EDLD 5388 Educational Technology Leadership Internship
Week 5 Assignment: Comprehensive Examination (1000 points)
The Educational Technology Leadership Internship program is designed to provide an opportunity to apply the information and skills you obtain from the master’s program in a “real-world” environment. EDLD 5388 Internship in Educational Technology Leadership is the final course in the Educational Technology Leadership program. This is the culminating course where you provide evidence of your expertise in educational technology leadership.
In this week’s assignment, you will:
· First complete and submit your ePortfolio which has been complied throughour the degree program.
· Second, compile your completed Comprehensive Examination (Summative Final Repor)t as a document using APA style. You will also submit the comprehensive examination to your instructional associate.
The order of the sections of your comprehensive examination is given in the Directions section of this assignment. You will complete all sections in one document following APA guidelines.
While many of your assignments are due on a weekly basis, this report is due in its totality at the end of the fifth week of the EDLD 5388 course or on the date designated by the instructor.The Final Report should encompass your total internship experience. The final report is due at the end of the final week of the course or on the date designated by the instructor.
Use the following Rubric to guide your work on the Week 5 Assignment.
Tasks / AccomplishedThe evidence suggests that this educator is ready to mentor others in this area. / Proficient
The evidence suggests that performance on this work matches that of a strong educator. / Needs Improvement
The evidence does not yet make the case for the educator being proficient at this task. / Does Not Meet Expectations
No work is submitted.
(Total 600 Points)
-Completed Course-embedded assignment reflections as accomplished. Maximum(200 points
-Completed Field-based activities and reflections and validation report from site mentor as accomplished. (Maximum 200 points)
--Completed reading reflectionis on all eight standards and the performance indicators as accomplished.
(Maximum 200 points) / Student composes
-Completed Course-embedded assignment reflections as accomplished. Maximum(200 points
-Completed Field-based activities and reflections and validation report from site mentor as accomplished. (Maximum 200 points)
--Completed reading reflections on all eight standards and the performance indicators as accomplished.
(Maximum 200 points)
Total for Maximum 600 points / Follows Accomplished criteria as designated in Weeks 1-4 and has 3 or less errors but uses correct APA style
(Maximum 539 points) / Follows accomplished criteria as designated in Weeks 1-4 but 4 or more errors
(Maximum 479points) / Student does not submit the assignment. (Maximum 0 points)
Comprehensive Examination and Assignment Mechanics Including APA Style
(400 Points) / Components should include the following:
· Your position goal statement and your educational technology leadership goal statement. (Week 1 work) 50 points
· Your vision of educational technology using the most current Horizon K-12 Report as a resource. (Week 2 or designated date as stated by your instructor.) 50 points
· What you have learned from your master’s program about yourself, your technology and leadership skills, and your attitudes. (Week 3 or designated date as stated by your instructor.) 50 points
· The six courses in your degree program you believe helped you more than others and give rationale for your choices. (Week 4 or designated date as stated by your instructor.) 50 points
· Your reflections of the overall degree program. (Week 5 or designated date as stated by your instructor.) 50 points
· Your personal professional development plans for the next three years. (Week 5 or designated date as stated by your instructor.) (50 points)
· An updated and complete curriculum vitae of your professional experience. (Week 5 or designated date as stated by your instructor.) 50 points
Prepare updated and complete curriculum vitae of your professional background and experience. This document should be included in your written comprehensive exam.. See information below related to the curriculum vitae.
· A formal APA style text ready for publication. 50 points
(Total Maximum 400 points) / Follows Accomplished criteria as designated in Weeks 1-4 and has 3 or less errors but uses correct APA style
(Total Maximum 359 / Follows accomplished criteria as designated in Weeks 1-4 but 4 or more errors
(Total Maximum 319 points) / Student does not submit the assignment. (Maximum 0 points)
A. Electronic Professional Portfolio (60% of final grade)
1. You may choose either a wiki site, a blog site, a Google Site, or other approved web-based tool as the depository for your ePortfolio.
