“Educating for Now and the Future”
ITEM PAGE(S) / ITEM PAGE(S)Absence / Tardy Times 5 / Items Not to Be Brought to School 30
Academic Recognition 27 / Kindergarten Program 29
Academic Reporting 26 / Lost and Found 24
Address, Phone, Fax, Web Site 3 / Making Up Work for Anticipated Absences 8
Administrative Officers 3 / Medication Policy 9
Attendance Policy 6 / Mission, Purpose, Theme 3
Board of Education 3 / Newsletters 30
Cafeteria Information 10 / Parties 24
Cafeteria Rules and Procedures 11 / Promotion/Retention Policy 27
Code of Conduct & Munson Rules 12-20 / P.T.O. 30
Conduct in the Halls 23 / Recess Procedures 21
Conduct on the Playground 22 / Records 29
Conduct in Restrooms 23 / Request for Missed School Work 7
Conduct during Assemblies 24 / Responsibilities for Textbooks, Etc. 25
Conferences 10 / Signing Out Students – End of Day 8
Daily Time Schedule 5 / Special Services (Including Gifted) 28 & 29
Detentions 13 / Staff Roster 4 & 5
Dress Code 20 / Tardy Policy 5
Drop-off and Pick up 7 / Teacher Assignments 30
Early Dismissal 7 / Telephone Calls 25
Enrolling Students 24 / Transportation Rules/Regulations 8
Fees 10 / Updating Family/Medical Information 26
Field Trips 27 / Visitors 30
Fire / Tornado Drills 26 / Volunteers 24
Health/Medical Regulations 8 / Weather/Emergency Announcements 25
History, Overview of Today 4 / Withdrawing Students 25
Homework 25 & 26 / Written Permission for Changes in Routine 7
Immunization Requirements 9
12687 Bass Lake Road
Chardon, Ohio44024
Phone: (440) 286-5901
FAX: (440) 286-3460
The mission of MunsonElementary Schoolis to work collaboratively with parents and community members
to provide an inviting learning environment which meets the individual needs of all students
by setting high expectations for success in both academics and citizenship while preparing them
to be productive members in the highly diverse technological society of the 21st century.
The mission of the ChardonLocalSchool District is to educate all students to become responsible citizens equipped with the skills necessary for success in an ever-changing, highly diverse, technological world through a committed partnership with students, staff, parents and community.
President Mrs. Karen Blankenship
Vice-President Mr. Paul Stefanko
Member Mr. David Fairbanks
MemberMr. Larry Reiter
MemberMr. Guy Wilson
Meetings: The Chardon Board of Education meets the second Monday of each month at the IraA.CanfieldAdministrationBuilding, 428 North Street, at 6:30 p.m.
Function: The responsibility of the Board of Education is to make the basic decisions concerning the nature and scope of the educational program offered by the Chardon Local Schools.
SuperintendentDr. Michael Hanlon
TreasurerMr. Kevin Staller
Manager - OperationsMr. Dana Stearns
Supervisor - TransportationMr. Josh Nau
Supervisor - CafeteriaMrs. Josephine Culliton
Director, Office for Exceptional
ChildrenMrs. April Siegel-Green
History of MunsonElementary School
The present MunsonSchool building was preceded by two other buildings. The first was a log cabin school that opened in 1817 at Maple Hill near what was called the “Fowler’s Mill Centre.” The second MunsonSchool building was built in 1912 on Mayfield Road near Fowler’s Mills. That building is located at 10771 Mayfield Road/Route 322. It was sold in 1973 after the present MunsonSchool building was in place.
MunsonSchool, as we know it today, was built in three phases. The first portion was completed in 1955 and consisted of the four rooms in the north wing, which now house two kindergarten and two first-grade rooms; the All-Purpose Room; the kitchen area; and the office. In 1959, the second phase consisting of the main hallway area was completed. This area now houses first, second, third, and fourth grade classrooms. The third and final phase of the building was completed in 1974; this final addition houses the library, resource room, speech room, as well as classrooms for fourth and fifth grade students.
In both 1984 and 2002, Munson School was recognized as an Ohio Hall of Fame School. The excellent staff at Munson Elementary has worked to uphold this honor and provide the most effective education possible for students.
