2012 NH Emergency Preparedness Conference

Call for Presentations

This year’s NH Emergency Preparedness Conference planning committee invites professionals and volunteers working in any aspect of emergency preparedness and response to showcase and share their model practices, planning and response tools, improvements from lessons learned and resources (planning, information systems, trainings, etc.) that advance emergency preparedness and response.

Deadline for Submissions: January 13, 2012 at Noon.

All Submissions must be submitted electronically via email utilizing the submission form beginning on page 4 provided and sent to:

Background & Introduction

The NH Emergency Preparedness Conference is an annual event that brings together emergency responders from across our state to explore a wide spectrum of emergency management topics using an all hazards approach. The conference provides excellent opportunities for training and networking with local experts and practitioners from fields such as Emergency Management, Public Health, Fire, EMS, Law Enforcement, Business, Healthcare, Local Government, Public Works, Schools, Social Services, and Volunteer groups. Examples of session topics from the first 7 years include crisis communications, including health care system response, social media, volunteer management, continuity of operations planning, sheltering, environmental health, personal preparedness, critical infrastructure protection, public health surveillance, disaster recovery, insurance, functional needs, transportation, mass fatalities, radiological emergencies, and the impact of climate change on preparedness.

The 2012 NH Emergency Preparedness Conference will be held on Tuesday, June 26, 2012. The exact location is pending approval of a contract by the Governor and Executive Council.

This year’s planning committee invites professionals and volunteers working in any aspect of emergency preparedness and response to showcase and share their model practices, planning and response tools, improvements from lessons learned and resources (planning, information systems, trainings, etc.) that advance emergency preparedness and response.

Conference Goal

The goal of the NH Emergency Preparedness Conference is to offer a program that provides NH’s emergency planners and responders with the opportunity to:

  • learn new ideas and practices to meet emergency preparedness challenges, and
  • connect with key individuals and organizations across the emergency preparedness spectrum.


Conference Format:

Presentations should focus on sharing model practices, tools and resources that advance emergency preparedness and response, and should fit into one of the following topical areas:

Real Events / Lessons Learned
Real incidents/events – these should either be recent events (within last 18 months) or draw on lessons learned from past events that can be applied to current planning.

Emerging Trends in Emergency Management
Global Climate Change, Infectious diseases, Terrorism, Critical Infrastructure Protection, Community Emergency Response Programs, Nuclear, Biological, Radiological & Chemical threats, Risk Management, etc.

The Human Element in Emergency Management
Crisis Communications, Human Resources Policies, Stress Reduction, Trauma Risk Management, Personal and Family Preparedness, etc.

Technical Issues/Threats
Cyber & Electronic Data Security, Virtualization and Cloud Computing as related to Recovery, Emergency Communications, Situational Awareness, Interoperability, Communication Systems Options, Emergency Management Software, etc.

Emergency Management Principles & Practices
Whole Community Planning, Community Resilience, Emergency Operations Centers, Emergency Site Management, NIMS/ICS, Standards, Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery, HAZMAT, Health Care Response, Meeting Functional Needs, Managing the Media, Major Event Contingency Planning, Public Awareness and Education Campaigns, Evacuation Planning, Exercise and Training Programs, Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment, etc.

Research & Development
Development of multi-organizational strategies for managing incidents, model public policies, disaster management / business continuity pilot projects, results of research contributing to loss reduction strategies; etc.

Presentation Formats

All sessions should allow at least 10-15 minutes of question and answer time.

Morning Sessions are 1 hour and fifteen minutes. Afternoon Sessions are 1 hour.

*Double sessions are available during the afternoon and are 2 hours and 15 minutes long.

  • Concurrent Sessions – are in-depth in nature and allow at least 10-15 minutes for Q&A
  • Panel Discussions - are sessions with one announced theme and a list of participants who address that theme in a coordinated manner but do not present separate formal papers.
  • Double Sessions – (2 hours and 15 minutes)
  • Poster Presentations - will be displayed in a separate area to allow participants to engage in one-on-one discussions with the author(s) at a designated time.

