questionnaire /
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This questionnaire gives us important information for the marketing of your book. Please complete all questions as fully and factually as possible. The replies you give will be used as the basis of descriptions for the jacket and for publicity aimed at potential buyers, booksellers, sales staff and overseas agents.

Please return the completed form with your typescript.

1.1Author/editor / Pippa Norris
1.2Book title
(and subtitle if any) / Democratic deficits: Rising aspirations, negative news, or failing performance?
1.3Full names
Certain cumulative catalogues print authors’ names in full, and ask us to supply this information. / Pippa Norris
1.4Name on title page
Name as you wish it to appear on the title page of your book and in promotional material. / Pippa Norris
1.5Date of Birth and Nationality / 10th July 1953, UK
1.6Your present affiliation
Please include title: Professor of, Lecturer in, etc., department and university/institution etc. / McGuire Lecturer in Comparative Politics at the JohnF.KennedySchool of Government, HarvardUniversity
1.7Short autobiographical note
Please include academic and other distinctions, positions held, travels, other books, journals written for (but not full details of title of paper etc.). Please do not be unduly modest: we are interested in any information about you which will help us find the market for your book, and to get it suitably reviewed. Please include your date of birth, which is required for cataloguing information. / Pippa Norris is the McGuire Lecturer in Comparative Politics at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, HarvardUniversity. Her work analyzes comparative democratization, elections and public opinion, gender politics, and political communications. Recent companion volumes by this award-winning author, also published by Cambridge University Press, include Sacred and Secular (2004), Driving Democracy (2008) and Cosmopolitan Communications (2009).
1.8Professional associations/learned societies
Please list your membership in these. / American Political Science Association (APSA)
International Political Science Association (IPSA)
European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR)
Political Studies Association of the UK (PSA)
International Communications Association (ICA)
Elections, Parties & Public Opinion Group of the PSA (EPOP)
1.9Mailing address/Social Security Number
Please give the full address and post code/zip code, office telephone number and fax number or electronic mail address (if any) to which we should send you letters, publicity material etc. Please also give your home telephone number in case we need to contact you when you are not in your office. / Pippa Norris
John F. Kennedy School of Government,
79 John F. Kennedy Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA.
Cell: 857 445 9105
Fax: 617 495 8696

Social Security Number: 623 46 5215
Also: (summer)
153 Center Street, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675
2.1Your book: description
Please give a description of your book suitable for your intended readership. Please say the most important things first. This description will be used as the basis for jacket and leaflet copy, (150 words maximum). / Many fear that democracies are suffering from a legitimacy crisis. Widespread concern has prompted reforms designed to restore the connection between citizens and the state. Yet initiatives will fail if symptoms have been misdiagnosed.
Part I develops the book’s central argument, focusing upon ‘democratic deficits’, reflecting how far the perceived democratic performance of any state diverges from public expectations.
Part II examines the symptoms by comparing system support in more than fifty societies worldwide. The autopsy challenges the pervasive claim that most established democracies have experienced a steadily rising tide of political disaffection during the third wave era. Instead confidence in government ebbs and flows during these decades – in the United States as well as in Western Europe.At the same time, in most societies, evaluations of how democracy performs lag behind public aspirations.
Part III diagnoses the reasons behind the democratic deficit using a market model emphasizing the combination of demand (rising public aspirations for democracy); information (negative news); and supply (the performance and structure of democratic regimes).
Why does this phenomenon matter? The prognosis in Part IV examines the consequences for active citizenship, for governance, and ultimately for democratization. The conclusion summarizes the key lessons and reflects upon their broader implications.
This book provides fresh insights into major issues at the heart of the study of comparative politics, public opinion, political culture, political behavior, democratic governance, political psychology, political communications, public policymaking, comparative sociology, cross-national survey analysis, and the dynamics of the democratization process.
2.2Non-technical description
Please give a description of your book (90 words) in simple non-technical language which will be understood by sales staff and booksellers in all countries, who need to know about it in sufficient detail to direct it towards the right buyers. Please say what it is about, its main purpose, its importance as you see it and how it differs from the competition. Don’t be afraid to state what would be obvious to specialists in your subject. / See above
2.3Special features
We sometimes need to describe the special features of your book in just a few words. Please list at least three points which emphasise the special selling features of your book. /
  • The book offers a new theoretical framework seeking to explain the causes and consequences of the democratic deficit in terms of demand (rising public expectations about democracy), information (with media framing of government performance), and supply (the performance and structure of democratic regimes).
  • Democratic deficits tests this theory against systematic survey evidence derived from almost fifty countries and diverse types of regimes. By challenging many of the contemporary myths about the perceived threat of lack of trust in government, the study is certain to arouse considerable debate among social scientists, especially in sociology, political science and mass communications, as well as among decision-makers, journalists and commentators
  • The study provides fresh insights into the consequences of the democratic deficit for political participation, allegiant behavior, and processes of democratization.