PrincipalMs. Louise
SecretaryMrs. Sandy
Cler. Asst.Mrs. Kim
Kdg.Mrs. Sarah
Grade 1Mrs. Laurel Babcock
Mrs. Jennifer
Grade 2Mrs.Melanie Miss Sandy Newell
Mrs. Candace
Grade 3Mr. Brian
Mrs. Sharon
Mrs. Brenda
Grade 4Mrs. Leita
Mrs. Rita
Grade 5Mrs. Leigh Ann
Mr. Doug Ms. LaceyJohnson
ArtMrs. Beth
LibraryMrs. Denise
MusicMrs. Sharon
Physical EducationMr. Jordan
Title I TutorMrs. Beth
Intervention Specialist Ms.Betty
Intervention Specialist Mrs. Mary Ellen
Intervention SpecialistMrs. Jennifer
NurseMrs. Kim
Speech TherapistMrs. Lorraine
School PsychologistMr. Sheldon
Head CustodianMrs. Darlene
Night CustodianMr. Keith
Cafeteria ManagerMr. Tammy
Cafeteria MonitorMs. Sandra
Recess AidesMrs. Janice
Mrs. Jennifer
Mrs. Joanie
MunsonElementary School Spirit Items
Red and black are the school colors. The mustang is MunsonSchool’s mascot. The old MunsonSchool bell from the building on Mayfield Road, which holds a place of prominence in the front yard, is a source of great pride to staff and students. This bell is rung each year at the First-Day-of-School Celebration, which opens the beginning of the school year, as well as at the Last-Day-of-School Celebration when there is a balloon launch and other activities to bring closure to the school year.
9:00 A.M.The bell rings, doors are unlocked, teachers begin supervision, and students enter
the building.
9:10 A.M.School day begins.
Lunch and Recess Times
Kindergarten, Grade 111:25-11:55 A.M.11:55 A.M.-12:20 P.M.
Grades 2, 312:05-12:35 P.M.12:35-1:00 P.M.
Grades 4, 512:45-1:15 P.M.1:15-1:40 P.M.
End of School Day
3:15 P.M.Rear doors are unlocked to allow parents picking up children to enter
3:25 P.M.Students being picked up by their parents are called to the APR
3:30 P.M.Bus riders are dismissed.
The elementary school tardy/absence times are as follows:
If a child - he or she is considered -
enters from 9:11 - 10:50...... tardy
enters from 10:51 - 12:20...... 1/2 day absent AM
enters from 12:21 - 3:30...... absent all day
leaves before 12:20...... absent all day
leaves from 12:21 - 1:54...... 1/2 day absent PM
leavesfrom 1:55 - 3:30...... early dismissal
The Ohio Department of Education requires that we keep careful track of student attendance each day. If your child comes to school late, be sure to sign him/her in at the office before the child proceeds to the classroom. Daily attendance will be calculated according to the time of day your child arrives at school.
Regular attendance by all students is very important. In many cases, irregular attendance is the major reason for poor school work; therefore, all students are urged to make appointments, do personal errands, etc., outside of school hours.
Reasons for which students may be excused include, but are not limited to:
1.personal illness of the student;
2.illness in the student’s family;
3.death in the family;
4.quarantine for contagious disease
5.religious reasons.
Each student who is absent must immediately, upon return to school, make arrangements with his/her teacher(s) to make up work missed. Students who are absent from school for reasons not permitted by Ohio law may be permitted to make up work. The principal and the respective teacher(s) consider each case on its merits. Students are requested to bring a note to school after each absence explaining the reason for the absence or tardiness.
From time to time, compelling circumstances require that a student be late to school or dismissed before the end of the school day.
The school must be notified in advance of such absences by written request of the student's parent or guardian, which states the reason for the tardiness or early dismissal.
No student is permitted to leave the school before the close of the school day without verifiable consent unless met in the school office by a parent or a person authorized by the parents to act in his/her behalf.
A record is kept indicating the legal custodian of each student. Such custodian is responsible for informing the school of any change in the student's custodian.
If one parent has been awarded custody of the student in a divorce settlement, the parent in custody as defined in Ohio law informs the school of any limitations in the rights of the non-custodial parent. Absent such notice, the school presumes that the student may be released into the care of either parent.
The Board does not believe that students should be excused from school for non-emergency trips out of the District. Students who are taken out of school will be counted as absent; however, up to five (5) days may be excused for educational trips with their family, if the trip is approved by the building principal prior to the absence. The responsibility for such absence resides with the parent(s), and they must not expect any work missed by their child to be re-taught by the teacher. If the school is notified in advance of such a trip, reasonable efforts are made to prepare a general list of assignments for the student to do while he/she is absent.
Medical and other appointments should not be made during the school day unless every effort has been made to make the appointment at a different time. Removal of children from the classroom disrupts the educational process for the entire class. Instruction continues until the announcements at 3:10p.m. Please avoid removing your child before this time.
Excessive absences (15) and tardiness (10) are reported to the Geauga County Attendance Officer for investigation. Removing students from school for vacation/recreation is discouraged. Interrupting the learning process is detrimental to students. The Ohio State Department of Education requires that all absences (excused and unexcused) be recorded and included in the student permanent record.
If your child is absent from school, it is imperative that you call the MunsonSchool office during the first hour of the school day. If a call is not received, we will attempt to call you at your home, your place of work, or at any number you have provided. Your valuable assistance will avoid unnecessary concern and phone calling.
