Call for Workshops: 24th Annual La Raza Youth Leadership Conference

Theme: “Limitations Aren’t Real”

Auraria Campus, Downtown Denver

Date: 4/29/2017 Time: 8:00AM - 3:00PM


The mission of La Raza Youth Leadership Conference is to empower Latina/o youth to achieve their educational and leadership potentials and instill the desire to give back to the community. The conference is geared towards youth from ages 12 through 18 and for Spanish and English speaking students.

Theme: This year’s conference theme is “Limitations Aren’t Real” and with this call for workshops, we hope to encourage our future generations as Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales said

“Never let the World Change You. Change the World. It’s Yours”

We are calling for workshops that re-imagine the borders placed around our Raza youth, families, and community. Although the Colorado Latino Forum reports that Latinas/os make up 20% of the population in Colorado, less than 7% Latinos are achieving higher education degrees, and as a community, we must address this disparity utilizing our own tools of self-determination, pride, and cultural inclusion. When dreaming without borders, we consciously call for workshops that engage rather than instruct, that include rather than exclude, and that encourage creative acts of resistance rather than normative strategies of assimilation. Crossing physical, emotional, spiritual, and/or theoretical borders is dangerous work, yet as mestizas/os, we brave these everyday marginalized spaces to generate new understandings of race, gender, sexuality, class, and ability. With this call for workshops, we are hoping to engage youth through career, education, and leadership preparation/instruction. All are welcome to apply. All are welcome to attend.

Workshop Commitment

As a Workshop Presenter, we ask you that you commit to delivering three (3) one hour workshops, for no more than 25 students per presentation. The time commitment for the day is between 8:30AM – 1:00PM. Lunch and entertainment begins at 1:00 and you are welcome to stay and enjoy the activities.

Expectations for instructional delivery should include:
- Interactive (non lecture) component to the workshop
- Current statistics and/or examples related to the number of “Latinos” impacted

- Encourage collaboration/intersections with other people of color groups
- Visual reinforcement (handouts, charts, diagrams, videos, power points)

provided by presenter.

Workshop Criteria
In an effort to ensure that all workshops meet the goals of this year’s conference, please ensure that your presentation meets the following criteria:

1.Incorporate the 2017 theme into your presentation, “Limitation Aren’t Real”

2. Age Demographic = Middle School and High School Students

3.The presentation must align with one or more of the following workshop goals.

Workshop Goals

The career goal introduces youth to the importance and preparation needed to start a career, including the vast array of options. Specifically, introducing youth to career tracks where Latinos are historically underrepresented. Workshops in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math), art and music, social justice careers, and life skills (taxes, financial saving, retirement, entrepreneur, or financial literacy) are especially welcome.

Specific outcomes for career workshops:
- Students leave with a general understanding of the day to day job responsibilities related to that the career field
- Academic and professional criteria needed to participate in the career

Education presentations should promote post-secondary education and training. Specifically, workshops that engage educational rights/youth advocacy, school-to-prison pipeline, financial aid, immigrant rights, scholarship/college options for undocumented persons, drug abuse prevention, and/or experiences of Latinas/os in higher education (including marginalized identities within the Latina/o community) are especially welcome.

Specific outcomes for education workshops:
- Financial Aid/Admission Processes for Higher Education
- What do I need to do now as a middle school or high school student to get into college. i.e. attendance, extra-curricular activities, transitioning to high school.

- Students leave with a clear and accurate snapshot of the day-to-day realities of higher education for Latina/o students, faculty, and/or administration.

Leadership presentations should develop a sense of community and re-affirm cultural identity and pride, including civic engagement, activism and social responsibility with an emphasis on giving back to all parts of the Latino community, including those with (dis)abilities, GLBTQ identities, and/or other historically marginalized identities. Leadership workshops must fall under at least one of the following topics:

1. Healthy Relationships
a. Students will be able to identify ways in which sexual/gender identity, self-awareness, and healthy relationships impact Latino youth and community. For instance, workshops on how to date safely, nutrition, responsible parenting practices, reproductive justice, and women’s health are especially welcome.

a. Self-Awareness Students will leave with a better understanding of self and learn tools to self-assess and evaluate their opportunities for personal growth. Workshops on expressing oneself, gender/sexual identity, body image, juvenile rights, bullying, and alliance building are especially welcomed. Additionally, workshops that engage with art-based or performance-based pedagogical practices will be given a priority within this topic.

3. Cultural Awareness
a. Students will leave with a general understanding of historical events that shaped the Latino community in the last 50 years. Some suggested topics include: history of Aztlán, history of El Movimiento, Latin American revolutions and revolutionaries, and curanderismo. Additionally, workshops that provide understandings of current Latino politics, political leaders, Denver community leaders, and/or Chicana/o-specific cultural practices are encouraged.

4. Civic Engagement
a. Students leave with and understanding of civic engagement principles (i.e., voting, rights of citizens and non-citizens).
b. Presenters will identify specific ways to participate in civic engagement at a local and national level.

La Raza Youth Leadership Institute

2017 Conference Workshop Presentation Application

Deadline: 5:00PM, March 1, 2017

Workshop Title:
Workshop Description:
The description will be used in the conference program to promote your workshop.
Make descriptions brief, exciting, informative and in youth appropriate language.
• Cannot exceed 75 words.
Name of all presenters and organizational affiliation
Contact information, including cell phone and email
Workshop Logistics
Session 1 Target Audience (only check one selection in each category)*
Gender: Male only Female only Both
Age group: Middle School only High School Only Both
Language: English Spanish
Session 2 Target Audience (only check one selection in each category)*
Gender: Male only Female only Both
Age group: Middle School only High School Only Both
Language: English Spanish
Session 3 Target Audience (only check one selection in each category)*
Gender: Male only Female only Both
Age group: Middle School only High School Only Both
Language: English Spanish
*Please tell us if your presentation is restricted to youth only, as adult conference participants are free to attend any workshop unless otherwise noted in the program.
Do you have any audio/visual needs and/or special room requirements?
Check all that apply.
Overhead Projector LCD Projector*
Chalkboard Whiteboard
TV/VCR Slide Projector
Room with desks Room with tables
Computer room
*You will need to provide your own laptop computer and cables)
(select one of the following)
Education: ______
Leadership: ___Self Awareness ___Cultural Awareness
___Civic Engagement ___Healthy Relationships
Students will know… / Students will be able to …
Learning Plan/Activities
(outline of your presentation/activities)
Other Materials
(list of materials used for this presentation/activities that you will provide)

Servicios De La Raza