2.4New edition
If the book is a new edition please specify in detail how it differs, in content or approach from the previous edition.
The marketing of your book will be handled in these main centers: the Americas -- United States, Canada, Mexico; Australian Branch -- Australia/New Zealand; the U.K. office -- U.K., Europe, and the rest of the world. Copies of this questionnaire will be distributed to all offices, but if you have information with particular relevance for one office please indicate this in the sections below.
Who may be expected to buy it? (Please be very specific about level and types of buyers.) Can it be used as a textbook? If so please fill in Section 9 at the end of this form. / This book will be invaluable for courses in the comparative politics, political behavior, public opinion, communication studies, political sociology, international studies, IR, political psychology, democratization and development.
It is primarily designed for graduate students but it can be read by undergraduates and scholars.
Are there any countries or areas of the world in which there is particular interest in the subject dealt with by your book? / The main target readership will be located in the U.S. and Europe, although the thematic approach applied to all societies worldwide will raise relevant questions for a much broader international market. The coverage is 50 countries worldwide.
3.3Competing books
Please list similar or competing books with year of publication and their publishers. In what ways is your book more up-to-date or different in approach? If your book is a textbook please fill in section 9.5 instead. / Pippa Norris. 1999. Critical Citizens. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Russell J Dalton. 2004. Democratic Challenges, Democratic Choices. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
In contrast to these volumes, Democratic Deficitsprovides a new theoretical framework and primary research analyzing systematic empirical evidence for the impact of public attitudes towards democracy in multiple nations.
4.1Catalogue mailing
To which academic disciplines will the book be most relevant? Please list these in descending order of importance. / This book will be invaluable for courses in the comparative politics, sociology, mass communications, journalism studies, comparative democratization, political behavior and institutions, public opinion, international studies, IR, political sociology, political psychology, and development.
Which professional societies, associations and/or industrial/commercial organizations will be most interested in your book and in which countries are their headquarters? Where possible please specify if there is a bulletin or newsletter and provide details of a contact who can deal with enquiries about advertising/mailing. / American Political Science Association (APSA)
International Political Science Association (IPSA)
Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA)
European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR)
Political Studies Association of the UK (PSA)
International Communications Association (ICA)
Elections, Parties & Public Opinion Group of the PSA (EPOP)
International Studies Association (ISA)
4.3Special Sales
Are there any societies or other organizations who might want to sponsor or purchase your book in quantity? Please give names and addresses if possible.
4.4Individual buyers
We would be pleased to have the names and addresses of individual buyers who are unlikely to receive the mailings. Please supply the list on self-adhesive labels and always state when the list was originally compiled .
Are there any exhibits or conferences where we should publicize your book? Please give details of place and date with name and address of organizer or contact name if known. / American Political Science Association (APSA)
International Political Science Association (IPSA)
Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA)
European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR)
Political Studies Association of the UK (PSA)
International Communications Association (ICA)
Elections, Parties & Public Opinion Group of the PSA (EPOP)
International Studies Association (ISA)
Are there any particular prizes for which your book will be eligible? Please give the details, if known, of contact name, address and telephone number and the deadline for submission. Are you aware of any special rules? Please say if this is your first book. / APSA Comparative Politics book prize
Which are the most important journals and publications relevant to your book? Please cite as many as possible in order of importance. It will help if you can give the editorial address for specialist publications that may not be known to us. Please include the obvious main journals in addition to more obscure publications. Include society newsletters and bulletins if you think they review books or take advertisements. Please indicate with an 'R' those in which you would like to see your books reviewed and with an 'A' those in which an advertisement might be effective. If you have close contacts with any please mark with an 'X.' The Americas Branch deals with publications in the U.S., Canada and Mexico; the U.K. office deals with publications in the U.K., Europe, and the rest of the world.
Journal nameCountry of PublicationAddress
American Jnl of Sociology (A/R)
American Journalism Review (A/R)
BJPolS (A)
Canadian Jnl of Political Studies
Comparative Political Studies (A/R)
Comparative Politics (A/R)
ECPR News (A)
Electoral Studies (A/R)
EPOP Newsletter (flier)
European Journal of Communication (R )
Foreign Affairs (A/R)
Government and Opposition
Harvard International Jnl of Press-Politics
International Jnl of Public Opinion Research (R )
International Studies Quarterly
Journal of Communication (A/R)
Journal of Politics (R)
Media Studies Journal (A)
Media, Culture and Society (A/R)
New York Review of Books (A/R)
Parliamentary Affairs (R/A)
Political Communications (A)
Political Quarterly ( R)
Political Studies ( R)
PS (A)
PSA News (A)
Public Opinion Quarterly (R )
Scandinavian Political Studies ®
Scientific Study of Religion
West European Politics (R/A)
World Politics (R)
5.2Other publicity
Please add any other relevant information about the marketing of your book which has not been covered elsewhere.
6.1The media
If we are approached by the press, radio or television for biographical details, have you any objection to our providing them? / No
6.2Media contacts
Have you any established contacts in the media? Please give details.
6.3Lecture tours/speaking engagements
Please give us details of any important engagements that could help the marketing of your book. / Various talks and engagements annually: will let you know nearer the time. In 2011 this will probably include, at a minimum, MPSA, ECPR, IPSA and APSA.
If you have a bookstore where you are known, please supply details so that we may draw its attention to your book. / The Harvard Coop, CambridgeMA02138
The Harvard Book Store, Cambridge, MA 02138
8.1Translation rights
This will help our Rights Sales department to place translation rights. Please give the names of foreign publishers who have translated any work of yours not published by us.
8.2Foreign publishers
Have you contacts with any other foreign publishers who might be interested in publishing a translation of this book?
Do you know the name of a prominent academic in that country who is familiar with your work and who also might be prepared to endorse it for a foreign publisher?