EEX 3257 Direct Instruction/Cognitive Instruction Assignment Rubric Lesson Plan

Significantly below expectations / Slightly below expectations / Meets expectations for good work / A step above
Objectives / Learning outcomes are vague; learning outcomes are loosely connected to lesson focus; inappropriate for age/grade
(1) / (2) / Clearly specifies learning outcomes for the lesson; uses appropriate verbs; clearly linked to focus of lesson; appropriate for students; linked to Sunshine State Standards (Second lesson uses a cognitive strategy).
(3) / (4)
Content / Omits components, inconsistent links between components, inappropriate for age/grade, problems in sequence, lacks sufficient interest to engage students
(1) / (2) / Includes all required components, clear links between objectives, appropriate for age/grade of students, clear and logical sequence; engaging high interest lesson, appropriate materials.
(3) / (4)
Specificity and rationale / Lacks details in description of materials, sequence, procedures; vague rationale
(2) / (4) / Sufficiently detailed that a substitute would have all required materials and could teach the lesson without seeking additional information; clearly specifies what the teacher will say and do; clear rationale for instructional decisions. (6) / (8)
Evaluations and accommodations / Assessment strategy is NOT systematic (e.g., classroom discussion) and/or clearly linked to lesson objectives. Accommodations are not clearly linked and/or not appropriate for targeted student
(2) / (4) / Assessment strategy is systematic and clearly linked and appropriate for targeted student. Accommodations are clearly linked and appropriate for targeted student.
(6) / (8)

Written Report

Significantly below expectations / Slightly below expectations / Meets expectations for good work / A step above
Analysis of student learning / Vague discussion of learning of children. Some links between intended objective and student learning unclear.
(2) / (4) / Links between intended learning and student outcomes are clear. Provides summary of learning of all children in group; clear explanation of reasons for differing levels of student performance. Clear analysis of what was and was not learned.
(6) / (8)
Conclusion / Confusing, wondering, or vague and poorly supported discussion of conclusions. (2) / (4) / Presents and supports three clearly written conclusions about teaching, learning, and/or use of the model.
(6) / (8)


Technical quality of lesson plan and paper

Significantly below expectations / Slightly below expectations / Meets expectations for good work / A step above
Technical Quality / Format of lesson plan deviates from model; 6 or more technical errors.
Elements of the assignment are missing
(1) / (2) / Lesson plan follows appropriate format; 3 or 4 technical errors. All required elements are included (lesson plan, written report, blank assignment rubric, completed strategy rubric, observation notes).
(3) / (4)


Project Points

Component / Total Possible Points / Points Awarded
Lesson Plan / 24
Written Report / 16
Technical Quality / 4
Peer Evaluation / 6
Total / 50