Year 5 Bowden and Fothergill
ClassNewsletter: January 9th 2018
Welcome Back & Happy New Year!
We are very excited about the New Year and all the amazing things we have to offer.
Religious Education: Beliefs in action in the world
Personal, Social, Health & Economic Health and Wellbeing: British Values, Law and Liberty
DesignTechnology: Cooking and Nutrition: A Sustainable Diet
Science: Earth and Space
Computing: Programming
History: The Aztecs
PE: Competitive Games
We have an incredibly exciting trip coming up in March. We are going to Think Tank in Birmingham where the children will explore many galleries and there are two experiences for the children to take part in; ‘Space Mission’ & ‘Cauldron Chemistry’. Please remember that payment will be required prior to the trip and whilst payments are optional, it is easy to understand that without money, trips and experiences just will not happen. The cost of this trip (including coach travel) is £25.
Thank you for your continued support.
A few polite reminders:
School Uniform
Please ensure all school uniform has your child’s name in so that they do not go missing.
PE Kits
Our PE days are Monday and Thursday. Please make sure PE kits are in school as PE is an important curriculum subject.
Thank you to those who continue to arrive on time for school. School starts at 8.55am and children must be on time to ensure they are registered. A few minutes late each day soon amounts to a lot of wasted learning time.
Any updates can be found on the class webpage at
Diary Dates: Spring 2018
Date / Year Group / Time / EventWednesday 10th January / Cadbury Nurture Class / PM / English Trip to the Theatre
Friday 12th January
and next 6 Fridays / All / 9.00 am to 11.00am / Story Time Fun for Parents
A free family learning course with fresh ideas for sharing a story
with young children!
Monday 15th January / All / 3.15pm to 4.00pm / After School Clubs Start
Tuesday 16th January / Years 3 - 6 / PM / Road Safety Learning and Quiz
Tuesday 23rd January / School Council / PM / Meeting with the Sheriff of Nottingham
Monday 12th February / Years 1, 4 & 6 / PM / Languages Event: Polish Afternoon
Friday 16th February / All / 3.15pm / School closes for half term holiday
Tuesday 27th February / All / 8.45am / School reopens for children