HC 72, Box 7144 Scherr, WV 26726


2001-2004 University of Phoenix (Doctorate- Organizational Management)

1991-1994 Frostburg State University - M.Ed. Administration/Supervision

1980-1989 West Virginia University - M.A. Reading

1975-1979 West Virginia University - B.A. Art

1974-1975 Columbus College of Art & Design - (Illustration/Advertising)


2009 Online Instructor and course developer for West Virginia University and American Public University Systems.
2007 Owner/Operator - Educational Intelligences (Edu-Tell)

2007-2008 Visiting Scholar in Residence – West Virginia University

1999-2009 Superintendent of Schools, Grant County, West Virginia

1998-1999 Director of Curriculum/Instructional Technology, Grant County, West Virginia

1997-1998 Principal - Union Educational Complex (K-12)

1996 Summer Africa (Nairobi, Kenya) Masai Tribe/school study/Serengeti

1994 Summer Mexico (Yucatan Peninsula) Maya tribe study/Amazon Basin

1993 Summer Australia/New Zealand school study/Great Barrier Reef

1994-1999 Owner—Teacher’s Little Pal, Co., Maryland

1990-1995 English Instructor (Ad hoc), Allegany College, Maryland

1990-1997 Reading Specialist, Allegany County, Maryland.

1988-1990 Diagnostic Trainer/Coordinator, Hampshire County, WV

1987-1988 Deaf Educator (Private High School), State of West Virginia

1979-1987 Reading/English Teacher (High School 7-12), Grant County Schools, WV


West Virginia University

EdLS 611 (online) Principles of Leadership Fall 2008

EdLS 793 (blended) Leadership for Learning Spring 2009

EdLS 702 (online) Superintendent: Role and Responsibility Spring 2009

EdLS 693 (Blended) Spring 2009

American Public University

EDUC 548 (online) Content Area Literacy November 2009

EDUC 570 (online) Personnel & Human Resource Management November 2009

EDUC 580 (online) School Finance & Facilities November 2009

EDUC 612 (online) Issues &Models of Language Arts Instruction November 2009

EDUC 610 (online) Foundational Reading & Literacy Instruction November 2009

EDUC 570 (online) Personnel & Human Resource Management October 2009

EDUC 580 (online) School Finance & Facilities October 2009

EDUC 612 (online) Issues &Models of Language Arts Instruction October 2009

EDUC 610 (online) Foundational Reading & Literacy Instruction October 2009

EDUC 548 (online) Content Area Literacy October 2009

EDUC 612 (online) Issues &Models of Language Arts Instruction September 2009

EDUC 610 (online) Foundational Reading & Literacy Instruction September 2009

COLL 100 (online) Foundations of Online Learning September 2009

EDUC 548 (online) Content Area Literacy September 2009

EDUC 698 (online) Capstone: Action Research September 2009

EDUC 670 (online) Education Law, Ethics, Politics September 2009

EDUC 570 (online) Personnel & Human Resource Management September 2009

EDUC 520 (online) Principalship September 2009

COLL 100 (online) Foundations of Online Learning September 2009

COLL 100 (online) Foundations of Online Learning August 2009

EDUC 526 (online) Secondary Teaching Practices August 2009

EDUC 580 (online) School Finance & Facilities August 2009

EDUC 596 (online) Literacy Instruction for Struggling/Challenging Students August 2009

EDUC 698 (online) Capstone: Action Research August 2009

EDUC 526 (online) Secondary Teaching Strategies July 2009

EDUC 613 (online) Teaching Reading & Writing across the Curriculum June 2009

EDUC 526 (online) Secondary Teaching Strategies May 2009

EDUC 518 (online) Educational Psychology May 2009

EDUC 530 (online) Assessment/Evaluation/Testing May 2009

EDUC 560 (online) Special Education Topics May 2009


Professional Presentations:

West Virginia School Board Association- Charleston, West Virginia, September 9-10, 2009. Panelist for discussion on the Superintendency: Standards and Certification requirements as well as recruitment.