Selection Criteria

The Conference Committee will review all presentations - selection will be based on the following criteria:

  • Topic and relevance to the conference topical areas and attendee base
  • Focus on best practices, tools and resources that can be applied in NH
  • Written description and learning objectives
  • Speaker expertise
  • Special consideration will be given to sessions that include presenters from various sectors
  • Research findings are welcome, provided the session is aimed at practitioners and balanced with sufficient practical information (i.e. 'here's how this can be applied to xyz')
  • Absence of commercial sales content for services or products

Conditions of Acceptance

Deadline for Submissions: January 13, 2012 at Noon.

All Submissions must be submitted electronically via email utilizing the MS Word document provided and sent to:

Upon receipt, you will receive a confirmation email within 3 business days. If you do not receive a confirmation email within 3 business days please call Lori Walter at 603.573.3306

Review Process

All submitters will be notified by email by February 1, 2012


Compensation is not provided for speakers.

Speaker Responsibilities

  • If committee has asked for revisions, provide a final title, description and objectives for conference materials by March 1, 2012.
  • Participate in a 15-30 minute logistics conference call (TBD).
  • Coordinate with other speakers/panelists and moderators/facilitators in same session prior to the event.
  • Coordinate with session monitors (monitors are provided by the NHEPC Planning Committee to assist you during the session).
  • Provide information on audio visual needs to event planner by June 1, 2012.
  • Provide final presentation materials for electronic distribution by June 19, 2012. We do not provide hard copies to participants. If presenters wish to have hard copies provided, they are responsible for reproducing, shipping and distributing the items.
  • Arrange for own transportation and travel arrangements.
  • Arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your session.


For further information about this conference or the submission process, please contact Lori Walter at 603.573.3306 or email .
2012 NH Emergency Preparedness Conference

Call for Presentations

Submission Form

Deadline for Submission: January 13, 2012 at Noon.

All submissions must be submitted electronically using this form. Send submissions to . For further information or for questions, please contact Lori Walter at 603.573.3306.

Presentation Title:

Presentation Type:Presentation Length(including Q&A):

Which topical area does this presentation follow?

Session Description for review (limit 500 words)

Learning Objectives

Learning objectives tells the learner what he/she should know or be able to do at the end of an educational activity. Please specify the knowledge and tools the participants will gain by attending this session. For example: “Following this session, participants will be able to describe the five components of the special medical shelter screening tool.”

Please state the learning objectives for this session. There should be at least 3.

Contact Information

Presentation Contact (person submitting this abstract and to receive official notification)

First Name: Last Name: Title:


Phone: Email:

Please note: if the session contact person is also your moderator and presenter, you will need to list that person in each area. If you do not have a moderator or facilitator at this time, the Planning Committee can help assign one to your session.


Not using a moderator Not known at this time

First Name: MI: Last Name:

Credentials (MPH, BA, MS, EMT-1, CPH, etc.):

Title: Organization:

Phone: Email:


Presenter 1

First Name: MI: Last Name:

Credentials (MPH, BA, MS, EMT-1, CPH, etc.):

Title: Organization:

Phone: Email:

Experience related to this topic:

Experience presenting this topic:

Presenter Biography:

Presenter 2

First Name: MI: Last Name:

Credentials (MPH, BA, MS, EMT-1, CPH, etc.):

Title: Organization:

Phone: Email:

Experience related to this topic:

Experience presenting this topic:

Presenter Biography:

Presenter 3

First Name: MI: Last Name:

Credentials (MPH, BA, MS, EMT-1, CPH, etc.):


Phone: Email:

Experience related to this topic:

Experience presenting this topic:

Presenter Biography:

Presenter 4

First Name: MI: Last Name:

Credentials (MPH, BA, MS, EMT-1, CPH, etc.):

Title: Organization:

Phone: Email:

Experience related to this topic:

Experience presenting this topic:

Presenter Biography:

Presenter 5

First Name: MI: Last Name:

Credentials (MPH, BA, MS, EMT-1, CPH, etc.):

Title: Organization:

Phone: Email:

Experience related to this topic:

Experience presenting this topic:

Presenter Biography:

Presenter 6

First Name: MI: Last Name:

Credentials (MPH, BA, MS, EMT-1, CPH, etc.):

Title: Organization:

Phone: Email:

Experience related to this topic:

Experience presenting this topic:

Presenter Biography:

Is there any other information you would like to provide at this time?

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