Michael Bracey

Corporate Director - People

Director of Children’s Services

Children and Families

Our Ref:

Your Ref:

Reply to: Early Year’s Business Support

Direct Line: 01908 254509


Monday 14 September 2015

Dear Providers,

As the autumn term gets underway I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself as the new Improvement Partner for Early Years. This role provides leadership for the Early Years Quality Improvement team and requires me to lead on the quality of provision in the early years across Milton Keynes.

The EYQI team is now smaller and we are directed to use our limited resources effectively. This means from September the Early Years Consultants and Early Years Improvement Officers will be working across all localities in Milton Keynes to promote high quality early education so that children achieve the best outcomes.

The Children’s Centre Early Education Officers will continue to influence early education and transitions in Children’s Centres.

The Early Years Inspection and Compliance Officer will support providers to prepare for inspection and meet any actions identified by Ofsted. The Early Years Development Worker will support new providers and co-ordinate communications with providers.

The team will continue to enable Ofsted registered providers to effectively meet the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). This includes targeted support and challenge for early years settings judged as Inadequate or Requires Improvement at their most recent inspection.

We are currently planning information briefings for providers and details will follow soon. Children’s Centres will continue to hold cluster meetings where you will be able to network with colleagues in your local area.

The EYQI team and I look forward to working with you.

Yours sincerely

Belinda Woodcock

Improvement Partner – Early Years