National Council of Professors in Educational Administration (NCPEA) – San Antonio, Texas, August 6-8, 2009. Roundtable session on the Superintendency: Researching, Designing and Developing a Standards-Based Certification program. Presented paper with WVU Associate Dean of Human Resources, Paul Chapman; WVU assistant professor, Ted Price; and Edvantia Director, Sharon Harsh.

West Virginia Association of Supervisors & Administrators – Stonewall Resort, West Virginia, July 8-10, 2009. Presented paper with WVU Associate Dean of Human Resources, Dr. Paul Chapman, and WVU assistant professor, Dr. Ted Price: “Preparing Superintendents To Lead in 21st Century Rural Schools: A Rural Perspective on Leadership”.

SREB Annual Leadership Forum – Atlanta, Georgia, May 7-8, 2009. “Leading Through Leadership Teams”.

Association of Supervisors and Curriculum Development Annual Conference – Orlando, Florida, March 17-19, 2009. “21st Century Lemonade Stands: They’re Not Just For Kids!”.

West Virginia School Board Association – Flatwoods, West Virginia. January 31-February 1, 2008. Panelists for discussions regarding Proposed Funding Formula Changes.

Oxford University – Oxford. England, July, 2007. “GRID KIDS”.

West Virginia Association of School Administrators Summer Conference. Stonewall Jackson Resort, August 3-5, 2005. “Building Successful Public Relations: Project SALUTE and Project OREO”.

West Virginia Statewide Technology Conference 2005, Radisson Hotel at Waterfront Place, Morgantown, WV August 9-11, 2005. “Technology: It’s Not Just For Kids Anymore. Boards Love It, Too!

West Virginia Achieves Student Support and Family Connections Conference. April 5-7, 2005 Charleston Civic Center. “Creating a Successful Learning Community: Creation, Organization and Implementation”.

West Virginia School Nurses’ Association Conference. November 10-12, 2004. Cedar Lakes Conference Center, Ripley, West Virginia. Keynote speaker “How To Develop A Successful School Nurse Program”

Milken Family Foundation National Education Conference, April 26-28, 2003. Century City Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, California. “StoryMakers: Getting Published – You Can Do It!”

West Virginia Superintendent’s Leadership Institute, September 26-28, 2001. Capon springs and Farms, WV. “Leading As a Leader”.

Bayard High School/ Union High School Alumni Association Annual Reunion, July 15, 2000, “Superintendency: Fairness & Equity”.

Bell Atlantic’s World Symposium Conference (WV) – 1999

Milken Family Foundation National Education Conference, June 16-19, 1999. Century City Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, California. “21st Century Lemonade Stands: It’s Not Just Kid Stuff Anymore!”

Milken Family Foundation National Education Conference, June 16-19, 1999. Century City Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, California. “21st Century Tests: Paperless and Interactive!”.

26th Annual State of Maryland International Reading Association Council Annual Conference. March 18-20, 1998. Sheraton, Towson, Maryland. Registration chairperson – conference of 3,000 attendees as vice president of the SoMIRAC.

International Reading Association 43rd Annual Convention. May 3-8, 1998. Orlando, Florida. “The ABC’S of Technology: A Technology Program for the Classroom Utilizing Performance-Based Activities”.

Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Conference (MD) – 1998.
“Dancing Through The Rainforest: Desiging Your Own”.

25th Annual State of Maryland International Reading Association Council Annual Conference. March 19-21, 1997. Sheraton, Towson, Maryland. “Serengeti: The Heart of Africa”.

Alpha Delta Kappa Educational Sorority (MD) - 1997

Southern Region VIII Institute, Frankfort Middle School, June 23-27, 1997. “How to have a Highly Colorful Classroom Without Being An Artist”.

Southern Region VIII Institute, Frankfort Middle School, June 17-21, 1996. “How to Have a Highly Colorful Classroom Without Being An Artist”.

24th Annual State of Maryland International Reading Association Council Annual Conference. March 13-15, 1996. Sheraton, Towson, Maryland. “Developing a Literacy Prescription for Families at Risk Through Home Visits”.

