(The risk assessment should be reviewed after accidents, Incidents,
near misses and when significant changes in personnel or work practices occur)
No / Hazard(Something with the potential to harm: Hazards listed should be those present before controls are in place) / Possible effects/harm
(Where a group of people may be affected differently, separately identify effects/harm and risk rating: e.g. young people, expectant mothers) / Risk Rating
(Prior to controls)
High, medium or Low / Detail Controls/ Safe Systems of Work
(Indicate in next column if the control is in place(Y) or needs to be implemented (N). If a set of controls are already given elsewhere state reference/ location) / Y/N / Implementation
(Note action to implement, responsible person and target date) / Revised Risk Rating
(Controls in place: High. Medium, Low)
1 / Injury through inappropriate behaviour (dry side) / Hospitalisation.
Minor injuries. / M / Coaches monitor swimmers’ behaviour on poolside in accordance with training pool’s Normal Operating Plan: Dealing with Public, any inappropriate behaviour and swimmers parent will be notified and/ or swimmer will be excluded from competing.
Parents are responsible for children at all times when they are not at poolside unless prior arrangement made with Coach for supervision over break periods.
First aid kit available.
Where appropriate, Coach will be supported by Team Manager in the control/ supervision of swimmers.
All swimmers aware they must not leave poolside without express permission of Coach/ Team Manager. / Y / Controls in place.
A number of trained Team Managers are available to the Coaches. / L
2 / Injury through inappropriate behaviour in pool / Death.
Minor injury. / H / Warm up sessions supervised by Coach at all times.
All races monitored by Coach.
Behaviour managed in accordance with pool’s Normal Operating Plan: Dealing with Public.
Adequate lifeguard cover.
First aid kit available. / Y / Controls in place. / L
3 / Injury through illness / Death.
General sickness. / H / Any known medical conditions are made known to the Squad Coach including any medication requirements.
For swimmers returning from illness – coach to check whether there are any continued medication needs.
Coach holds contact details for all swimmers. / Y / Medical conditions and medication requirements/ allergies part of swimmers profile on joining the club.
Controls in place. / L
4 / Injury aggravated through inadequate action following accident. / Death.
Minor injuries. / H / In the event of an accident the following procedures take place:
Ensure everyone is safe.
Inform pool staff who will assess situation and follow emergency plans.
Contact swimmers parents.
Complete accident report.
Record incident in Pool’s accident book and report to Child Welfare Officer.
Review adequacy of controls in light of accident. / Y / Coaches hold contact details for all swimmers.
Controls in place. / L
5 / Injury resulting from emergency at pool / Death.
Minor injuries / H / Coaches undertake register of swimmers prior to warm up.
All galas are preceded by Emergency Announcements.
Swimmers are encouraged to listen to announced – Coach will reiterate important or unusual aspects from the announcements. / Y / Controls in place. / L
Risk Rating; evaluation of the potential impact, extent & likelihood of the harm occurring
High: (e.g. Fatality possible to one or more individuals however infrequent.
Major injury to one/few individuals likely.
Minor injury to many individuals likely.)
Medium: (e.g. Major injury to one/few individuals infrequently.
Minor injury to few individuals occurring frequently.)
Low: (e.g. Minor injury occurring infrequently to few individuals)
Risk Assessment - Galas