MIWP-16 Webconference minutes


Welcome and approval of the agenda

  1. Approval of agenda
  2. Approval of minutes from the 4th meeting of MIWP-16 held on 26/02/2014
  3. Summary of actions from previous meetings
  4. Practicalities around redmine
  5. Review of ticket #2143
  6. Review of ticket #2144
  7. MIWP-16 at the INSPIRE conference
  8. MIWP-16 workshop at Arona on 11 April 2014
  9. AOB
  10. 2014 monitoring exercise
  11. Planning of the next web meeting

Approval of agenda and approval of the minutes from 4th web-conference on 26/02/2014

Proposed agenda accepted with the items under AOB raised at the end of the meeting.
Received comments on draft minutes are included in the minutes of the meeting; no other comments were expressed at the web-conference; minutes of the meeting are accepted.

Summary of actions from previous meetings

All actions from the meeting held on 26/02/2014 have been completed.

Practicalities around redmine

The Redmine system became fully operational (authentication via ECAS is still pending) and provides a wiki, a ticket system, a forum and a basic document management system.

Redmine will be the communication channel for MIWP-16.

Paul informed about the major difference between documents and files. The documents are public while the files are available only to logged-in users. The wiki and the forum are public. The issues are public by default but can be marked as private.

Decision: The participants decided that work in progress should be kept private (i.e. accessible only to registered users) as some topics might be sensitive to MS while documents such as final minutes and presentations should be public.

Review of ticket #2143 [

The participants thanked Martin for having prepared this table to collect some basic information about the current and foreseen use of monitoring information on EC and MS level. They agreed that this would be a valuable piece of information for the upcoming work of MIWP-16.

Action: Martin to update the columns in order to include all MS (EU+EFTA)
Action: Paul to ask the NCPs (possibly through the MIG representatives) to fill in this table

Review of ticket #2144 [

The proposal for a template to collect information about the construction of the indicators triggered an intense discussion among participants.
The main outcomes of this discussion are that (a) the dashboard should rely exclusively on metadata, (b) it is already known that there will be a problem with indicators related to relevant area and actual area and (c) that MIWP-16 is free to come up with conclusions such as “in order to have a dashboard, it is necessary to either update the metadata regulation or the IR on monitoring and reporting”.

In addition, Daniela's proposal about template (in comment #6) would be a valuable way to explore. It should contain :

  • the indicators,
  • the required information to calculate the indicator and
  • the metadata elements (XPath) where we can derive this information.

The participants thanked Nicofor his proposal (and demo) to transform the excel template produced by Marc and then modified by Kalliope into a Google Doc form which is easier to fill in. Considering that the creation of a dashboard is part of the Terms of Reference of MIWP-16, it has been decided that the first question should be deleted.

While #2144 aims at reviewing how MS are collecting monitoring data now, there is the need to review which information relevant for monitoring can be extracted from the metadata.

Action: Nico to finalise the form on google docs and to inform MIWP-16 for final review
Action: Paul to prepare a first “theoretical” mapping between metadata and indicators

MIWP-16 at the INSPIRE conference

All people who replied to the corresponding survey launched after the 4th web meeting were in favour of a half-day closed workshop. Therefore prior to this web meeting, Paul applied through the INSPIRE conference website for a half-day closed workshop.

The participants discussed if having the work of MIWP-16 mentioned in a presentation about the monitoring data reported by MS in 2014 would be enough or if we should submit an abstract for a presentation dedicated to MIWP-16 in one of the MIG parallel session. The latter option has been preferred.

Action: Paul to submit an abstract for a presentation about MIWP-16 in one of the MIG parallel sessions.


2014 monitoring exercise

Ewa asked if the same Excel template as last year could be used for this year reporting. Paul answered positively explaining that the decision has been not to change the template as it will very likely change for next year as a consequence of the work of MIWP-16.
Although the template has not changed, the guidelines have been slightly updated in order to get better quality monitoring data if the reporters are able to provide this extra information. For datasets, it consists of the path to the metadata record (as XML) in the national catalogue, and for services, it consists of the path to the GetCapabilities document.

Daniela asked if the links to the metadata and services will be considered in the xml schema. Considering that the approach taken has been not to change the Excel template, the same approach should be used with respect to the XML schema used for monitoring this year. Thus the same schema as last year can be used and the schema will be updated as an outcome of the work of MIWP-16.

Next web meeting

Action: Paul to set up a doodle to find the date for our next web meeting (from 24 to 26 March as there is an INSPIRE Committee meeting on 28/03).


MS / Surname / Name / Present
BE / Delattre / Nathalie
BE / Robbrecht / Joeri
BG / Turnalieva / Lilyana
BG / Baychev / Martin
CH/LI / Giger / Christine
DE / Hogrebe / Daniela / X
DK / Storgaard / Lars
EE / Õitspuu / Sulev
ES / Abad Power / Paloma
FI / Koistinen / Kai
FI / Rinne / Ilkka / X
FR / Taffoureau / Étienne / X
FR / Grellet / Sylvain
FR / Leobet / Marc / X
GR / Grigoriou / Elena
GR / Pediaditi / Kalliope
IS / Ahlbrecht / Anna Guðrún
IT / Bonora / Nico / X
NL / de Visser / Ine
NL / Grothe / Michel
PL / Surma / Ewa / X
SE / Rydén / Anders
SK / Tuchyna / Martin
SK / Kliment / Tomas
SK / Tobik / Jan
UK / Dixon / John
UK / Ramage / Alex / X
EC/Eurostat / Reuter / Hannes
EC/JRC / Fierens / Freddy
EC/JRC / Schade / Sven / X
EEA / Hasenohr / Paul / X
EEA / Lihteneger / Darja
EEA / Ansorge / Christian