ECU’s annual conference 2017
Inclusivity, intersectionality, action: moving forward the equality agenda in higher education
Birmingham, 7-8 November 2017
Section 1: Paper submission guidelines
ECU’s annual conference 2017 will focus on the themes of inclusivity, intersectionality and action. Universities across the UK are driving forward the equality agenda for the benefit of their students and staff. This conference aims to provide a showcase for this work and an opportunity for collaboration and sharing of experience, particularly in the context of new challenges such as Brexit.
Call for contributions
ECU invites submissions for individual papers from universities to share experience and innovation around each of the themes. We also welcome submissions from organisations and individuals working in other sectors where there is the potential for useful cross-sector sharing of experience and knowledge:
=Creating an inclusive university:
–Creating an inclusive environment for disabled students, particularly in light of changes to the disabled students allowance.
–Inclusion work that focuses on religion and belief, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or age.
–Increasing competence and confidence in engaging with equality and diversity work, in particular in relation to race.
–Partnership working with students, students’ unions and community groups to enhance equality initiatives.
=Taking an intersectional approach to equality and diversity:
–Benefits and challenges of exploring intersectionality.
–Approaches to advancing equality and diversity in relation to religion and belief and the intersection with other protected characteristics, in particular race, gender and sexual orientation.
–Intersectional approaches to ECU’s equality charters.
=Taking action and overcoming barriers to action on equality and diversity:
–Barriers to advancing equality and diversity within institutions and how these can be overcome.
–Supporting staff and students and good campus relations in the time of Brexit.
–Using the Equality Act 2010 as a tool for action.
–Engaging governing bodies and/or senior leaders with equality and diversity.
–Data as a tool for action and a barrier to action on equality and diversity.
–Evaluating the impact of equality and diversity activity.
Paper format
Papers will provide a focused opportunity for delegates to formally present on a topic or issue related to the conference theme/s. Papers should aim to give an overview of a piece of research or a project, sharing highlights of research findings, showcasing best practice or profiling an initiative. Presenters are invited to discuss new, ongoing or completed research. Each paper should last a total of 20 minutes: 15 minute presentation plus an additional five minutes for questions/discussion. ECU will group successful papers into panel sessions lasting 75 minutes.
Please note that this year ECU also welcomes calls for panels of papers. This means submitting three papers around a common theme together with colleagues (these could be colleagues within your institution or from other universities or organisations). If you wish to submit a panel of papers, please use the separate panel of papers submission form.
Review criteria
Each proposal is subjected to a peer review against the following criteria:
=relevance to conference theme/s
=anticipated interest
=clarity of the proposal
=originality of the idea/approach
The deadline for submissions isFriday 21 April 2017 at 17:00.
Please complete the submission form and send to
You will be informed of the outcome of your submission by Friday 26May 2017.
Information for presenters
Presenters and co-presenters will need to complete conference booking by Monday 4 September 2017or we will assume that you wish to withdraw and your slot will be offered to presenters on the reserve list.
Please include all co-presenters on the submission form. It is the responsibility of the lead presenter to pass on all relevant details to any co-presenters and to ensure the session runs to time and as indicated in the proposal.
Data protection
All the information you supply on the submission form will be stored by ECU in paper and/or electronic format for the purposes of administration of the conference. It will be shared with two external reviewers. Additionally, sections of the form (eg abstracts) will be published in the conference programme and on the ECU websitewebsite.
Important dates
Friday 21 April 2017:Deadline for submissions
Friday 26 May 2017: Presenters informed of outcome of review process
Monday 4 September 2017: Deadline for presenters to have booked onto the conference
Friday 13 October 2017:General conference registration closes
Further information
Please send any enquiries to:
Information about this year’s conference:
Successful submissions from ECU’s 2016 conference can be viewed here:
Section 2: Paper submission form
A.Presenter details
Lead presenter details:
Name:Job title:
Additional presenter details:
Name:Job Title:
B: Details of proposed paper
Please insert the title of your paper here.
Please insert the abstract for your paper here. This should not be more than 200 words, and should summarise the aims and nature of the paper. Please also consider the review criteria in the formulation of your abstract.
Please note that the title and abstract will be included in our conference programme.
Participant engagement: / Please specify if, and if so how, you will engage participants.Relevance: / Please explain how your paper links tothe conference themes.
Keywords: / Please supply a maximum of five keywords for your paper.
Additional equipment
Please provide details of any additional equipment, space, etc that you require.
C: Permissions
Please tick the box if you are happy for us to tweet or blog about your session: ☐
Please tick the box if you are happy for a photographer to photograph your session: ☐
© Equality Challenge Unit
March 2017