Two Saints Hostel has problems with loud, antisocial behaviour. Finally Craven Road and vicinity – increasing reports of ASB and drug use. Patrols continue.

Town Centre – Police Report

Angela summarised the Police’s report. The tented community has been advertised recently in the Press. The Police continue to work closely with this group to safeguard their welfare. They also work closely with `‘Loose Ends’ and the homeless shelter.

Thatcham Neighbourhood Policing Team Report

Angela read the report, which confirmed an increase in large groups of youths hanging around the area and being anti-social. 16 offences by 5 offenders have been dealt with involving shoplifting and possession of cannabis.

Report by Angela, Area Representative/Committee Member – Thames Valley Neighbourhood Watch Association

The next AGM and Conference will be on Saturday 20th May in Thame Barn, Oxfordshire. All are welcome.

No other issues or questions were forthcoming from the floor.

Report on any other Neighbourhood Watch matters

Main issues continue to be vehicle, shed and garage break ins. A purse was recently stolen from a customer in Waitrose.

No other issues or questions were forthcoming from the floor.

Any Other Business/Raffle

The raffle was drawn.

Dates for your new 2017 diaries

Thursday 27th April – Neighbourhood Watch will have a stand in the Kennet Centre.

Monday 22nd May- Neighbourhood Watch Meeting. Talk by Detective Chief Superintendent Ray Howard on Cybercrime.

Monday 21st August – Neighbourhood Watch Meeting. Guest Speaker is Susan Powell, Safer Communities Partnership Manager.

Monday 20th November – Neighbourhood Watch Meeting. Talk by Dr Nick Young on Newbury, then and now.

The meeting ended at 9.30pm.