Procedures to Support an Application forPaternity Leave
As set out in the Paternity Leave policy, our University is committed to providing an inclusive and diverse environment in which all members of our community are valued and supported, both in the workplace and in family life.These procedures have been developed to support the implementation of the policy in order to enable employees to take time off around the birth or adoption of their child, and to support a culture of equality, diversity and inclusion in our University. Theprocedures provide guidance on how to apply for paternity leave and paternity benefit. This document also covers a number of different scenarios as outlined in the Paternity Leave and Benefit Act 2016 such as early confinement and postponement of maternity leave, and advises what the employee needs to do if those instances arise.
1. Applying for Paternity Leave
In order to apply for Paternity Leave, the employee must complete and sign the 'Notification of Intention to take PaternityLeave' form and have it countersigned by their Head of School/Unit, no later than four weeks before the start of Paternity Leave. This form can be downloaded from the UCD HR Web site and should be forwarded to Compensation and Benefits, UCD HR, Roebuck Offices. A medical certificate/placement letter confirming the expected due/delivery/placement date of the relevant child is also required.
Employees must also submit the Social Welfare Paternity Benefit Forms (PB1 & PB2) to Compensation and Benefits, and these forms can be downloaded from Employees are required to complete the PB1 section and UCD HR will complete the Employers Section (PB2). Once UCD HR processes these documents, the completed PB1 and PB2 forms will be posted to the employee’s home address confirming the Paternity Leave details.
Following this the employee will need to apply for the Paternity Benefit directly from the Department of Social Protection and details of this process are available at This benefit is to be paid directly into the employee’s bank account and employeesmust liaise with the Department of Social Protection regarding same. UCD HR will deduct the maximum statutory amount from salary at source during the two-week Paternity Leave.
2. Scenarios
- Early Confinement
Where the birth of the child occurs 4 or more weeks prematurely, the employee must inform their line manager and the Compensation and Benefits Office immediately if they are commencing the paternity leave on the birth of the child. The employee will be deemed to have complied with the notification period. In this instance the employee must also submit the Paternity Leave application form to the Compensation and Benefits office within 7 days of the birth of the child. In such circumstances, the employee will be deemed to have complied with the notification requirements of the Act.
- Postponement of Paternity Leave
(a) Postponement of Paternity Leave due to late birth/postponed adoption placement
An employee who is a relevant parent may postpone a period of paternity leave where the date of birth occurs after the date selected by a relevant parent in their written notification to take paternity or where the date of placement is postponed in the case of adoption. The relevant parent may select another date on which paternity leave will commence, and should submit the revised Paternity Leave application form to the Compensation and Benefits office.
If employees wish to postpone paternity leave within four weeks of the date it was originally due to state, in circumstances other than the hospitalisation of the relevant child, then they must notify compensation and Benefits in writing as soon as practicablypossible. If employees wish to postpone paternity leave beyond four weeks of the date it was originallydue to start, then the Notification to Take Paternity Leave Form must be resubmitted to Compensation and Benefits.
(b) Postponement of paternity leave due to illness of the relevant parent
In the event that an employee becomes ill before a period of paternity leave has commenced, the period of leave may be postponed. Notification of a request to postpone the leave due to illness must be sent to the line manager as soon as possible after becoming ill and must be accompanied by a medical certificate. The employee must follow up in writing confirming the request to postpone the leave as soon as is reasonably practicable but not later than the day on which the postponed leave begins. A copy of this must be sent to the Compensation and Benefits office. The leave may be postponed until such time as the relevant parent is no longer sick. The period of postponed leave must end not later than 28 weeks after the date of birth or day of placement. The employee must notify Compensation and Benefits when they intend to take the postponed paternity leave no later than the day that the employee commences the leave.
(c) Postponement of paternity leave when the child is hospitalised
If the child is hospitalised, the employee may request in writing to postpone all or part of their paternity leave. Postponement of paternity leave in such circumstances is subject to approval by the line managerwho will respond to the request for postponement as soon as practicably possible with a decision on the matter. Where it has been agreed to postpone the leave, the leave must be taken in a continuous block not later than 7 days after the discharge of the child from hospital or such other date as may be agreed upon between the employee and their line manager. The employee must notify the Compensation and Benefits office at least 5 days before they intend to take the postponed paternity leave.
Employees will be required to provide Compensation and Benefits with a letter from the hospital confirming the child has been hospitalised and following the discharge a letter confirming the date of discharge.It is important to note that if the employee falls ill during the period of postponement of paternity leave, and requests to be viewed as being on sick leave from work, the employee will forfeit the remainder of the paternity leave which cannot be taken at a later date following the period of sick leave. Otherwise the employee will be considered to have commenced paternity leave.
If paternity leave is postponed and the employee returns to work, the employee needs to notify the Department of Social Protection in writing that their child has been hospitalised and they have returned to employment. A letter from the family doctor (GP) / hospital is required to confirm to the Department that the child has been discharged from hospital and paternity benefit should resume. The employee’s Personal Public Service (PPS) Number should be clearly identified on all documents sent to the Department.
- Transferred Paternity Leave
In the event of the death of the relevant parent entitled to paternity leaveand before availingof some or all of the leave, the leave shall transfer to the surviving parent. Please contact the Compensation and Benefits office for further support in relation to this.
2. Social Welfare Paternity Benefit
Social Welfare Paternity Benefit is payable for the duration of the paternity leave.All employees who are entitled to Paternity Benefit must claim this benefit from the Department of Social Protection, as their salaries will be reduced by the maximum statutory benefit at source (unless another amount is specified). If employees are unsure of their eligibility to this benefit, they should contact their local Social Welfare Office. Employees who are not entitled to this benefit will have their salary paid in full by the University whilst on Paternity Benefit, subject to satisfying the relevant minimum service requirement.It is the responsibility of the employee to inform Compensation and Benefits if they are not entitled to the full statutory amount of Paternity Benefit at least four weeks in advance of taking Paternity Leave”.
The relevant parent must have a Public Services Card to apply for Paternity Benefit. If the relevant parent does not already have a Public Services Card, they can make an appointment to get one at The employee will first need to register with the site. To do this the employee needs a mobile phone number and two e-mail addresses (a main address and an alternate address). When the appointment has been made they should print the notification and bring it to their appointment along with the required documents (listed in the notification).
Employees can also apply for Paternity Benefit online at by uploading supporting documentation and submitting it online with the application.Employees with any queries around qualifying for Paternity Benefit should visit the Department of Social Protection website contact the Department directly.
Paternity Leave Guidelines 25/04/17Page 1