Quick Recall Competition Rules

1. Competition in the quick recall category is between 2 teams of 4 students from each school. Exactly 4 students must compete at all times. Unless waived by all coaches.

For substitution, each team may have a number of alternates limited. Substitutions are permitted.

Matches begin promptly, no match is delayed for a tardy team member. Teams not ready to participate at match time may forfeit the match, based on the decision of the chief official.

2.A match consists of two (2) fifteen-minute halves, or fifty (50) questions per half, whichever comes first.

There are no multiple choice, or yes/no questions.

3.A buzzer system with lockout is used during matches. If two lights on the same team are lit, the team captain designates which one of the two members, whose lights are lit, will respond. If lights are lit for both teams, the question is thrown out.

4.Each half begins with a toss-up question. Toss-up questions are worth one (1) point. On a toss-up question, any member of either team may buzz in. The first student to buzz-in is recognized by the spotter. The toss-up question must be answered immediately after the contestant is recognized by the spotter. A contestant may buzz-in and interrupt the reading of a toss-up question, but if he/she hesitates after being recognized or gives an incorrect answer, the interrupted question is read in its entirety solely for the opposing team, whose members may buzz-in and answer.

Contestants have up to five (5) seconds to buzz-in, and must answer immediately after being recognized by the spotter.

There is no penalty for an incorrect answer. If a toss-up question is not answered correctly by either team, another toss-up question is asked.

There shall be no oral or written conferring among team members in answering toss-up questions. Conferring on toss-ups is an infraction of the rules and will cause the question to be offered to the opposing team.

Toss-up questions that are read in their entirety but answered incorrectly are not reread. Such questions may be answered by the opposing team.

5.The team of a contestant who correctly answers a toss-up question is awarded a bonus question. Team members may confer, but the answer must be given by the team captain. Teams are given ten (10) seconds to begin the answer to a bonus question. A bonus question is worth one (1) point. After a bonus question is asked, the next question read is a toss-up.

6. Answers given prior to recognition by the spotter, after expiration of time, by the wrong person, after a hesitation, or after oral or written conferring (on a toss-up) should be ignored by the moderator and/or judge. Answers given in the manner above are not counted.

7. EACH team is allowed one (1) time-out per HALF. A time-out not used in the first half is not carried over to the second half. A time-out not used in the second half may be used in an overtime period.

  1. Only the coach may call a time-out. The length of the time-out is 60 seconds. (1 minute)
  1. A time-out must be called after a bonus question, and before the reading of the next toss-up question. A time-out may not be called between a toss-up and a bonus question.

NOTE: A time-out may also be called between 2 toss-up questions, as in the case where both teams miss a toss-up question and the next question is a tossup.

  1. During the time-out a coach may substitute team members or talk to them. While a time-out is called by one coach, both coaches may take advantage of the time-out period. Coaches are responsible for informing officials of substitutions.
  1. A match timer is charged with timing the time-out period. The timer calls time at 60 seconds and the match resumes. The officials resume play immediately, even if a substituted player has not been seated, or if the coach is in the way.
  1. Inquiries may not be raised during a time-out. Time-outs are for coaches to talk to their teams and/or make substitutions, not for indicating inquiries. Coaches must hold inquiries until the end of the half.

8.The officials for quick recall competition are a judge, moderator, spotter, timer, and

The judge, after conferring with the other match officials, resolves all issues regarding scoring, correctness of answers, and other rule interpretations. Inquiries must be presented at the end of the half in which they occur. All inquiries must be in writing and submitted by the team coach within 3 minutes of the half's end.

9.Ties are decided in an overtime which continues the toss-up/bonus format. The first team to score five (5) points is the winner. Overtime begins with a toss-up question.

10.The format for the competition is a double elimination tournament bracket.

11.The drawing for placement in the bracket takes place prior to the competition.

Inquiry Procedure

A coach may file an inquiry in quick recall in only 2 areas: procedure or answer. All inquiries must be in writing; no contest official is to respond to any inquiry that is not written.

