Course Syllabus – Biology AB (P) – Mrs. Allen Phone: 922-1305, x 5424 - Email:

Textbook: Biology: Dynamics of Life, Glencoe 2005. You can also access the Biology textbook online at “chap01” in the web address refers to Chapter 1. This site will open the Online Textbook to Chapter 1. To locate a different chapter simply REPLACE the 01 in the web address with the appropriate chapter number you need, or the word, ‘glossary.’.

Chapters 1-9 are 01, 02, 03, etc. Chapters 10-39 are 10, 11, 12, etc.

Additional materials you must bring to class everyday: (Needed by this Friday)

  1. One Spiral Notebook: 8 ½ X 11 inches with 200 sheets, or TWO notebooks with 100 pages each.
  2. Ruler, Highlighter, Pens, Pencils.
  3. Your Dell Tablet on specific days assigned to bring it to class.

Course Description:

Biology A (P): Fall Semester

Week 1 - 3 / -In-Class Procedures, Policies, Rules
-Introduction to Biology
-Lab Safety
-Lab Equipment
-Inquiry-Based Investigations, Critical Thinking, Methods of Analysis
-Microscope Use
Weeks 4-13 / NGSS Unit: Molecules to Organisms
-Molecules of Life/Molecular Structure and Function
-Growth & Development of Organisms
-Organization for Matter & Energy Flow in Organisms
Weeks 14-16 / NGSS Unit : Heredity: Inheritance & Variation of Traits – Part II
-Structure & Function
Week 17 / Final Semester Project Final Exam
Week 18 / Final Lab Practicum
Final Exam: Scheduled for the last Thursday of the Semester preceding Finals Week
2-Hour Final Lab Practicum: Scheduled during Final’s Week.
Final Notebook Check = Day of Final Exam / -Final Project/Lab & Exam: Plan ahead and tell your family so you will not miss the Final Project/Lab & Exam. The final exam will not be rescheduled or administered early or late.
Refer to the PVHS Website Calendar for December to fill in dates below:
Final Exam: ______
Lab Practicum: ______
Final Notebook Check______
Note: / See the PVHS website for December to find the Fall Semester Final’s Schedule.
No grades of incomplete assigned due to unexcused absence during last week(s) of class.
Please Note: No early or late Final Exams or Final Lab Practicum will be administered.

Biology B (P): Spring Semester

Weeks 1-6 / NGSS Unit: Heredity: Inheritance & Variation of Traits – Part II
-Review of Heredity – Part I
-Inherited Traits
-Variation of Traits
Weeks 7-12 / NGSS Unit: Evolution: Unity & Diversity
-Evidence of Common Ancestry & Diversity
-Natural Selection
-Social Interactions & Group Behavior
-Biodiversity & Humans
Weeks 13-19 / NGSS Unit: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy & Dynamics
-Independent Relationship in Ecosystems
-Cycles of Matter & Energy Transfer in Ecosystems
-Ecosystem Dynamics, Functioning & Resilience
-Biodiversity & Humans
-Developing Possible Solutions
Week 20 / Final Labs and Final Exam Review
Week 21
Final Exam- Scheduled Finals Week
Please Note: No early Final Exams or Final Labs will be administered. See the PVHS Website for June to find the Spring Final’s Exam schedule.
Final Notebook Check = Day of Final Exam
Textbooks due - day of the Final Exam / Final LabsFinal Exam: Plan ahead and tell your family so you will not miss the Final Labs & Exam. The Final Exam and Final Labs will not be rescheduled or administered early or late. No grades of incomplete assigned due to unexcused absence during last week(s) of class.
Refer to the PVHS Website Calendar for June to fill in dates below:
Final Labs: ______
Final Exam: ______
Final Notebook Check______Textbook Due: ______

Participation Points: Class participation also means that students are in their seats before the tardy bell rings with materials, homework assignment, and pencil/pens ready. In addition, raise hands to participate in class discussions as well as for questions. Students are to respectfully follow classroom procedures, routines, policies, and rules.

Attendance: Attend school every day to maintain your knowledge of the curriculum and to keep current with instruction and assignments. Bring a note explaining the reason for your absence on the first day you return to school.

Scheduled Absences: The Pioneer Valley High School calendar is designed to provide students with several lengthy vacations/breaks each year. Students enjoy breaks in the school year during the follow times:

  • Two full months during summer from June to August
  • One full week at Thanksgiving in November
  • Three full weeks at Winter Break in December
  • One full week plus two days at Spring Break in April
  • A four-day weekend commemorating Memorial Day in May
  • Four three-day weekends sprinkled throughout the school year.

The school calendar can be found on the Pioneer Valley High School website. To insure that students are able to achieve at their highest academic level, it is suggested that extended, planned absences away from (out of) school be scheduled during these breaks.

It is important to realize though, that students returning from extended time away from school have the added responsibility of catching up with all of their missed work, labs, projects and tests while simultaneously completing the current work assigned in every one of their classes. This responsibility can often be stressful for the studentand could possibly diminish the students’ ability to academically achieve and/or test at their highest level to assist the student.

If unplanned, urgent, or emergency situations occur outside of these school breaks which result in student absences, please contact the attendance office to inform, as well as the student’s teachers for the assignments that can be completed away from school. Please note that some assignments, labs, projects, and tests must be completed in class within a defined andreasonable period of time upon the student’s return.

