Annual General Meeting

(Minutes of meeting - to be approved at AGM November 2013)

Date: Monday 26th November 2012

Present:Barry Craighead (President) (BC), Moira Maguire (MM), Pat Sinclair (PS), Ian Cunningham (IC), Brian Nisbet (BN), Moira Nisbet (MN), Marjory Cook (MC),Alex MacEwen (AMcE), Martin Ferguson (MF), Yvonne Jones (YJ), Keith Ridley (KR), Garry Robertson (GR), Bill Walker(BW), Eric Fisher (EF), Sandy Cameron (SC), Louise Dick (LD), Lauren Stoddart (LS), Enid Johnstone (EJ),), Brian Winning (BW), Derek Cogle (DC), Mike Forrest (MF), Chantelle Forster (CF),

  1. Apologies:

Moira Reid, Neil Donachie, Marion Donachie, George Sinclair, Jenny Hastings, Scott Hastings, Susan McKelvie, Bill Gentleman, Anne Scott, John Scott and Gail Wilson.

  1. Welcome:

Barry Craighead welcomed and thanked everyone for taking time to attend the AGM.

BC wished to note and give respect to the club members who have died during this last year: Kay Walker, Angus Scott and Donald Gorrie – all were very loyal supporters of Edinburgh Athletic Club and we will miss them, and that our thoughts are with the families.

BC thanked Club officials, coaches, athletes, parents group and helpers for their hard work during the 2011/12 indoor and 2012 outdoor seasons and for their commitment to the achievements gained representing the club, making Edinburgh Athletic Club, 2012 Scottish Club of the year, again.

  1. Review of November 2011 AGM Minutes:

BC asked for approval of these minutes by a person present at this meeting last year:

  • Proposed: Brian Nisbet
  • Seconded: Bill Walker

Matters arising – None.

  1. Secretary’s report:

PS highlighted that in our 6th year as Edinburgh Athletic Club, we continue to go from strength to strength. At the Scottish Athletics Awards Dinner, the Club was again voted 2012 Scottish Club of the year. Other awards on the night to club members went to:

  • Honorary Life Membership – George Sinclair
  • Kukri Athlete of the year – Lynsey Sharp
  • Dallas Trophy Award - Freya Murray-Ross
  • Under 20 Athlete of the Year – Emily Dudgeon

Our congratulations go to all winners.

PS outlined the successes the Club achieved during the 2012 season, bothindoor and outdoor.Report provided by Pat Sinclair, see appendix 1.

BC commended the report to the AGM and acknowledged and thanked PS for the work she undertakes in her role as Secretary. PS had asked to stand down this year, but as no-one has come forward to take over the role, she has agreed to continue but will disseminate some of her duties to willing helpers.

  1. Commission Reports:

BC confirmed that Commission Reportsare not required to be tabled at the AGM as all information and reports can be viewed online at:

Keith Ridley has provided a 2012 Young Athletes Track Report – see appendix 2 (also available online).

  1. Treasurer’s Report:

Report provided by Ian Cunningham, see appendix 3. IC highlighted that this was our 3rdfull year with Charitable Status and presented the Report of the Trustees and Unaudited Financial Statements for the year ending 30th September 2012 for Edinburgh Athletic Club.

IC provided an overview of our accounts highlighting that on paper our small deficit for the year endis disappointing,but added there was additional funds paid in after the 30th September which would have brought us back to being in credit, all about timing.

IC thanked the Team Managers, officials, athletes and helpers on behalf of the club for the amount of goodwill given (costs incurred that are not claimed) in terms of time and costs for telephone calls and stationery. IC highlighted some of the major income and expenses the club has:

  • Travel & accommodation: this is representative of the success of the club, competing at all levels in various age groups. The UK Womens’ league team did have 3 away matches and one match required a 2 night stay which adds to the overall costs, however we remain the only club in Scotland in the Premier division. All athletes who attend away matches contribute to the cost of travel and the club appreciates the athletes, coaches and officials contributions. IC also thanked the team managers and BN for the sterling workundertaken to keep the costs of these trips to a minimum.
  • Membership Subscriptions: a slight reduction in our subs from 2011 by £1k, but after closing the accounts off for financial year end BN paid in a further £900. IC highlighted collecting subscriptions from the athletes is a big task and provides the biggest income for the club, circa £13.5 this year. IC thanked Brian Nisbet, membership secretary, for the work he undertakesto chase for subs to be paid. IC reminded the members that the membership fees also include the fees we pay to SAL for affiliation fees and contest fees – 2012 was £7k.
  • 200 Club: £1000total income for 2012,which is a great fund raiser for the club. IC thanked Marion Donachie for the work she actions to raise this money and thanked those members who buy the numbers.
  • Lloyds Banking Group: IC thanked AS and MN for submitting claims to LBG for matched giving (recognizing efforts of colleagues doing charity work), a total of £1.5k income. The club very much appreciates this additional source of income and urges other members of the club who work for organizations that support charity work to check out what can be done to make a claim.
  • Friends of the Club: IC highlighted this was an incentive driven by the late Donald Gorrie and it is sad that it did not quite take off as Donald had hoped. Some consideration will be given as to how to drive this forward as a means to help with income.
  • Donations: The club received £1.2k from the sale of Edinburgh Southern Harrier Silver Trophies and £1k from Bill Walker who was awarded £1k from Winning Scotland as a lifetime achievement award which he then donated to the club. Thanks go to BW for his generosity.

