Educational Studies Faculty Meeting
Friday, November 17, 2006
8-11 a.m. – GH 232
Present: Gene Annaratone, Frank Black, Linda Blanding, Jennifer Cook, Betty Cox, Ann Duncan, Ginny Esch, Mary Lee Hall, Robert Hartshorn, Beverly Hearn, Patricia Hewitt, Robert Maniss, Suzanne Maniss, Sandy Murray, James Petty, Michael Spaulding, Joyce Swan, Cherry Watts, Jerry Woods
Visitors: Tom Rakes
Call to Order
Dr. Frank Black called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m. He welcomed the faculty and Dr. Tom Rakes, who was visiting. Dr. Rakes thanked the Dr. Mary Lee Hall for all of her work for the recent NCATE visit. He also thanked all of the faculty members for their work during the process and the visit. He stated that we would be putting a mechanism in place so the required data is ready on a continuing basis, not just when the accreditation visit is impending.
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Move to accept the course description as stated in the minutes
Move: Hewitt Second: Blanding Vote: Carried
Motion: Approval of October 20, 2006 minutes as discussed.
Move: Hewitt Second: Murray Vote: Carried
During discussion Dr. James Petty asked if we had approved the catalog description at the last meeting; he only remembered voting on allowing two C’s. After discussion and clarification, it was decided that the department should vote on the proposed course description again. It was also agreed that “unconditionally admitted, degree-seeking students” does not need to be added to the description because there are administrative checks in place for the different classifications of graduate applicants.
1. Graduate Program Structure Revision – S. Maniss, Murray
Motion: Advanced Elementary Education emphasis – To accept the proposal as revised: Replace ELED 715 with SPED 620/640 and make TCED 712 and 716 required courses.
Move: Annaratone Second: Blanding Vote: Carried
Comments: We need to make sure the graduate level Classroom Management class is distinctly different from the undergraduate class.
After discussion of the proposal for Secondary Education, it was decided to combine the two proposals, Advanced Elementary and Advanced Secondary.
Motion: To rescind the first motion for the Advanced Elementary Education emphasis. (Drs. Annaratone and Blanding agreed.)
Move: Betty Cox Second: Hewitt Vote: Carried
Motion: To combine the proposals into a Curriculum and Instruction concentration with emphasis in Elementary and Secondary Education, as amended to remove SEDU 700 and replace it with SPED 640/615. Make TCED 712 and 716 required courses. Move READ 700 to the Emphasis area rather than the Application area. ELED 760 and SEDU 760 will be cross-listed.
Move: Hewitt Second: Esch Vote: Carried
Motion: To approve the proposed concentration in Special Education – Add-on Endorsement as presented.
Move: Hewitt Second: Esch Vote: Carried
This is primarily for teachers who are already licensed but need the add-on for special education. Dr. Cris Whitlow put in all of the courses needed to get the add-on and masters.
Motion: To approve the proposed concentration in Advanced Special Education.
Move: Hewitt Second: Esch Vote: Carried
Note: SPED 690 is a workshop class so can be listed twice.
This structure is for candidates who already are licensed and want an advanced masters in special education.
Motion: To approve the Non-Licensure concentration as presented.
Move: Esch Second: Duncan Vote: Carried
International students must take this option.
2. Position Searches Update – Hall
Motion: To elect the following faculty members to the department chair search committee: Drs. Evans, (S) Maniss, Greenockle, Hewitt, (Betty) Cox, and Petty.
Move: Petty Second: Duncan Vote: Carried
Dr. Hall thanked those who have agreed to be on the search committees. Ads will be published by December l. Dr. Hall asked the faculty to be sure to share the information with those who might be interested.
Dr. Hall reiterated that she will take a more active role in the chair search. She stated that it would be awkward to have the entire department as the committee and recommended the following to be on the committee: Drs. Evans, S. Maniss, Greenockle, Hewitt, and Betty Cox. In response to a faculty request for a secondary education person to be added to the committee, Dr. Petty was selected. A question was asked regarding students or outside persons to be on the committee, and the response was that they would be involved during the interview process.
It was also stated that we need to have candidates visit a class or teach a class during the interview process.
3. Registration – Hall, Crawford, Hahn, Hewitt, and S. Maniss will discuss faculty concerns with the Registrar.
Dr. Hall advised the faculty that the registrar’s office suggested that those most involved with the prerequisites meet with Ms. Cartmell rather than having her meet with the entire faculty. They were asked to let any of the listed persons know if there were specific concerns that should be addressed.
Old Business
1. NCATE results and future actions – Hall
A handout was distributed earlier in the week, detailing areas for improvement. Dr. Hall discussed these areas.
New Business
1. Committee Reports
* Undergraduate – Hewitt: All proposals were approved during the senate undergraduate council meeting. The increased GPA proposal also passed, effective Fall 2008.
