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Trainees’ Pelvic Floor Study Day

Faecal Incontinence

Wednesday 8th July 2015

Hosted by Southampton on behalf of the Southern Pelvic Floor MDT

Karen Nugent, Tom Dudding, Sophie Pilkington

Featuring live operating, endoanal USS, anorectal manometry, multidisciplinary clinic setting

University Hospital Southampton, Tremona Road, SO16 6YD


8:45 Registration and Welcome: E Level Seminar Room (WE11)

9:00Endoanal USS: Radiology Department C Level with Dr Grierson

10:00 Group A: Theatre W (G Level) with Mr Dudding

Sacral Nerve Stimulation: Live operating session

Programming for SNS: Talk by Jan Hicks

Group B: Anorectal physiology and complete pelvic floor USS with

Miss Pilkington and Sister Gilbert

GI Motility Room, Endoscopy, E Level

Rectal Irrigation: Model Demonstration by Ann Hamilton

11:15Rotate groups

12:30Lunch kindly provided by Torax

University Seminar Room, South Academic Block, C Level

13:00 Rotate groups: Theatre and One Stop Clinic with Miss Nugent

15:30 Tea /Coffee kindly provided by Solesta

15:45 Faecal Incontinence: Show-casing New Techniques

Case based discussion with members of the Southern Pelvic Floor

Group. University Seminar Room, South Academic Block, C Level

17:00 Close of meeting

Feedback Pelvic Floor Trainees Day

University Hospital Southampton

8th July 2015

Programme ran as above with 4 trainees. Kept mostly to time. Case-based discussion at end of day led by Jon Randall and Sophie Pilkington with Karen Nugent. Show-casing new techniques including Fenix, Solesta and SECCA.

Overall evaluation of the day in terms of usefulness and relevant for educational needs: 5/5 Very Good

All sessions were scored as good 4/5 or very good 5/5 by all 4 trainees.

Trainee comments: Very interesting – thank you! Really excellent. Great ratio of trainees to faculty. Fantastic day. Perfectly pitched level of information. Don’t get this teaching / knowledge / experience in any other unit / teaching session. This is one of the best teaching sessions I’ve had as an SpR. Thank you for all the effort of the faculty. Really useful to have the endoanal USS session first before the clinic sessions so could put new knowledge into use. Great range of theatre cases with good teaching during and in between cases. One stop clinics: great interaction with patients, hands on, saw everything in practice.

Refreshments: 4/5 Good. Comments: Excellent

Many thanks to the Faculty for their time and expertiseand the Sponsors.


Dr C Grierson (Consultant Radiologist)

Mr T Dudding (Colorectal Surgeon)

Miss K Nugent (Colorectal Surgeon)

Mr J Randall (Colorectal Surgeon – Bristol Royal Infirmary)

Mrs J Hicks (Pelvic Floor Practitioner)

Sister S Gilbert (GI motility nurse specialist)

Sister A Hamilton (GI motility nurse specialist)

Miss S Pilkington (Colorectal Surgeon and Course Convenor)


Lunch provided by Torax: Janet Di Marchant, Simon Freedman and Jacqueline Hawthorn

Afternoon refreshments provided by Solesta: Tim Moore

Sophie Pilkington 09/07/2015