Acceptable areas of procedural inquiries:

1.) Questions read inaccurately

2.) Challenges relating to the timing of the match

3.) Responses by incorrect individuals

4.) Application of rules

Acceptable areas of answer inquiries.

1.)Answer stated in the question set is incorrect

2.)Correct alternate answer is not accepted by the judge

3.)Correct answer is not the first answer given

4.)Incorrect or incomplete answer is accepted by the judge

Inquiries must be presented at the end of the half or overtime in which the alleged infraction occurs. A coach may consult with his/her team concerning possible inquiries. Any inquiries regarding the just-completed half or overtime must then be lodged in writing by the team coach and presented to the match judge within three (3) minutes. When requested by coaches, officials shall re-read a question during the inquiry period for clarification purposes.

IMPORTANT! Do NOT adjust the score at halftime for inquiries that go to the Chief Official. If the Chief Official makes a decision that causes a change in score, adjust the score at the end of the match. If the inquiry is NOT sent to the Chief Official, but decided in the room, the score is changed at halftime. The second half of competition is not delayed for inquiries that are sent to the Chief Official after the first half.

  1. The judge rules upon all inquiries after the half in which they occur. The judge renders an initial decision and may consult with the other officials. THE JUDGE MUST MAKE A RULING AND MAY NOT SIMPLY DEFER TO THE CHIEF OFFICIAL. If the judge's decision is not to the satisfaction of both coaches, either coach may direct that the inquiry be sent to the Chief Official for review of the judge's decision.
  1. At such point, the coach not lodging the original inquiry has three (3) minutes to present a rebuttal in writing on the inquiry form. The coach filing the original inquiry may not amend his/her original inquiry; once inquiries are submitted, the team coaches may make no changes or additions.
  1. Decisions of the Chief Official are final and cannot be appealed. "All disputes involving events occurring at a contest (correctness of answers, timing or scoring errors, rules interpretations) shall be resolved by the officials at the contest site. If the officials cannot agree, the Chief Official makes the final decision”.
  1. If a coach identifies a team name in the inquiry, the Chief Official shall ignore the inquiry. If a coach identifies a team name in the rebuttal, the Chief Official shall ignore the rebuttal.
  1. Should a coach feel that a Chief Official was in error regarding a ruling, a formal letter may be submitted to the HRC executive director. If the executive director finds the Chief Official in error, a letter of clarification will be issued to the coach and Chief Official. However, once a match has been completed, all results are final. HRC has no overruling authority.


1. The time in a half or overtime expires—judge notifies coaches that the

three-minute inquiry period has begun.

2. Coach files written inquiry within three-minute period.

3. Judge considers inquiry and informs coaches of initial ruling.

4. Either coach informs judge if he/she wishes the inquiry to be sent to the Chief


5. If so, judge notifies the coach who did not file the inquiry that the three-minute rebuttal period has begun.

6. After rebuttal, judge sends inquiry to Chief Official. IMPORTANT: Do not put team names on the inquiry sheet.

7. If the inquiry is filed at halftime, the judge begins the second half and does NOT wait for the inquiry to be returned from the Chief Official.


Inquiries that are ruled favorably upon by the match officials or Chief Official may affect the match score.

The guidelines below show how to adjust match scoring after successful inquiries resulting from various match situations.

General Guidelines:

If an inquiry results in a change in score (points added or taken away), all points earned as a result of that answer are taken away, including any bonus points earned.



1. A tossup answer is called

correct. It is later ruled incorrect

through inquiry.

Subtract one point, and any and all points

that resulted from this answer (including the

team’s resulting bonus point).

2. A tossup answer is called

incorrect. It is later ruled correct

through inquiry.

Add one point; subtract any and all points

that resulted from this question (including the

other team’s tossup point, bonus point. Offer inquiring team a bonus


3. A bonus answer is called

correct. It is later ruled incorrect

through inquiry.

Subtract one point.

4. A bonus answer is called

incorrect. It is later ruled correct

through inquiry.

Add one point

NOTE: When a completed inquiry requires that a team be offered an additional question, that question is given WITHOUT time running on the clock. The question can be taken from the previous half’s unused questions or from the extra questions provided at the back of each set.