Excessive Unexcused Absences: Calls home will be made if you are absent three consecutive days. Attendance letters will be sent home and possibly Parent Conferences scheduled if there is a problem with excessive, unexcused absences. Excessive unexcused absences and excessive unexcused tardies do result in consequences such as detention, telephone calls home to parents/guardians, a referral to a PVHS Administrator, and/or a parent/teacher conference with parents or guardians.

Tardies: Tardy students will be penalized according to classroom rules as well as the PVHS Tardy Policy.

  • You are considered tardy if you are not in your seat when the tardy bell rings. You will be considered tardy if you walk into the classroom as the tardy bell rings.
  • Tardy #1: Warning and record Tardy #1
  • Tardy #2: 15-minute lunch detention (A no-show for detention will double any detention time.)
  • Tardy #3: 30-minute lunch detention.
  • Tardy #4: Referral to the office for a 1-hour detention and parent contact regarding the tardy.
  • Tardy #5: Referral to the office, parent/student/teacher conference, signed contract, 3-Hour Saturday School or 4-hour after-school detention.
  • Tardy #6: the student will be withdrawn from the class with no grade for the term.

Class Rules: Class rules are based on California Education Codes, Santa Maria Joint Union High School District policies, procedure, and rules, PVHS attendance and conduct policies and rules, and Mrs. Allen’s classroom rules, policies, and procedures. Conduct yourself with respect at all times. However, if District, PVHS, or Classroom Rules are broken, the consequences will include a single warning, detentions, calls home, behavior contracts, referrals, and in-school suspensions.

  • Conduct yourself with respect and exercise regard for classroom policies, procedures and rules at all times.
  • Follow all Lab Safety Rules and Guidelines at all times during lab investigations.
  • No use of electronic devices during tests and quizzes. Doing so will result in a zero test/quiz score, a referral, and a parent call or Parent/Teacher conference.
  • No electronic photos taken of students or staff from any device of any type, such as tablets, cell phones, iPods, MP3 players, etc. These will be immediately confiscated, a referral issued, and a parent will have to pick them up from the Assistant Principal.
  • No tagging on textbooks, desks, shelves, cabinets, or anything else in class. Doing so will result in serious consequences. Tagging is illegal by California Law.
  • Harassment and bullying are illegal and will be dealt with to the full extent of the law.
  • No inappropriate attire (clothing), hats, hoods, beanies are allowed in class.
  • Do not throw anything in class. If you break any school item, you will be responsible for paying it in full.
  • Please refrain from applying make-up or completing personal grooming during class. If so, these supplies will be confiscated.
  • No gum is allowed.
  • Other behavior infractions will result in the consequences outlined in the Parent-Student Handbook.

Grading Policy: Each semester, two Progress Reports and one Final Grade Report will be mailed home. Your course grade will be determined by the total number of points you earn. Grades will be based on points earned on:

Level of Achievement /
Letter Grade
Advanced / A+98% -100%
A94% - 97%

A-90% - 93%

Proficient / B+ 87% - 89%
B84% - 86%
B-80% -82%
Basic / C+77% - 79%
C74% - 76%

C-70% - 73%

Below Basic / D+67% - 69%
D64%- 66%
D-60% - 63%
Far Below Basic / F 0% - 59%
  • Quizzes, Tests, and Final Examinations
  • Lab Investigations/Projects
  • Web Investigations, Presentations and Research Assignments
  • Group and Class work
  • Homework Assignments (Assignments Due Weekly)
  • Science Notebook Checks
  • Daily Warm-Ups
  • Late Labs due to excused absences or other approved reasons, are due ONE week from the assigned date to complete and turn in the work. Alternative lab assignments may be assigned.
  • Study thoroughly for each quiz, test, and exam. Missed quizzes/tests due to absence are to be made up within 3 days of returning from an absence.
  • **Late work will not be accepted:
  • Homework is assigned most days but due only once per week to assist those students who work, volunteer or involved with school activities. It is up to you to remember to turn in your assignments on time.(Due every Monday, no exceptions unless excused absent.)
  • Record your daily classwork and homework assignments in a planner or on a calendar to help keep you organized.
  • Do your assignments every day, on time, and do not get behind.
  • Please know that your work will be graded based on accuracy and quality, not simply because you turned it in.

Cheating Policy: Cheating will not be tolerated

  • All students who cheat will receive zero points on the test or assignment which cannot be made up. The incident may result in detention, a referral, or both, PLUS a call home for all students involved. As a result, students could be dropped from this class. Cheating includes:
  • Allowing others to copy off of your assignments, or copying another student’s work or test answers. Both parties will be penalized for cheating.
  • Copying information from the internet or other sources (like books) and saying it is your work. This type of cheating is called plagiarism.
  • During a test, use of electronic devices enabled with texting or email features or use of cell phones. IPods, cell phones, or notes of any kind used as a source of information, or any other type of assistance, electronic devices, etc., will result in all consequences related to cheating. Sources (Alpha Order): S. Christie, K. Duran, K. Kent & R. Magni

Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______

Syllabus Signature Form and Student Agreement to Abide by Policies, Procedures & Rules

I ______, have read, understand, and agree to follow all course guidelines listed on the course syllabus. In addition, I agree to follow other written and verbal instructions given by the instructor.


Student’s SignatureDate


Syllabus Signature Form and Parent Agreement

I have read the course syllabus and agree to encourage my daughter/son/ward to observe the course guidelines, rules, and policies.


Parent/Guardian SignatureDate


Parent/Guardian Name (Please Print)


Home Phone NumberLanguage SpokenBest Time of Day to Reach You


Cell/Work Phone NumberLanguage SpokenBest Time of Day to Reach You

Comments or questions: