Blanchardstown West

Educate Together National School

Little Pace Road, Clonee, Dublin 15.

01-8238406 085-8722323

Extra Personal Vacation (EPV) Days

Professional Development (PD) Days Policy

Blanchardstown West ETNS strives to provide a happy, child-friendly and secure learning environment for all our pupils. Respect is fostered in a culture which values diversity, difference and strengths. School personnel, parents and the wider community are valued intrinsically in the enhancement of our pupils’ learning.

While endeavouring to achieve these aims we also strive to facilitate the continuing professional development of staff members during term time and school holidays.

When a teacher has, during school holidays, attended a course approved by Department of Education and Skills, EPV days may be taken on presentation of the necessary certificate to the Principal and subject to Board of Management approval. As per DES guidelines set out in Circular 35/2009, leave will be sanctioned on the basis of 3 days for attendance at a 5-day course or on a pro rata basis as approved by DES. Further information in relation to number of days permitted can be found on page 172 of the Board of Management Handbook.


·  To encourage teachers to undertake professional development courses which enhance their teaching and promote a standard of excellence throughout the school.

·  To assist in the smooth operation of the school during such days.

·  To minimise disruption to classes during such days.

·  To ensure that all staff members understand what their entitlements are in relation to days ‘in lieu’ of courses (EVP days)

·  To ensure that no more than a reasonable number of extra pupils are assigned to any classroom while their teacher takes an EPV/PD day.


·  According to Rule 58, EPV days are subject to the prior approval of the "Manager" i.e. Board of Management. The BOM of BWETNS has empowered our School Principal, Fergal in conjunction with our Acting Deputy Principal Julie, to sanction EPV days. However, if referred to the BOM, the BOM will have the final decision.

·  When taking EPV days Staff are encouraged to limit them to 1/term if possible.

·  Verbal requests for EVP days are made in the first instance to the Principal. This request will subsequently be discussed with the Deputy Principal. If granted, the day is noted on the School Calendar located in the Staff Room.

·  Where possible, prior notice of EPV days of at least one week should be given.

·  Across the school, a maximum of 2 EPV days will be sanctioned in any full school week and 1 EPV day in a 3-day week or less.

·  Only one class can be split on any particular day.

·  EPV days will be sanctioned on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.

·  In the event of two or more applications for the same day, the Principal & Acting Deputy Principal will consult with the teachers concerned. Where it is unavoidable that both teachers need/wish to absent themselves on the same day, this will require a member of the SET team (on a rotational basis) taking one of the classes for the entire day and the other class be split.

·  In so far as is possible, Junior Infant classes will not be split. (LS teacher)

·  Teachers should avoid, as far as is possible, taking their EVP days on:

ü  The first 2 weeks or the last 2 weeks of the school year.

ü  The week leading up to Mid Winter fortnight or Spring fortnight holidays.

ü  Days of Staff meeting and/or Planning days.

ü  Days when other classes are on school tours, Sports Day or attending events.

In preparation for leave, teachers should:

·  Link up with a member of the SET/LS/EAL team on the day prior to the EPV/PD day.

·  Go through the day’s timetable (if the teacher is going to teach the class for the day).

·  Go through the children’s timetable of work if they are going to be split.

·  Have a photocopy of the timetable and all necessary books on each child’s table.

·  Nominate the children to the other classes. Post a copy of this outside the classroom door, on the Staff Room Notice Board and place a copy on each class teacher’s desk.

·  As our school grows we will try not to assign extra pupils to large classes, “active” classes or those classes whose teachers are doing their diploma.

·  The SET/LS/ELS teacher will collect the children at 8:30 am and either teach them for the day or, in the case of the class being split, explain the work to be completed and assign them to classrooms. Children should NOT return to their own classroom during the day.

·  Chairs should be placed in the “adopted” classroom the day before by the teacher/caretaker and arrange for their return later that afternoon. Each classroom will have an extra table already (timeout/SNA). If more are required, they should also be placed the day before and returned later that afternoon.

·  Infants will be collected by the SET/LS/ELS teacher and brought back to their own classroom at 1pm for usual dismissal @ 1:10pm

·  As our school grows we will gain more of a “cushion” to facilitate the taking of EPV/PD days but in the meantime teachers, helping out their colleagues during leave are appreciated hugely.

·  The importance of SET/LS/EAL teachers cannot be overstated and temporarily suspending their classes to facilitate EPV/PD leaves the neediest learners in our school without tuition. This is unavoidable unfortunately when necessary resources are not assigned to our school.

Ratification and Communication

This policy will come into operation at the beginning of the school year 2013/2014, having been ratified by Staff and BOM. Every teacher will be provided with a copy of this policy to be placed in their file located on the pedestal in each classroom.

Date of next review of this policy:

May 2014

Signed on behalf of the Board of Management:



Date: ______