IC asked for any comments on the accounts:

No comments raised.

BC commended the Treasurers Report to the AGM and thanked IC for his expertise in handling our finances and presenting the update.

  1. Appoint Independent Examiner:

Fiona Benham, The Local Bookkeeper Glasgow North, was recommended as our independent examiner and with a unanimous show of hands was duly reappointed.

  1. Review of Membership:

IC outlined that the subscriptions for the club had remained static since the two clubs merged. As a club we appreciate the costs involved with athletics, and appreciate that due to inflation that subscriptions should increase. IC asked BN to outline the proposals in terms of membership:

  • Move to online membership for those who would wish to renew online. There will be a charge for online admin fee by the company who would manage the online facility. The move to online will be available from the beginning of 2013.
  • The club has had no increase to subscriptions since the two clubs merged, and consideration given to the costs for online facility it was recommended that the membership fees be increased by £5.

BC asked the members present for any comments. SC highlighted that the value for money EAC members receive for their membership fee – coaching, subsidised travel, web information, and thinks the increase should be more and that our membership fees seem disproportionate in comparison to other sport clubs, eg swimming or football. DC asked if the rise was enough to cover the expected expenditure next year. IC acknowledged SC and DG’s comments and confirmed that the pointsy made were fair but wished to keep the fees to an affordable level as recommended. IC highlighted that Chantell Forster was coming on board to help with the admin for trying to raise money, so IC is hopeful that next year may see us increase fund raising utilizing opportunities open with our Charitable Status. MN also highlighted the opportunities for parents and athletes to make use of the matched giving schemes offered by Companies. BC asked for a show of hands to agree to the proposed fee increase –unanimous show of hands agreeing to the increase.

Please see appendix 4 for the membership fee scale for 2013.

  1. Appointment of Honorary Life Members onarary L:

Under section 6.4 of the EAC Constitution and rules Lynsey Sharp and Freya Murray-Ross have been nominated by the Executive Committee to become honorary life members of the club following their representation for Athletic Team GB at the London Olympics 2012 - unanimous show of hands in favour of these nominations.

PS will send out the letters to both athletes.

  1. Parents Group:

EAC has no formally constituted parents group since the amalgamation of the 2 clubs 6 years ago. YJ stated that there are lots of willing helpers in the club who are always available when asked to help at fund raising events. It was highlighted that it seems appropriate for a club of our size that we should have some sort of formalized parents group. IC highlighted that the Executive Committee will look at this next year and agree best way forward.

  1. Election of Executive Committee:
  • All current members were happy to be re-elected and no nominations received – BC asked the meeting attendees for a show of hands to re-elect present Executive Committee – carried unanimously, all in favour.
  • Male Welfare officer – no nominations received for this position.
  • Communications co-ordinator –
  • Media Liaison - Rosemary Free was nominated and a unanimous show of hands was duly elected to the role.
  • A list of the Executive Committee members can be found in appendix 4.
  • Re-election of Trustees
  • All current members were happy to be re-elected and no nominations received – BC asked the meeting attendees for a show of hands to re-elect present Trustees – carried unanimously, all in favour.
  • A list of the Trustees can be found in appendix 5

BC confirmed a notice would be placed on the Web site for male welfare officerand communication co-ordinator and the executive committee will review all applications.

  1. Consider any competent proposals:


  1. AOCB:
  2. BW outlined that an awards night and club ceilidh dance had been arranged for Friday 30th November and he was very disappointed with the take up of tickets for this fund raising event. BW commented on the need Senior athletes to support the event too, and reminded us that this was one of our main fund raising events which helps towards travel etc to competitions.
  1. Date of Next Executive Meeting: Monday, 10th December 2012 at 7.30 pm @ Meadowbank to review any actions from AGM.

BC thanked everyone present for their input to this meeting, and gave a vote of thanks to the Executive and members of the club.

MM gave for a vote of thanks on behalf of everyone present to the President, Barry Craighead.

Meeting closed 8.45 pm

Moira Nisbet

Minute Secretary

AGM Minutes to be approved at AGM meeting held on November 2013

Approved by:

Seconded by:


Secretary’s Report AGM 2012

Having completed our 6th year as a new club, we continue to go from strength to strength. On the basis of last year’s successes we were granted a Civic Reception by Edinburgh City Council

We had 2 Olympians, Freya Murray in the Marathon and Lynsey Sharp in the 800m.

The Club was again voted Scottish Club of the year

We were short listed for Off Track Club of the Year.