2. Course-based assignments and reflections embedded in courses through the total program. Each entry in your portfolio will have been assessed as embedded assignments in previous courses in the Educational Technology Leadership master’s program. Each of the eight entries must include a reflection piece for that particular work in your course wiki, blog, or Google Site. The Internship Handbook contains the reflection template needed to complete the assignment.
3. Field-based activities completed in the school environment which are approved by the site mentor with logs and reflections submitted monthly. Plan and/or complete at least 33 activities covering the performance indicators related to each of the eight standards. The project s must be developed, implemented, evaluated, and approved with your site mentor, and appropriate campus or district administrators should receive a plan. Your field-based projects must include a reflection statement as each activity is completed. Logs with reflections must be submitted on the first day of each month following the completion of EDLD 5306. Examples of appropriate projects closely aligned with the Technology Applications and ISTE/NCATE Technology Facilitator standards can be found in the Internship Handbook.
4. Readings and reflections from the textbook related to the standards, performance indicators, and performance tasks. Textbook information: The Internship requires a text: Williamson, J. & Redish, T. (2009). Technology facilitation and leadership standards: What every K-12 leader should know and be able to do. Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education. For ordering, the following information is essential: ISBN: 978-1-56484-252-7 and is available from http://www.iste.org or http://www.amazon.com.
You will be working throughout the degree program on creating your eportfolio, which will be completed at the date designated by the instructor. Guidelines and rubrics will be listed throughout the course in each week’s assignments.
The completed ePortfolio must be submitted to your instructor and your instructional associate/academic coach at the time designated by your instructor.
A link to the student’s wiki site, blog site used throughout the program, and/or your Google Site should be identified in your ePortfolio and the links to your eportfolio should be e-mailed to your instructor. The rubric that will be used to evaluate your response is included on the reading paper documents for each week.
B. Written Comprehensive Exam (40%)
You will write your Comprehensive Examination (Summative Final Report) on a separate Word document using APA style that you create and post to your wiki site. The wiki link should be submitted through the courseware.
Do not email this report.
The Final Report should encompass your total internship experience. Components should include the following:
· Your position goal statement and your educational technology leadership goal statement. (Week 1 work) 50 points
· Your vision of educational technology using the most current Horizon K-12 Report as a resource. (Week 2 or designated date as stated by your instructor.) 50 points
· What you have learned from your master’s program about yourself, your technology and leadership skills, and your attitudes. (Week 3 or designated date as stated by your instructor.) 50 points
· The six courses in your degree program you believe helped you more than others and give rationale for your choices. (Week 4 or designated date as stated by your instructor.) 50 points
· Your reflections of the overall degree program. (Week 5 or designated date as stated by your instructor.) 50 points
· Your personal professional development plans for the next three years. (Week 5 or designated date as stated by your instructor.) (50 points)
· An updated and complete curriculum vitae of your professional experience. (Week 5 or designated date as stated by your instructor.) 50 points
Prepare updated and complete curriculum vitae of your professional background and experience. This document should be included in your written comprehensive exam.. See information below related to the curriculum vitae.
· A formal APA style text ready for publication. 50 points
What is the difference between a curriculum vitae (CV) and a resume?
Answer: The primary differences between a resume and a curriculum vitae (CV) are the length, what is included and what each is used for. A resume is a one or two page summary of your skills, experience and education. While a resume is brief and concise - no more than a page or two, a Curriculum Vitae is a longer (at least two page) and more detailed synopsis.
A Curriculum Vitae includes a summary of your educational and academic backgrounds as well as teaching and research experience, publications, presentations, awards, honors, affiliations and other details. In Europe, the Middle East, Africa, or Asia, employers may expect to receive a curriculum vitae.
In the United States, a curriculum vitae is used primarily when applying for academic, education, scientific or research positions. It is also applicable when applying for fellowships or grants.
This final report will be independently scored using a rubric by three graduate faculty members and will serve as your comprehensive examination requirement for your master’s degree. Once scored, portfolios will receive a grade of “Accomplished,” “Proficient,” or “Needs Improvement.” If you receive a “Needs Improvement” on your final report, you must make corrections and resubmit the paper to the committee.
The final report is an important culminating activity to your course of study in educational technology leadership, and it is important you spend that time and effort necessary to produce a quality report.
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