NOTE: APAC forms are available on the web at http://www.mnstate.edu/acadaff/APAC/APAC.htm. If you are uncertain which form(s) apply, please contact the Academic Affairs Office at 477-2765.
I. Check all that apply:
•This packet is for:
Course Number Change / Course Title Change / Course Description ChangeCourse Prerequisite Change / Course Credit Modification / Course Level Change
X / Dragon Core Designation / X / Writing-Intensive Designation / X / New Course Proposal
Program Proposal / Other – Please explain:
X / Receive Dragon Core course approval.X / Receive Writing-Intensive course approval.
X / Is course to be offered for graduate credit?
X / Is course to be part of a teaching licensure program?
X / Curriculum Proposal form completed. (Course Change Proposal form)
X / Attach copy of departmental meeting minutes at which proposal was discussed. Include notation of specific action taken.
include signature of department chair(s).
X / Attach evidence in writing of consultation with interested departments, which
must include signature of department chair(s).
X / Consultation with Collection Management Librarian regarding instructional resources to support proposal.
X / List qualifications of instructor(s)
X / Completed packet has been reviewed and approved by appropriate dean.
X / Submit original Signature Sheet to Academic Affairs. All other materials should be submitted in one electronic document to or hardcopy (27 copies plus the original) to Academic Affairs for placement on APAC agenda.
(due dates are listed on the Academic Affairs webpage) The Department
Chairperson or department representative(s) must attend the APAC meeting their item is scheduled to be discussed.
(Approved by APAC 9-19-06)
NOTE: 1. No course/proposal will be reviewed unless all requested information is attached and all dates and relevant signatures are affixed. (APAC WILL NOT ACT IF SIGNATURES ARE NOT COMPLETE)
2. No course/proposal will be reviewed by APAC unless the person submitting the course or his/her designee is present at the meeting when the course will be discussed.
Department(s) / Program Committee:
______Approve______Disapprove______See hardcopy______Date______
Dean’s Recommendation:
University Writing Committee:
Dragon Core Committee: For Competency Area – Circle ONE (DC = Dragon Core):
DC 1A / DC 1B / DC 2 / DC 3 / DC 4 / DC 5 / DC 6 / DC 7 / DC 8 / DC 9 / DC 10______Check if additional DC 11: Information Literacy designation
Teacher Preparation Committee:
Graduate Studies Committee:
For Office Use Only
APAC Recommendation: Approve_____ Disapprove_____ Other______
Date Reviewed______
Meet and Confer: Date______
President: Approve_____ Disapprove_____ Date______
Condition of Approval:
(Approved by APAC 9-19-06)
All proposals must be accompanied by the APAC Cover Sheet/Checklist and APAC Signature Sheet.
(16 characters and spaces maximum)
Has the course number been cleared with the Registrar’s office? Yes No
Will the course be considered for the Dragon Core? (If yes, course must be submitted to the Dragon Core Committee prior to APAC)
No Yes
1) If yes, please check Ö which cluster:
Inner / Middle / XX / Outer2) Check Ö DC Category:
1A / 1B / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / XX / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10Check Ö if additional DC 11: Information Literacy designation
Will the course be considered for Writing-Intensive designation? (If yes, course must be submitted to the University Writing Committee prior to APAC)
No Yes
Official Catalog Description:
English Composition II focuses on analysis and argumentation, with special attention devoted to learning about and producing effective and persuasive academic essays.
If this course has any restrictions (major, credits earned, GPA, etc.,), please indicate the specific requirements as Registration Edits.
