Farmers Market Application 2014 /
Program description
Fair Food Network (FFN) is a national nonprofit dedicated to building a more just and sustainable food system.
We work at the intersection of food systems and social equity to guarantee access to healthy, fresh and sustainably grown food, especially in underserved communities.
The FFN Double Up Food Bucks (DUFB) program is an innovative way to encourage low-income consumers to use their federal food assistance benefits to purchase fresh produce at Michigan farmers markets and other designated retailers. The project draws on a pool of private foundation funds to “match” purchases made using SNAP benefitsfor Michigan-grown fruits and vegetables. FFN is now inviting markets to apply to begin participating in the 2014 season.
Application requirements
To participate, markets must be able to accept SNAP benefits. At least one season of experience is preferred, but not required; markets must have an authorization number from USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) by January 15, 2014 and have a point of sale device and SNAP currency in their possession by March 15, 2014 in order to participate.
Markets must also have a designated market manager responsible for the project, sufficient organizational capacity to handle the associated accounting and reporting, and written support from their governing or fiduciary organization (if different from the market organization).
Funding for DUFB comes from grants from nearly 40 private foundations. Special consideration will be given to markets in communities where a local foundation is able to contribute funding support to the program.FFN will work with you to identify local funder(s) and apply for funding as needed.
DUFB participation
If selected, FFN will make a grant to your market that includes funds for the SNAP match as well as a small amount to coveradministrative costs. FFN expects that your market or its representative will:
- assist in local fundraising, including making contacts with local foundations;
- participate in pre-season training workshop(s)and/or webinars;
- participate in program evaluation;
- maintain records and make weekly reports in the format requested by FFN;
- promote DUFB and SNAP at your market through community channels using materials provided by FFN.
FFN will provide all program supplies, including tokens, flyers, posters and other outreach materials. Depending on funding available, FFN may also coordinate a media campaign to promote DUFB at your market and/or a targeted mailing to area SNAP customers.
To apply, return completed application, with attachments, to Rachel Bair, Program Director, Fair Food Network.
- Email:
- Fax: (734)213-0834
- Mail: 205 E. Washington, Suite B, Ann Arbor MI 48104
Applications must be received by January 15, 2014. Early applications are appreciated. Please type into the attached Word document and limit your complete application to 4 pages (not including this instructions page) or complete the application online at If necessary, someone from FFNwill contact you to schedule a follow-up phone interview in January.
Please call 734 213 3999 ext. 203or email ith any questions.
Market Application
A complete application will include answers to all questions and will be submitted with all requested attachments by or before the January 15, 2014 deadline.
Organization Information
- Organization applying for DUFB grant funding (If approved, the check will be written to this organization):
- What type of organization is this? (circle or highlight one)
- Independent Farmers Market Association – 501(c)3 IRS designation
- Independent Farmers Market Association – NOT designated as 501(c)3
- 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with multiple programs, including a farmers market
- City/township/municipal government or government department
- Downtown Development Authority, Chamber of Commerce, or Community Development Corp -not designated 501(c)3
- EIN (required for organization receiving the grant):
- Mailing address:
- Contact name(s):
- Phone number:
- Fax number:
- Email address(es):
Market Information
- Market name(s):
- Market location (as you would describe it on a flyer):
- Year founded:
- Days and times of operation:
- Market season (months of operation):
- Website (if you have one):
Who is the person responsible for day-to-day operation of the market (setup, cleanup, collecting vendor fees, etc.)?
Is this person a paid staff member/contractor?
Is this person also responsible for SNAP Bridge Card acceptance at the market? If not, who is responsible for SNAP Bridge Card acceptance?
About how many hours per week does the market manager devote to the market during the market season?
During the off-season?
What other staff support does your market have? Include individuals who do supporting tasks, such as bookkeeping/accounting.
What volunteer support does your market have (how many volunteers, how many hours, what tasks)?
About how much of an increase in traffic/sales (how many additional SNAP Bridge Card customers or how great an increase in payments to farmers) could your market handle with current staff/volunteers, before you would need to either significantly increase paid staff time, hire additional staff, or increase the number of volunteers or volunteer hours?
Please fill in the following table with information as it is available (if your market was not open or did not accept SNAP Bridge Cards in 2012 or 2013, leave these items blank).
Average Weekly: / 2012 Season / 2013 SeasonCustomer Attendance
Number of Vendors Selling Produce
Total Number of Vendors
SNAP Bridge Card Sales
Credit/Debit Sales (if applicable)
How do you estimate customer attendance?
Is your market “producer-only”?
If yes, do you have procedures in place to verify vendors are growing what they bring to the market?
If no, approximately what percent of produce sellers are not growing the majority of what they bring to market? Do you require labeling of non-Michigan produce? Do you have any other restrictions on what vendors may sell?
SNAP Operations
If your market has not accepted SNAP Bridge Cards in past seasons, please explain your plans and anticipated challenges.
Does the same organization that manages the market also operate the SNAP Bridge Card program? If not, please explain the relationship between the organizations involved in market management and SNAP operations.
When did your market begin accepting SNAP Bridge Cards?
What is your SNAP currency (scrip, tokens, etc.)? Attach a sample or photo.
Who operates your SNAP point-of-sale device at the market (staff, volunteer), and where is it located?
Who does the bookkeeping for your SNAP Bridge Card program?
How are vendors reimbursed and how often does it happen?
What challenges have you encountered with SNAP Bridge Cards at your market?
Do you accept any other currencies, such as credit/debit, WIC Project FRESH, Market FRESH, coupons or other incentives? Please list and explain any unique currencies.
Community Partners and Funding
Has your market ever offered educational or other community programming at the market, either independently or in partnership with any community, nonprofit or government agencies? If yes, please briefly explain how programs were implemented and funded, and list any community partners who assisted. Please indicate if any of the programs you mention are SNAP-Ed projects through the Michigan Nutrition Network.
What (if any) programming to do you intend to offer during the 2014 season?
In the last 3 years, have you received any grant funding? Do you currently have any proposals pending? If you have foundation or other charitable support, please list sources.
What other local foundations (corporate, family, club, or community) might be able to support DUFB in your area? Do you have established relationships with any of these funders?
As part of your application, please attach the following:
- For nonprofits organizations: proof of nonprofit status from the IRS
- For organizations that are not nonprofits: A completed W-9 form available at
- Copy of market policies, rules, and regulations
- Vendor application and other applications/contracts for participating in WIC Project FRESH, Market FRESH, SNAP, and other programs your market offers
- Records of week-by-week SNAP sales for 2013 season in the format you use for your bookkeeping
- OPTIONAL: Photos of your market, promotional materials, etc. Please be selective.
Fair Food Network – Double Up Food Bucks1
Market Application 2013