Effective traceability is essential inan

Understanding propertytopropertymovementsofcattle,sheep andgoats

Rapid tracking of animalsprotects the industry

emergency animal disease or food safety incident. It underpins confidence in our livestock products and access to local and international markets.

Recording of property to property movements is an important part of lifetime traceability.

What is a sheep/cattle property to property movement?

A property to property movement occurs when an animal moves between two different Property Identification Codes (PICs). This includes private sales of animals, animals being agisted or lent and animals traded through online selling platforms such as AuctionsPlus, Gumtree and Facebook. The recording needs to take place within two days of the movement.

Who is required to complete the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) database movement transfer?

The legal obligation to report the arrival of cattle, sheep and goats rests with the person receiving the livestock.

The receiver may engage someone else to notify the database on their behalf, including the person who dispatched the livestock, a stock agent or the livestock transporter if they are equipped to do so.

How is the NLIS transfer completed and what information is required to complete the upload?

The NLIS database needs to be updated with the following information:

•NLIS tag number - can be found by readingthe visual number on the NLIS tag or scanning the device for the internal electronicnumber

•Date the livestock arrived on theproperty

•PIC of the property ofdispatch

•PIC of the property ofreceival

•National Vendor Declaration (NVD) serialnumber

•Number of head in the consignment (sheep and goatsonly)

There is the option to email or post the above information to Integrity Systems Company (formerly NLIS Limited) to complete the transfer, noting

that there is a fee for processing of paper based movement records.

ForinformationcontacttheNLISDatabaseHelpline on 1800 654 743 and website

How do I reduce the number of PICs I have or add an agistment property to my PIC?

Producers who have a property or agistment within the same or neighbouring shires can amalgamate these properties under a single PIC.

To link PICs or for any queries relating to PICs please visit pic.agriculture.vic.gov.au or contact 1800 678 779.

How to sign up for a NLIS producer account:

Go to or call 1800 654 743

How to complete a property to property transfer on the NLIS database:

•Log into the NLIS database and enter you userID andpassword.

•Select the livestockspecies

•Select Notify the database of - Livestockmoved onto myproperty

•Enter the details directly into the below screenor upload as a CSVfile

Further information can be found by accessing the help tools on your NLIS account.


or call the NLIS Helpline on 1800 678 779

during business hours.

MARCH 2018