Emily Dudgeon was winner of the U20 Athlete of the year and Lynsey Sharp Kukri Athlete of the year – Freya Murray received the Dallas Memorial Trophy

At the Edinburgh Awards Ceremony Jodi McGinty was short listed as volunteer and Lynsey Sharp received the Eric Liddell Trophy for the outstanding Edinburgh Sportsperson. Unfortunately Edinburgh Leisure’s lack of knowledge of athletics meant that we did not feature in the club awards. I recently received correspondence naming us as City of Edinburgh Athletics Club!!

In the indoor season we finished in the first three places in 6 out of the 10 age groups.

Cross-country and Road running – summary

  • Women 4 stage road relay – silver
  • Masters women cross country – gold
  • 4k cross-country women – silver
  • East District cross country relays – female vets, young males and females – gold
  • National cross country – senior women; U17W; U15 G - silver U13 B bronze
  • East league – U13G, U15G, U17W and U15B 1st , U17B 2nd and U13 B 3rd
  • National 10k road champs women - bronze

In addition to the individual and team results, last year EAC won and retained the overall club cross country award for males and female. This reflects work in all age groups on both genders and is a true indication of the performance levels we have put in place at the club.

Track season

  • 6th in UKWAL – still the only Scottish club in the Premier division.
  • The club was 1st in Scottish Young Athletes League and 1st in the UK final – a fantastic achievement – the first Scottish Club to win this league
  • The Composite Team Edinburgh were first in the Northern Premier Division of the NLAL and 5th in the National final

Unfortunately against the wishes of the clubs the NJAL and UKYAL have been disbanded and replaced by Development Leagues dreamt up by UKA, consisting of a U13/U15 competition and a U17/U20 competition.

  • We were first in the first division of the JSB FVL and third in the second division
  • We won the SWAL which the club virtually organises at Meadowbank.
  • We were2nd in the Scottish Men’s League

Individual achievements can be seen in the other reports

We have convened a number of meetings throughout the season including a very successful NJAL Premier Division match, the Gas Race, Berwick Law Race and the Queen’s Drive Race – we are fortunate in having a large number of well qualified officials who enable us to do this.

Many of our officials were officials or Games Makers at the Olympic Games

Other information can be obtained from

Keith’s Report and the Endurance report.

Our website is going from strength to strength and is an excellent source of information for members and non members – a big thank you goes to the team

Our induction nights are no longer sponsored by LDC but are still organised by Bill and Yvonne and are still proving very successful in integrating new athletes into the club. More coaches have gained awards courtesy of the World Cross -country legacy – we have about 10 new officials. We are working toward Podium Club Accreditation Award – the main items we need for this are the acquisition of a Male Welfare Officer, a Media Person (Rosemary Free is coming onboard for this) and better links with schools (we are hopefully tying up with the RJ& T clubs.

The trustees have had meetings throughout the year and are looking to cash in on our charitable status. We have welcomed a new volunteer, Chantelle Forster how is going to explore funding sources.

Thanks go to Marion Donachie for running the 200 club which is a good fundraiser and Gail who has continued to feed the officials on tasty sandwiches.

I will finish as usual by thanking, on the members behalf, the committee, coaches, officials and other volunteers without whom we would not have enjoyed such great success. However without such a great bunch of athletes they would be out of a job!


Endurance report 2011/12

Endurance covers a number of areas in the athletics world. Most will pick up on cross country and road running but fell running , race walking , ultra running and track events say 1500mts and up are endurance.

For the purposes of reporting, track events are reported else where. Management in the club falls to Enid Johnstone and Eric Fisher for younger members and to Alex MacEwen and Vik Baillie for juniors, seniors and masters.

As always many others help and I will happily thank them below.

On the coaching front our endurance runners are guided by Dave Campbell, John Lees, Bill Walker, Garry Robertson and I hear Chris Payne is doing a bit now. The stalwarts, Eric, Christina, Bob and Enid do a lot on coaching front as well as team management. Enid also expedited the club tent. Hoorah!

On the communications front, Stuart Johnstone tracks the rankings, Kirk Ollason and many others write the reports that keep the website fresh. Andy Laycock has helped with race promotion. So please keep this going.

On the events front, we support a number of events such as the Great Winter run and The Edinburgh Run. So to all the helpers managed by Garry. Well done as it raises funds and helps the participants. The club also promotes and manages a number of events throughout the year and this requires a lot of planning, knowledge and on the day voluntary man power. So to all who have done their bit thanks. The race promotions by EAC are Queens Drive, Brooks/Scottish Gas Race, Edinburgh to North Berwick 20 miler and the Law Race in North Berwick .Best EAC members at these were M Fraser and L Dunn, J Blair and K. Watson, B Mckie and J Douglas, Ian McDonald and J Wilson Young over the ENB. A special thanks this year to Ian Cunningham who has managed the Club road race for 25 years seeing it change shape and course from a 10 miler to a 5/10k . I know several of us learned from his assured management skills.