Elmvale PrimaryNewsletter January 2013

The 4 National Priorities for Scottish pupils are that they become

Successful Learners, Effective Contributors, Responsible Citizens and Confident Individuals.


We welcome staff, pupils, parents and guardians all back to school for 2013! All classes are now in full swing and enjoying their learning with great enthusiasm!


Every class from nursery to Primary 7 are learning about the topic of “Scotland.” Each class is looking at this theme in a different way. Some are learning about Scottish culture, music, language, history and geography. The list is endless! P4- 6 will enjoy “Tam O’Shanter by Hopscotch Theatre during this topic, some children will take part in a Celtic Connections music workshop and many classes will be going on related visits to enhance their learning. Please ask your children what they are doing and support them with any home learning tasks.

Burns Celebration

Our annual Burns Celebration will take place on Friday 25th January. This will give the chance for the school to hear songs, poems and enjoy dance from different classes. Children are invited to wear tartan if they wish.

Head Lice

Please continue to check your child’s head for these unwanted visitors. If you do have any suspicion of head lice remember the pharmacist is happy to advise and the doctor is able to give a free prescription. Combing is also very effective.


Following the success of our links with CaledonianUniversity last year, we are pleased to welcome them back to our school. Student mentors are working with P3/2 and P2 on the topic of Scotland.


Pupils from P7 have recently been to visit NorthGlasgowCollege. This successful visit allowed pupils to visit the college and speak to students. This has given the pupils an insight to college life and allowed them to consider if this is something they would like to do when they are older.

Quiz results

Congratulations to three Primary 6 pupils who represented our school at a quiz at SpringburnAcademy in January. Out of three teams, the children came second. Well done to Jack Weston, Chloe Cheng and Ming-jet Wang!

School discos

We are lucky at Elmvale Primary to offer discos for pupils. These are thanks to our parent helpers in the school. As well as fun, these are good fund raisers for our school and are very well attended. If you are interested at helping at any of these discos or for trips, in class etc please give your name to the school office.

Staff Changes

Mrs D’Arcy has now retired and begun the next part of her journey. We welcome Mrs Stirling as a new member of our office staff and Mrs Milligan who has joined us as a temporary part of our staff team. Mrs Milligan will be covering classes during teaching staff non-class contact time.

Fund raising

Many thanks for your contribution and support during our Christmas fund raising activities. In total £1800 was raised. Allof this money will be used to help pay for buses, trips and activities to enhance your child’s learning.

Christmas DVD’s

Christmas show DVD’s are still on sale for £2. Contact the office if you wish a copy while stocks last!

Mairi Baker

Acting Depute Head Teacher

Dates for your diary
  • Friday 25th January: School Burns Celebration
  • Thursday 31st January: Hopscotch Theatre for P4-6
  • Tuesday 5th February: Nursery Mini disco 4pm -4:45pm
  • Tuesday 5th February: P1 and 2 disco 5pm -6:30pm £2 at the door. (Includes tuck)
  • Wednesday 6th February: P3, P4 and P5 disco 5pm -6:30pm £1 at the door. Tuck shop.
  • Wednesday 6th February: P6 and P7 disco. £1 at the door. Tuck shop.
  • Monday 11th & 12th February:Holiday
  • Wednesday 13th February: School closed to pupils for staff inset day.

Elmvale Primary School & Nursery Class 712 Hawthorn St, Springburn, Glasgow, G22 6EDTel: 0141 558 5238