Mesa Public Schools: Music Education Office
Your student has been invited to audition for membership in theJunior High Festival Orchestra(JHFO). JHFOwill be directed by Dr. Walt Temme, Director of Orchestras at Mountain View High School. Membership in JHFO is by audition and is open toall junior high orchestra studentsfrom our district. Participation in JHFO is dependent upon the student's ability to meet the following mandatory audition and rehearsal schedule:
Auditions for students are:
Saturday, February 11, 2017 at Shepherd Jr. High1407 Alta Mesa Drive Mesa, AZ
Audition requirements include:
(1) JHFO Audition Selections No. 1 and No. 2 (Set B)
(2) Scales: C, G, D, A, E, F, Bb, Eb, Ab which are to be memorizedand played in a steady pattern with one note per pitch. Scales may be in 1, 2, or 3 octaves. Students have the opportunity to earn more points for each octave performed correctly.
(3) Sight-reading exercise
Auditions may not be scheduled on another day.
Rehearsals are at MountainView High School2700 E. Brown Road Mesa, AZ
Rehearsal #1* Monday, March 204:30**-6:30pmMountain View Orchestra Room
Rehearsal #2 Monday, March 274:30**-6:30pmMountain View Orchestra Room
Dress Rehearsal: Monday, April 34:30**-6:30pmMountain View Orchestra Room
*This date will be the Reseating Rehearsal
**Students WILL arrive FIFTEEN MINUTES prior to rehearsals for tuning**
It is recommended that parents sign students out early on rehearsal days to avoid after school traffic.
Students are expected to be at all rehearsals. Missing a rehearsal may exclude you from the concert.
Concert is at IKEDA Theater, Mesa Arts Center 1st E Main Street Mesa 85211
Sound Check:Tuesday, April 4, 20175:45-6:15 PMIkeda Theater, Mesa Arts Center
Concert:Tuesday, April 4, 20177:00 PMIkeda Theater, Mesa Arts Center
Students will arrive at 5:30 pm
If you would like your child to audition for JHFO, and are able to meet the above schedule, please complete the form and return it to your orchestra teacher as soon as possible. If you lose this form or need more information, all JHFO documents and procedures are found on the MPS music website.
Your orchestra teacher must receive all forms:
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Deadlines are firm so that scheduling can take place in a timely manner.
Student audition times are scheduled for five-minute intervals. A master list will be available at each participating junior high, and at the District Music Education Office. Please allow time for a list to be compiled. If you have not received an audition time by Friday, January 27, 2017, please contact your orchestra teacher or the District Music Office at 480-308-7350.
Please keep this rehearsal schedule and information for your reference.
Thank you and start practicing!
Alexis Pillow
JHFO Honor Orchestra Coordinator
Audition Contract/Application for Junior High Festival Orchestra
Rehearsals are at Mountain View High School 2700 E. Brown Road Mesa, AZ
Rehearsal #1* Monday, March 204:30**-6:30pmMountain View Orchestra Room
Rehearsal #2 Monday, March 274:30**-6:30pmMountain View Orchestra Room
Dress Rehearsal: Monday, April 34:30**-6:30pmMountain View Orchestra Room
*This date will be the Reseating Rehearsal
**Students WILL arrive FIFTEEN MINUTES prior to rehearsals for tuning**
It is recommended that parents sign students out early on rehearsal days to avoid after school traffic.
Students are expected to be at all rehearsals. Missing a rehearsal may exclude you from the concert.
Concert is at IKEDA Theater, Mesa Arts Center 1st E Main Street Mesa 85211
Sound Check:Tuesday, April 4, 20175:45-6:15 PMIkeda Theater, Mesa Arts Center
Concert:Tuesday, April 4, 20177:00 PMIkeda Theater, Mesa Arts Center
Students will arrive at 5:30 pm
E-mail: ______
Address______Phone______School Orchestra Teacher
The above student has my permission to audition for membership in the Junior High Festival Orchestra and we agree to the following:
- We understand that it is our responsibility to arrive at the audition site on time, with all audition materials.
- We understand that this is a competitive audition and cannot be repeated or postponed.
- If selected, my child will be prepared and will attend allof the scheduled rehearsals and concert as listed above.
- I, parent/guardian, am responsible for providing transportation to and from all rehearsals and the concert.
- My child will be on time. I will pick my student up promptly at the end of each rehearsal.
- We realize that failure to meet the above criteria may result in my child being unable to participate.
Student Name (Please Print)Student SignatureDate
Parent Name (Please Print)Parent SignatureDate