EDT 321 Week 7 Lesson Plan F04

Week 7- Lesson Plan

Topics covered

·  Midterm exam

·  Presentation guidelines, design rules, Graphic file types, PowerPoint skills

·  Research Forum Postings and Group Summary are due

·  Quiz 4 - IPSO

Learning Objectives

·  Describe the difference between a bitmap (raster) and a vector image.

·  List and define the graphic design principles of contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity.

·  State Rule 166.

·  Create a PowerPoint presentation that follows the CRAP graphic principles and Rule 166.

Your Preparation

Load the PowerPoint Presentation, the external links, the PowerPoint Project, and the PowerPoint Skill Checklist to your BlackBoard site.

Quiz 4 (IPSO) will be given in this class period. Load the quiz and set the password.

Read the PowerPoint notes to identify the content being presented. Visit the Color tutorial link. Visit other links below for background information. Load these sites to the External Links in your Blackboard site if you feel your students would benefit from visiting them.


·  PowerPoint Project Assignment.

Suggested Lesson Plan

  1. Take roll, give any announcements, get computers started, etc. (5-10 minutes)
  2. Administer Quiz 4 on IPSO
  3. Present and discuss PowerPoint presentation - Online Presentations (estimate 20 minutes). This is just an introduction to the content; the students can use the presentation and notes later for more in-depth study. The presentation mentions both the PowerPoint Skills Checklist (#3 below) and the PowerPoint Project (#4 below).
  4. Refer students to blackboard site for the skills checklist and assignments. Answer questions if any. (5 minutes)
  5. Assign the PowerPoint Project and go over the grading criteria with students. Students will design a Jeopardy game using the research questions they developed in the Research Forum assignment. We have provided a template file for the Jeopardy game, they will need to add the necessary slides.
  6. Using the PowerPoint Skills Checklist and the project grading criteria demonstrate the basic features of PowerPoint. Your students may be very familiar with PowerPoint already and you can concentrate on the more advanced features. You will have to judge the level of detail separately for each class.
  7. Allow practice time with PowerPoint. Encourage exploration of all the features. Students might benefit from the Microsoft Office XP text. Also suggest that students use the Help feature to learn about more advanced features of PowerPoint such as hyperlinks. (1 hour)
  8. Suggest that students visit the Color Tutorial link and any other links you have loaded for them. (30-40 minutes)
  9. Remind students of the midterm exam that will be taken in class next week. The test consists of 20 multiple choice questions.

Content Files and Other Resources


Week7_ lesson plan.doc / This document
Ppt presentation wk 7.ppt / PowerPoint presentation for Week 7
Slide notes presentations.doc / Annotated copies of the PowerPoint slides for the lecture
Powerpoint project f04.doc / Project for Powerpoint
PowerPoint Skills.doc / Checklist for PowerPoint Skills Student Handout
Jeopardy template.ppt / PowerPoint file for PowerPoint project


http://www.poynter.org/special/colorproject/colorproject/color.html / Color workshop
http://www.rdpslides.com/pptfaq/ / PowerPoint FAQ site
http://www.bitbetter.com/powertips.htm#anchor276534 / PowerPoint Tips and Tricks
http://www.bitbetter.com/powerfaq.htm / PowerPoint FAQ
http://www.orst.edu/instruction/ed596/ppoint/pphome.htm / PowerPoint Tutorial
http://www.geocities.com/~webwinds/classes/powerpt.htm / PowerPoint Links
http://www.lgta.org/ppt7/ / PowerPoint Lessons
http://www.fgcu.edu/support/office2000/ppt/ / PowerPoint 2000 Tutorial
http://members.aol.com/arendsart/pages/infopgs/filetype.html / Graphic File Types
http://www.1960pcug.org/~imagery/graphic_formats.htm / Graphic File Types
http://graphicssoft.about.com/cs/formatsgeneral/ / Graphic File Types
http://graphicssoft.about.com/library/weekly/aa000327a.htm / Graphic File Types
http://desktoppub.about.com/cs/graphicstips/tp/modifyclipart.htm / Modifying Clip Art

Week 7 lesson plan f04.doc 12/27/2005 Page 2