If your child is absent, the teacher will accumulate all the assignments and papers for the days missed. It is not necessary to request work if the child has only missed one day. On the morning of the second consecutive day of absence, you may request work, by calling the school office. You may pick up your child's work in the office between 3:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. Assignments must be made up and turned in within a period of time equal to the number of days absent. Failure to turn in assignments will negatively impact final grades. (This applies to the five reasons for absences listed in the attendance policy – See above.)
A written note from home is required to notify the school of changes in routine and helps to assure children of what plans to expect.
Written permission from parent/guardian should be sent to the office if a child is to do any of the following:
1. Stay after school to attend a meeting or to be picked up;
2.Leave class early for a doctor's appointment, early dismissal, etc.
3.Have an adult other than the parent or guardian pick them up;
4.Ride a bus anywhere other than to home. Elementary students will be issued a bus pass for
“childcare purposes” only. A note/call to the child’s school from the parent is necessary. The
School will issue the pass and notify transportation.
Except in an emergency, a student is not permitted to ride a bus other than his/her own. If a child does not have a written note and we are unable to contact the parent to confirm a change in routine, the child will be sent home on his/her assigned bus.
Parents who are picking up their children before the close of the school day are asked to come to the school office. The parent will sign out the child and then wait by the office. The child will be called to the officefor dismissal. A written note from the parent is required. Instruction continues until 3:25 p.m. Early dismissal disrupts the educational process for the entire class.
Parents dropping off students in the morning or picking them up after school are asked toplease use the rear door of the school. When dropping off a student in the morning, please do the following: (1) Turn right at the stop sign, (2) Proceed to the rear door which will be unlocked for the children to enter from 9:00 A.M. until 9:10 A.M., and then drive in a circle around the edge of the parking lot to exit. For security purposes, the rear doors are locked until 9:00 A.M. and all doors are locked during the school day from 9:10 A.M. until 3:15 P.M. Parents are asked to wait with their children until the doors are unlocked at 9:00 A.M. PLEASE DO NOT DROP OFF YOUR CHILD OUTSIDE THE BACK DOOR AS THE DOORS ARE LOCKED AND THERE IS NO SUPERVISION PRIOR TO 9:00 A.M. When picking up a student in the afternoon, park in the rear lot, and enter the building between 3:15 and 3:25 P.M. to sign out your child. With eight to nine buses using the front area of the school, this procedure will enhance the safety for all Munson students.Student safety is our main concern. Your help in this matter is greatly appreciated.
A copy of the "Chardon Local Schools' Transportation Guidelines" is available online. Parents are asked to review the information with their children.
Parents who pick-up their children every-day or on regular days of the week will complete a form indicating the days they will pick up their children until further notification. (Classroom teachers will have a record of who these children are.) Parents who plan to pick up their children one particular day will send in a note that day to the child's teacher indicating this. InCASES OF EMERGENCY where parents did not send a note, they can call the school. CALLS MUST BE RECEIVED BY 11:30 A.M.
At 3:10 P.M.,those students signed out on a regular basis will be called as a group. Each classroom teacher will see that the students signed out on a regular basis remember to meet parents on the appropriate day in the All-Purpose Room. Then, those students whose parents did not make arrangements before 11:30 A.M. to pick them up after school will be called by name via the P.A. Bus riders are then called at 3:15 P.M.
If someone other than the parent is allowed to sign out and pick up a child, notification of these arrangements must be provided in writing to the principal and secretary. Such documents will be kept on file in the office.
There may be times when a student knows ahead of time that he/she will be absent. When this occurs, parents are asked to write a letter to the teacher and principal explaining the reason for the anticipated absence.
Please note that when a child misses in-class instruction, discussion, and hands-on activities, those educational experiences can not be replaced by a worksheet, etc., given to the child as make-up work for an absence.
Our school nurse is on duty in the clinic for five half days each week. At all other times, a nurse is on call for emergencies. Any child who is ill or injured is to report to the office in cases where the nurse is not on duty.
When a child has been injured or is too ill to remain in school, the nurse or school office personnel will contact home. If the parent/guardian cannot be reached at home or at work, the "emergency" number of a neighbor or relative who can drive will be called. Parents are reminded of the importance of accurate emergency numbers. Moreover, please be certain that the contact people are aware that their names have been used.
Our school nurse advises parents to keep a child at home if the youngster has any of the following symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, a temperature over 100 degrees, or any contagious condition that needs medical attention.
Parents are responsible for informing the school of any medical conditions such as allergies, asthma, epilepsy, etc. or any medical condition which affects learning. A confidential list of children with special medical consideration is compiled for the Munson staff. Your child's health and well-being are of utmost concern to us. Please inform us of any pertinent medical conditions your child has.
A WORD TO PARENTS WORKING OUTSIDE THE HOME...Please be certain that the phone number of your place of employment is on file in our office and that the number and extensions are kept up to date.