Registration Edits:
1. Type of course:
XX / Lecture / Seminar / Lab / Lecture/Lab / WorkshopActivity / Practicum / Thesis / Internship / Studio Lab
Field Work / Student Teaching / XX / Reading & Research / Special Problems
Private Lessons / External Studies/Self-Paced / Independent Study / Distance Learning
2. Classroom (non-laboratory) hours per week 3 Laboratory hours per week 0
Other instructional hours per week (specify type, e.g., web-enhanced, activity, studio):
Total instructional hours (non-laboratory) per week:
3. Terms: Fall Spring Summer only on demand
4. Frequency: every year even years only odd years only
5. Required: Major Minor Elective
6. Does this course increase the Major/Minor credits? Yes No
If yes, justify:
7. If this course is cross listed, with what other course:N/A
8. Provide a rationale or need for proposed course. Include the relationship of the proposed course to other departmental courses and to future curricula:
This course is provided for two categories of students:
a) those students who come to MSUM with extensive writing experience and who would be best served by a course that is more rigorous than ENGL 101, and,
b) those students who complete ENGL 101 but who believe they need additional writing instruction before participating in more advanced WI courses.
9. What are the requirements for graduate credit if applicable. (see attached policy)
10. For 300, 400, 500 or 600 level courses, discuss the relationship with available courses at other Tri-College University institutions including justification for duplication.
11. Name the available qualified instructors for the proposed course, list their particular qualifications for teaching this course and indicate how teaching of this course will relate to their present obligations, including its effect upon the frequency of offering existing courses:
All regular faculty in the English Department are qualified to teach this course. While the focus of this course has changed from the former ENGL 102 course, all instructors are very familiar with the rhetorical and pedagogical principles involved in teaching this new course. Many instructors have previously taught courses very similar to this. This course will not have an effect upon the frequency with which other service courses or courses in the major may be taught. Also see attached memo from Dr. Coghill, English Department Chair.
12. Recommend additional materials needed to support this course (e.g., library titles or subscriptions, specialized equipment):
While not absolutely required, computer classrooms (or storable notebook carts) with which to teach this course would be helpful. Many teaching and learning aids are now available online, and some of these could help to both improve instruction and to reduce materials costs for students. In addition, since ENGL 201 will be a course that focuses on research, access to computer/technology resources would allow students to engage in research while in the classroom and can receive immediate assistance from the instructor. In addition, with access to technology, this course could build upon the inner cluster core information literacy course.
13. Provide an estimated annual expenditure necessary from department budgets to support this course:
14. What is the relationship of proposed course to other courses of similar content in other department (s) at MSUM? Provide evidence that no duplication exists or that duplication is justified.
There are no other writing intensive courses at MSUM that focus upon analysis, research, documentation, and argumentative and persuasive writing.
15. List departments to which course proposal has been sent and date sent. Provide documentation of responses.
While a formal proposal for ENGL 201 has not been circulated among other departments, the focus and content of this course has been under discussion at MSUM for at least the past two years, especially in the LSTF and the Writing Competencies Subgroup. The English Department has received advice as to the content of this course from across campus and has made every effort to be responsive to all concerns that have been expressed. This process has been much more extensive than the traditional circulation of proposals to several departments and the resulting course will be stronger because of this extended process.
16. Attach an outline of the course content. Material to be included: (1) Representative texts and/or materials to be used. (2) Course objectives. (3) Brief outline of material to be covered. (4) Expectations of students, (5) Evaluation of students. (6) Brief bibliography. Academic Affairs office will provide an appropriate sample for faculty upon request.
Department Contact Person:
Name: Michael McCord / Telephone: 5860
Department: English / E-mail:
Graduate credit may be earned in offerings at the 500- or above level. It is intended that there shall be a qualitative differentiation in all work for graduate credit. In the case of 400/500- level courses (open to advanced undergraduate students and to graduate students) the graduate student, through a specific product or performance, will satisfy requirements in addition to those expected of the undergraduate student. The additional requirements will be designed so that the graduate student will acquire an understanding of theoretical concepts beyond that expected of the undergraduate student.
The department will be responsible for indicating the manner in which a qualitative differentiation will be made for all proposed 400/500 courses, and for assuring the continued differentiation in 400/500 courses as they are offered. Individual instructors, in compliance with approved policies, will determine the specific requirement for graduate credit in a 400/500 course and will announce, at the first class meeting, the expectation of graduate students in succeeding sessions.
