Enrollment Management Meeting

Minutes – 1/8/2015 – 10-11 AM

Participants: Anderson, T.; Bates, R.; Ely, A.; Goff, K.; Goldberg, S.; Heiselman, R.; Jolly, J.; Knowles, D., Licciardi, A.; Luff, D.; Meehan, G.; McDaniel, K.

1.  Self-introductions were made to Gabriel Meehan the new Associate Vice President of Economic and Work Force Development, located in the Instructional Services Office.

2.  The 2015 Spring semester will begin on Saturday, January 17th. Jim Collins will be the dean on duty.

3.  Spring Enrollment Data received at the college daily indicates that the district is down compared with enrollment at this time for Spring 2014. The college has been analyzing possible reasons for low enrollment:

  1. No advertising for Spring registration
  2. Improvement in employment for students
  3. Financial Aid policies have changed
  4. If employed, may not register for classes
  5. Outreach centers are down in enrollment also
  6. ESL classes are down also; Adult Ed feeder schools have been closed in the City of Sacramento. Basic Skills program would require working with schools outside of our service areas.
  7. Looking at possible solutions: Asking area deans about wait lists for classes and if they can open up new classes; or offer 2nd 8 week classes to students.

4.  SOS: There will be a memo going across the Outlook exchange shortly requesting volunteers to help welcome students and give directions. For the Spring semester there will be only two tables for SOS (by the Panther, near the College Store and between RHN and RHS). Student Leadership and Development will be at the Gazebo and signs indicating where pictures for Student Access cards may be taken will be posted. It was shared that City Café would not be available on Jan 16th for Student Access Cards and Transit Stickers. Action: Deb Luff will talk with Frank Malaret about using the LRC for students to receive their Student Access Card on Friday, Jan 16th. The Centers also offer this service and students may receive Access Cards on Saturday, Jan 17th.

5.  Update Implementation of Math Pre-Req Checking: This has not impacted enrollment into classes in a detrimental way for the Math Department.

6.  Math Pump: This idea came out of Sac Pathways to help prepare students in high school for their SCC assessment test. Sherri Goldberg shared pilot test results, participation was low and majority of students did not return to take the retest. (Out of 11 students, 4 returned and 2 of these had an improvement in their scores). The Math Department and Assessment are looking at offering this for specific feeder schools, McClatchy and Kennedy, rather than Senior Saturday students. If this goes well for Spring, may offer two sessions in the future. It was suggested that the students from schools mentioned would probably do well on the assessment tests and SCC may want to offer it to another school for a comparison. It was suggested that follow up data may be needed to find out why Senior Saturday students from the feeder schools did not show up to take 2nd assessment. Dean Licciardi also worked on a pilot with SAC and current SCC students to have a math pump, but students would like assessment for transfer college math courses (SCC students didn’t feel the test was rigorous enough for their needs).

Discussion ensued regarding EAP (Early Assessment Program) which is designed to provide students, their families, and high schools with early signals about a student’s readiness for college-level English and mathematics. The educational system is moving away from this program and moving towards the Common Core Standards Assessment (State of California approved curriculum); but for those that have EAP assessment scores, they may challenge the process/courses. It was discussed that students can challenge any course they would like. However, the college needs to establish assessment criteria and cut off scores so that the Assessment Office can offer the tests to those that wish to challenge. The question was asked if the college should differentiate between challenging the course and petitioning to use EAP assessment? It was felt that by the next academic year, policies should be in place for those students that wish to challenge courses based on the EAP scores. Anne Licciardi reported that her department has processed over 200 challenges.

7.  Elementary/Middle School Tours – these have been halted so that more planning and creativity can be shared with this age group. Debra Luff will bring this up at the next Senior Leadership Team meeting. Action: Suggestions for activities can be shared with Kim Goff.

New Student Fridays doesn’t work well for the Assessment Center as they would have to close the center for approximately 40 students—often less than 50% of the students show. It was suggested that Assessment testing be done at the high schools and then they can have their ISEPs completed on campus.

8.  Debra Luff reported that the new Student Services building is on track; the rooms have been painted; furniture yet to arrive. We will plan a walk through for those areas that are moving into the new building. For the Rodda Hall North First Floor residents that will remain in Rodda North and the proposed space allocations, this has not been finalized.

9.  Next meeting date: February 12, 2015.

Regina Wilkins, Recorder
