Cinema Business and Management
Prof.Stefano Losurdo; Prof. Gianfilippo Pedote
Module I: Prof. Stefano Losurdo
Thecourseaims to analyse the cinematographic market and its business, and in particular, thecentral role of movie theatres in the cinematographic chain of value.
–The economic impact of the audio-visual industry in Italy.
–Thecinematographic and audio-visual production/distribution chain.
–Legislation applicable to the cinematographic sector.
–Commercial policiesfor cinematographic distribution.
–Cinematographic consumption: locations.
–Italian cinema: from the past to the future.
A. Pasquale, Investire nel cinema, ed. Sole24Ore, 2012.
F. Martel, Mainstream, Feltrinelli, 2010 (first part).
Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo (edited by), Il Mercato e l’industria del Cinema in Italia, Rapporto 2012. Itwill be available on the course web site.
Relazione Fondo Unico dello Spettacolo, 2012. It will be available on the course web site.
The economic impact of the audio-visual industry in Italy (the documentwill be available on the course web site).
Support material is planned, and will be available in class and on the course web site.
Lectures; analyses in class; meetings with sector participants; discussions of case studies.
Written tests, interviews. Grading of analytical work done in the classroom.
Module II: Prof. Gianfilippo Pedote
The course provides an overview of the Italian and European cinema systems from the standpoint of production firms, and it analyzes the means for the production of a film during various phases, from the original idea to the finished film.
–Considerations aboutthe ‘cinema system’. The economic and cultural value of the movie industry. The movie industry today: between crises and new prospects;trends;markets;and business potential. Data on the Italian movie industry and comparisons with situations abroad.
–The development of a film project: artisticand business assessments; definitionand sharing of objectives;and methods for analyzing market positioning. The producer / director dialectic.
–Thedevelopment phases of a cinematographic work: concept, rights, writing, assessment of costs, financial plan, and forecast of revenues.
–The search for financing. Public financing, private financing, tax credits, product placement, and international co-productions.
–Therealization of a cinematographic work: (pre-production), filming assembly and editing.The cinema as teamwork. Organisation of production. Roles and productive departments.
–Communications strategies: advertising and marketing. Theroleof festivals and the specialised press.Distributionand exploitation of marketing and branding opportunities.
D. Maggioni, Filmmaker digitale, Hoepli, 2008.
C. Biondi,Come si produce un film (vol. II), Dino Audino Editore, 2004.
G. P. Brunetta, Il cinema italiano contemporaneo, Laterza, 2007.
Support material online is planned, with updates about the cinematographic market.
Lectures; classroom analysisof case studies, and an exercise with respect to recently released Italian film.
Interview and written exam (questions and preparation of an exercise consisting of a critical and economic analysis of a recently produced Italian film, as proposed by any student).
Separate assessment of the module.
Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice board.