Hello David,
Below are the requirements for my assignment. I will need this completed by Friday April 1, 2016 no later than 9pm EST so that I am able to submit through Turnitin
Length: 8-12 double spaced pages, Sections and Sub-sections must also be used
*If possible please respond anything related to the assignment in a Microsoft word document.*
I am very paranoid and try to minimize anyone being able to trace this back to me considering these questions are open to the public and are searchable on the internet.
*Thank you in advance*
Write a Review/Critique paper of the following articles:
- Collin Jackson et al., “Protecting Browsers from DNS Rebinding Attacks”, In Proceedings of ACM CCS, 2009. [See Assignment 10.1]
- Robin Sommer and Vern Paxson, “Enhancing Byte-Level Network Intrusion Detection Signatures with Context”, Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security, 2003. [See Assignment 10.2]
These articles were selected from the assigned readings, “Articles of the Week”.
Assignment Guidelines
For each article, use the following guide to structure your review:
Article Review Structure:
- Article Citation: Write a complete and correct citation for the article using APA format.
- Summary: At the beginning of your review, summarize each article using your own words to proficiently demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the article.
- Analysis: This is the main section of your review. Your analysis should include:
- What are the article’s main contributions and strengths?
- Are there any weaknesses and limitations?
- Are there possible improvements?
- How does the article compare or contrast with other articles that the class has read so far? What concepts, ideas, or techniques read elsewhere strengthen or weaken this paper? Which articles and books in the bibliography would you recommend to your classmates to provide a better understanding of the topic?
- Discussion/Conclusion: Your review of each article should end with your discussion and conclusions. For example, you can present a list of issues or questions to initiate discussion (this can be accomplished by proposing an argument for or against a given method) and/or provide your thoughts/opinions/summary of the article.
Note: You are expected to support your analysis and discussions with documented sources in proper APA format.
Submission Guidelines
- Print format: MS Word or PDF format.
- The general structure of your review/critique paper:
- Paper Title, followed by your name
- Abstract
- Brief Intro
- Your critique/review of paper #1
- Your critique/review of paper #2
- References
- The paper length: 8-12 double spaced pages (If you need more space, you can use 1.5 or single space.)
- Your paper should be organized with sections and sub-sections. The correct section #s and sub-section #s should be used.
- Table of Contents is not needed.
- Follow the APA format.
- Submission of your review paper to Turnitin.comis required.
Individual Assignment #2 Grading Criteria
This assignment is worth 10 percent of your total grade.
Criteria / Excellent A (90+) / Satisfactory B (80-89) / Below Expectations (below 80)Content (80%)
Articles Citations
(0-2 pts) and Summaries(0-8 pts)
See Items 1 and 2 as per assignment instructions / Citations of both articles to be reviewed follow APA format. The Summary of each article is well written using student’s own words and proficiently demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the articles. / Minor errors in citation identification and/or APA format. Summaries are adequately written and demonstrate an understanding of the articles. / Unacceptable number of errors in citation identification and/or APA format. Summaries are poorly written and/or demonstrate little understanding of the articles.
Clarity of Analysis (main section) of the Review/Critique of the given Articles. (0-15 pts for each section for a total of 0-60 pts)
See Item 3 as per assignment instructions / The Analysis of each article is thorough and complete. The 4 sections, as presented in the assignment instructions, are thoroughly discussed and clearly stated. / The Analysis of each article is adequate. The 4 sections, as presented in the assignment instructions, are adequately discussed and clearly stated. / The Analysis of each article is not sufficiently discussed. The 4 sections, as presented in the assignment instructions, are not sufficiently developed and/or not clearly stated.
Clarity of Conclusion/Discussion
(0-10 points)
See Item 4 as per assignment instructions / The conclusion is clearly presented and well developed. / The conclusion is adequately presented and developed. / The conclusion is poorly presented and developed.
Paper Format (20%)
Organization & length (0-7points) / The content is well organized with clear transitions among major subtopics. Meets length requirements. / The content is generally well organized with some improvement possible in transitioning among subtopics. Meets length requirements. / The organization of the content is confusing without clear transitions among subtopics. Does not meet length requirements.
Writing style
(0-7points) / Graduate level writing is reflected throughout the paper, including accurate spelling, punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure. / Writing is acceptable, a few errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and/or sentence structure. / Writing does not meet graduate standards. Unacceptable number of errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, and/or citation format.
Submission Guidelines
(0-6 points) / All Submission Guidelines are clearly followed as per assignment instructions. / Some Submission Guidelines are not followed as specified in the assignment instructions. / Submission Guidelines are not followed as specified in the assignment instructions.