(Approved by APAC 9-19-06)
Request for Writing-Intensive Course Designation
Submit to University Writing Committee at least one semester in advance of proposed offering of course.
§ Electronically: Email the document(s) to the University Writing Committee () and forward the hardcopy signed original proposal to SuEllen Shaw, chairperson.
§ Hardcopy: Submit the signed original and 12 copies of the proposal to SuEllen Shaw, University Writing Committee Chairperson.
1. / Term (s) course will be offered: Fall Spring Both2. / Effective term course will first be offered: Fall, 2006
3. / Is this Writing-Intensive course applying for Dragon Core status? Yes No
NOTE: If yes, you must also complete Dragon Core proposal requirements. In addition, all course proposals must complete the required APAC forms.
4. / How will you insure consistency across multiple W-I sections of this course?
The English Department will create an assessment plan for all Dragon Core courses, including ENGL 201. Planning for assessment is already underway and will be completed during the Fall, 2007 semester. All sections of ENGL 201 will be assessed to ensure that they meet the student learning outcomes already approved.
The English Department has approved the use of a common handbook, Diana Hacker's Resources for Writers, for ENGL 201.
In addition, the English Department voted to ask all instructors who teach ENGL 201 to submit to the First-Year English Committee their syllabi and all assignments.
Finally, each year the English Department creates a "Memorandum to Students" (attached to syllabus) that describes what students can expect from each of their Writing Intensive courses. Since ENGL 201 will be a WI course in addition to a DC course, it will be included on this memo. A formal document such as our "Memorandum to Students" makes specific commitments to students, so it requires instructors to maintain consistency from one section to another, though it does not restrict instructors to a single lesson plan.
5. / Indicate which Written Communication competencies of the Dragon Core curriculum are addressed and developed. The course should extend at least four of the following competencies. On your syllabus or a separate attachment, please show/tell how these competencies are extended.Use a coherent writing process including invention, organization, drafting, revising, and editing to form an effective final written product.
Consult effectively and appropriately with others to produce quality written products.
Read, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and integrate appropriately and ethically both information and ideas from diverse sources or points of view in their writing.
Locate, use, and cite appropriately primary and secondary source materials from both print and electronic resources.
Create logical, engaging, effective written products appropriate for specific audiences and purposes.
Use correct grammar and mechanics in writing.
6. / Provide a course description that addresses how the formal and informal writing assignments will be incorporated into the course. Indicate how writing serves the goals of the course. Attach course syllabus and sample writing assignments with grading criteria.
English Composition II focuses on analysis and argumentation, with special attention devoted to learning about and producing effective and persuasive academic essays. Many assignments in this course will involve research and thus will require ethical and correct source citation and documentation. Students will write during the semester at least four formal, polished, edited essays, comprising at least 4800 words. In addition, students will have weekly opportunities to write informal, unrehearsed responses to topics generated in class. Many of these informal writing opportunities will be based upon “For Class Discussion” or “Critiquing” exercises that appear in our textbook; others will be based upon students’ explorations and/or reflections upon material that we have discussed in class or material we have read.
See attached sample syllabus, grading criteria, and sample writing assignments.
7. / To whom should the committee’s questions regarding this course be directed?Name: Mike McCord / Telephone: 5860
Department: English / E-mail:
Action taken:
Approved Not approved Date
Chairperson's Signature
Approved Not approved Date
Dean's Signature
For Writing Committee use only.The course:
Indicates how writing serves the goals of the course. / Yes No
Indicates which Written Communication competencies of the Dragon Core curriculum are addressed and developed. The course should extend at least four of those competencies. / Yes No
Assigns a minimum of 16 pages (4800-5000 words) of formal, polished writing in multiple assignments that span the semester. / Yes No
Includes at least one assignment that requires drafting and revision. / Yes No
Includes informal writing-to-learn assignments or activities. / Yes No
Indicates that the quality of student writing will affect the course grade. / Yes No
Approved Not approved Date