Project Parents In Kindergarten. January 31, 1996. South Penn Elementary School for the Allegany County Board of Education. “The Mom and Pop Program”.

Edgewater Elementary and Central Elementary Schools: A Kaleidoscope of Instructional Strategies Mini-Conference. January 26, 1996. “Creating the Non-stop Writer”.

Southern Region VIII Institute, Frankfort Middle School, June 19-23, 1995. “Whole Language – Australia and New Zealand Model”.

Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Conference (MD) – 1995. “Building a Unit From Scratch”.

Alpha Delta Kappa Educational Sorority (MD) – 1995. “How To Lead In Any Organization”.

Shenandoah University SEARCH Conference (VA) – 1995

Chapter 1 Conference, South Penn Elementary School, October 27th, 1994. “Maryland State Performance Assessment Program and Maryland State Performance Plan overview”.

District Advisory Council Conference. September 20, 1994. Allegany County Board of Education. “Mom and Pop’s Reading Program Overview”.

Supervisor’s Staff Development Conference. August 23-25, 1994. Allegany College of Maryland, Cumberland, Maryland. “Graphic Organizers”.

Millersville University Non-Fiction Conference (PA) – June 1994

Spring Festival of Children’s Literature “Literature: A Reflection of A Diverse World.” April 29-30, 1994 Frostburg State University, Frostburg, Maryland. “Why Johnny Can’t Read and Crocodile Dundee Can.”

22nd Annual State of Maryland International Reading Association Council Annual Conference. March 16-18, 1994. Sheraton, Towson, Maryland. “How to have a Highly Creative, Colorful, Original, and Intense Classroom Without Being an Artist”.

Australian Reading Conference (Melbourne, Australia) - July 1993

Millersville University Non-Fiction Conference (PA) – June 1993

Spring Festival of Children’s Literature “Literature: A Reflection of the Past, A Glimpse of the Present, and a Promise for the Future” April 30-May 1, 1993 Frostburg State University, Frostburg, Maryland. “Adding to ….or Taking Out.”.

International Reading Association, 38th Annual Convention April 26-30, 1993. Literacy In Any Language, San Antonio, Texas. “Pigging Out-Getting the Most from an Integrated Curriculum” .

21st Annual State of Maryland International Reading Association Council Annual Conference. March 17-19, 1993. Sheraton, Towson, Maryland. “Pigs, Puffs, and Predictable Plots”.

Chapter 1 Goes to College Conference, Allegany College of Maryland, Cumberland, Maryland, December 13, 1991. “Writing to Read”.


Publication notice: Preparing Superintendents To Lead in 21st Century Rural Schools: A Rural Perspective on Leadership.

Publication notice with American Association of Supervisors and Administrators, The Administrator Magazine (2010). Tips to Surviving Depositions: A Superintendent’s Guide.

American Association of Supervisors and Administrators, The Administrator Magazine (January, 2010). School Wellness and Healthily Schools: A Superintendent’s Manifesto.

American Association of Supervisors and Administrators, The New Superintendent (E-Journal, 2010). Eight Common Tenets of the Superintendentency.

Edvantia – designed cultural assessment component for ILA. (2008)

Edvantia— Individualized Learning Appraisal (ILA) training manual writer/designer (2007)

West Virginia School Board’s Association The Legislature (Vol. 24, Issue 4, Spring 2006) “Sustainability: Key to Success of Board Takeover”.

West Virginia School Board’s Association The Legislature (Vol. 24, Issue 20, Fall 2005) “Grant County Board Members Advance In Technology”.

StoryMakers, Rigby, Inc. (1998-Designed and created emergent level reading series of 20 books published in two languages and used in multiple counties)

The Reading Teacher (Vol. 51, No. 7, April 1998)

Reading Today (Vol. 13, No. 5, April/May 1996)

STARTING POINTS IN MARYLAND (Ready At Five Partnership - MSDE, January 1996)

Teaching Pre K/8 (Vol. 24, No. 4, January 1994)

The Whole Idea (Wright Group, Vol. III, No. 4, Summer 1993)

Better Teaching, June 1993

Publications referenced in:

West Virginia School Board Association The Legislature (Vol. 24, Issue 6, Spring 2006) “Argument Against Mingo Re-intervention Flawed”.