* Graduate – Murray: The committee is currently looking at the bylaws.
* IRB – Esch: A handout was distributed, showing the different research categories (exempt, expedited, and full-review).
* Technology – Hartshorn: No report
2. Faculty Senate Report – Esch, Evans, Hartshorn, Hewitt, Petty
Dr. Esch advised the faculty that the Instruction Committee had voted to pilot a sample program that the faculty could use to investigate plagiarism. She also said that we are making headway in our graduate programs, according to a report that was distributed.
Dr. Petty stated that an expedited tenure review process is being put in the Faculty Handbook.
3. Student Services Report – R. Maniss
Dr. Robert Maniss called the faculty’s attention to the dates at the top of his handout, stating that they are opportunities to represent UTM to the public. He also encouraged the faculty to participate in Homecoming next year. He has been checking the Student Appeals, which appear to be primarily in the field of writing, and said that the students seem to be having a problem with timed writings. Dr. Maniss said that the faculty should be encouraging the students to work on this.
4. Departmental Committee Assignments Update – Hall
A chart indicating the membership of the departmental committees was distributed. The faculty were asked to clarify which members were new, effective Fall 06. These members will rotate off in 2009.
5. Initial Licensure Student Feedback – Hall
Dr. Hall asked the faculty to review the handout titled “Self-Reflective Activity.” This report is simply FYI. There were 66 initial licensure students who are currently student teaching participating in this survey.
6. LRC Feedback Request – Cook
Ms. Cook said that she appreciates all feedback regarding the LRC and said that changes are being made to address some of the concerns. All classrooms now have overhead projectors.
7. Field Placement Report – Cook
Ms. Cook gave a report on field placement for student teachers for Spring 2007. A copy of the report was provided in the packet distributed earlier in the week. She stated that the deadline for student teaching applications for Fall 2007 is extended one week to January 31st.
8. Faculty Senate Representative – Black
Ballots will be distributed to voting members of the faculty after the meeting. Dr. Hewitt was elected to complete Dr. Gulledge’s term, beginning July 1, 2006. Since she has only served one year, she can be elected to succeed herself. Dr. Hartshorn is also rotating off the senate. The ballots will be tallied and the results shared with the faculty after Thanksgiving, barring the need for a tie-breaker vote.
9. Comp Exam Committee Forms – S. Maniss
A folder containing the Comp Exam Committee Forms was passed around. These forms indicate the comp exam committee for each student. The faculty members were asked to sign these forms to indicate that they had read the comp exam for the particular student listed. Graduate Studies has asked that the forms not be sent with only the typed names of the committee.
1. PRAXIS Dates & Monitors Needed – Hall
Dr. Annaratone advised the faculty that the PRAXIS II would be given on January 13 and asked that any faculty who would like to be a monitor let him know.
2. Departmental Christmas Party – December 8, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
There will be a departmental Christmas Party at Dr. Annaratone’s house in Paris. Invitations and directions will be sent out next week.
3. Student Evaluation of Faculty – Hall
Dr. Hall reminded the faculty that if they plan to have their students evaluate them, they must sign up on the sheet on Ms. Crawford’s door. Those who do not participate this semester must do so in the spring. Dr. Blanding asked if the evaluation instrument was different from what is used through ECCE, and the answer was yes. She asked if the ECCE faculty should be doing both, and the answer was yes. The faculty was informed that if they do not participate in the departmental evaluation, their student evaluation of instruction statistics are not included in the departmental summary. Ms. Crawford will follow-up to see if any of the ECCE faculty want to participate this semester, and get a process in place for future terms.
4. Planning and Assessment Conferences – Hall
Planning and assessment conferences will be done earlier this year (January). A sign-up sheet will be posted on door of the chair’s office, 240K with available times and dates. Dr. Hall reminded the faculty that she will expect evidence of publications and presentations.
5. Summer School Courses – Hall
The sign-up sheet for students to request summer courses will be posted on the bulletin board across the hall from 240 Gooch. The faculty was asked to remind both undergraduate and graduate students to sign up so we could tell where there is need for particular courses. Dr. Hall stated that most of the courses were taught in the first term of summer semester 2006, but that there would be a more even distribution this summer, with more courses being taught in the second term.
6. NCTM E-Workshop
Dr. Petty announced that there would be an E-Workshop sponsored by NCTM on December 6 at 6:00 pm. The participation fee is only $75 for an entire site. We will try to get Watkins Auditorium for this, and will announce the place early next week. (Note: When the registration was sent in for this, we were advised that the workshop was full.)
Motion: To adjourn
Move: Duncan Second: Hewitt Vote: Carried
Meeting adjourned 10:52 a.m.
NEXT MEETING: January 19, 2007