West Virginia School Board Association The Legislature (Vol. 24, Issue 26, Fall 2005) “Lessons Learned from Lincoln County”.

West Virginia School Board Association Monthly (September, 2004)


Grant County Education Association Special Citation for Support 2006

Grant County Transportation Department Recognition

for Support & Dedication 2006

Grant County Favorite Educator Marshall University - 2006

Grant County Favorite Educator Marshall University-2005

Grant County Favorite Educator Marshall University –2004

WVASA Road Rally Award 2004

Honorary Member of Future Farmers of America 2002

Certificate of Appreciation FFA - 2000

Citation for Support of FFA-2000

Science Fair Certificate of Appreciation -2000

Grant County Certificate of Appreciation for American Education Week –1997

Ad Hoc Reader for the International Reading Association 1996

Tri-State Writer’s Guild Judge 1996

1996 Alpha Delta Kappa Living Memorial National Scholarship Award

1995-1996 Allegany County Education Ambassador

1995-1996 Allegany County Teacher of the Year Award

1995 National Educator's Hall of Fame Nominee

1995 State of Maryland Governor's Citation

1995 Frostburg State University Tuition Waiver Award

Maryland Children's Museum Advisory Council 1995

City of Cumberland Educational Proclamation 1995

1995 Baltimore Federal Executive Board Goals 2000 Committee Award

Tri-State Writer's Guild Judge 1995

Maryland State Department of Education Student Literacy Corp 1995

Allegany County Arts Council Photography Contest finalist 1995

1995 Maryland House of Delegates Resolution #768

1994 Allegany County Educational Proclamation (County Commission)

South Penn Award of Excellence -1994

1994 Milken Family Foundation National Educator Award

Marcella Kile Photography Award 1994

1994 Maryland House of Delegates Resolutions #857

Allegany County Social Studies Council 1994-1996 (honorary membership)

John Humbird Volunteer Service Certificate - 1994

Maryland General Art Store Creativity Award 1994

Western Maryland Watercolor Show Award 1994

Maryland Education Talent Consortium 1993

Maryland Southern States Flora & Fauna Watercolor Award 1993

John Humbird Volunteer Service Certificate - 1993

Western Maryland Watercolor Show third place 1993

Western Maryland Watercolor Show second place 1992


2009-2010 Serve on multiple doctoral committees at WVU in Educational Leadership

doctoral programs

American Association of Supervisors and Administrators (AASA) 2009

Association of Supervisors and Curriculum Development (ASCD) 2009

West Virginia Department of Education committee appointment by the state

superintendent of schools: Developing Standards for Administrators and Teachers in West Virginia (2008-2009).

West Virginia Association of School Administrators (WVASA) Vice president


West Virginia Association of School Administrators (WVASA) President 2009

Grant County Arts Council sponsor and membership 2009-1010

2009 West Virginia Association of School Administrators Summer Conference


2009 West Virginia Association of School Administrators Winter Seminar


2007 West Virginia Association of Schools Administrators Summer Conference


2007 West Virginia Association of School Administrators Winter Seminar


2007 West Virginia Association of School Administrators (WVASA)


West Virginia Association of School Administrators (WVASA)

Executive Council 2006-2010

Office of Educational Performance Audit team 2005

President of the State of Maryland International Reading Association Council 1999

High Schools That Work Technical Assistance Trainer for West Virginia

(Selected as one of three representatives/ trained in Atlanta, GA Summer 1999)

High Schools That Work Team Audit Leader for site visit 1999

West Virginia High Tech Consortium Technology Standards Trainer 1998

(Selected as one of two trainers for RESA VIII)

Grant County Grant Awards facilitated and coordinated including budget while curriculum/technology director (1998):

Technology Literacy Challenge Grant Award ($191,500.00)