Eco committee Minutes

Tuesday 29th May 2012

Staff Present: Lisa Albarracin, Margaret Canning, Anna Reilly

Staff Apologies:NHiggins, BMcgarry, EMcCauley, ABlanning

Pupils Present: Zoya Khan (1H), Arubah Khan (1B), Maimoonah Yusaf (1F), Tagen Allan (1D), Emma Bayliss (1B), Holly Linstead (1f), Holly Clugston (1f), Mussavir Ahmed (1E), Zakariya Naheem (1G),Shazia Mirza(1E) Hasham Saddiq (1F), Cameron Hillhouse(1F) Amar Singh (1G), Aisha Abdul Rahman (1H), Sana Mazhar (1H), Noor-ul-Mubeen (1G), Humera Rafique (1E), Ammar Yasar (1E), Shoayb Beg (1H), Sidra Shafiq(1H) Chanthira Suwanno (1H), Shazia Altaf(1f)

Zubia Asif (2B), Arza Issadeen (2B), Jennifer Goldstein (2A, Cole Stewart (2B), Harry Speake (2D) Robyn Board (2D), Megan Mullan (2b), Aarifah Akhtar 2A and Fatima Ebrahim 2A

Pupil Apologies: (on study leave etc )

Abbie Macinnes (5F),Lucy Frimpong(5E), Paul Black (4B), Akshay Chandra (4G), Christopher Buchanan (4G), Bethany Buchannan (3A) Abdul Rafiq (4F), Adeel ahmed (4A), Ainmah Din (4E), Phillip Buchanan (2A), Bethany Buchannan (3A)


Sub committees

  • Fair-trade – next meeting Tuesday12th June.

Attended a fair-trade convention at Glasgow Caledonian university in March, lots of ideas to take forward. AR to check we are registered as a fair-trade school. MC has a hamper we can use.

Looking to raffle a hamper of fair-trade products before the end of term, also to hold a stall at the school sports day to raise awareness of fair-trade.

  • Active travel committee – meet wed 1pm

The committee have been working on a few projects including finding some pedometers to use to survey pupils walking habits.

Are organising a smoothie bike and an energy bike for sports day.

  • Wildlife/conservation committee

Have put up birdboxes and feeders around the school, pupils fill them up often and are investigating to see what type of food is most popular with the birds.

Would like to do an information stall for sports day.

  • Food and the environment

Working in conjunction with gardening club (Wednesday after school). The club are organising with the fuel zone to have a Mexican day. The aim is to encourage pupils to use the fuel zone which is a healthier choice at lunchtime.

Need volunteers to water the garden over the summer.

Web page – catch up

  • Web page to be updated.
  • Green flag logo on website – can we have a link to eco-stuff direct from logo?
  • AR to speak to Mr Canzanella to set up a time for eco-committee staff to meet up and learn how to update eco homepage on the website. Week beginning 18th June. Mon or Thursday lunchtime.


  • The school is looking a lot tidier in recent months. Long may this continue.
  • Pupils to speak to janitor about gum removal.
  • We need to organise to raise money to get more benches outside.
  • Drinking fountain – again, pupils need to write to Mrs McKenna to ask about getting a water fountain outside.


  • Pupils were asked to give suggestions for where we could go as a treat for working so hard on the eco committee this year? Some suggestions were Edinburgh Zoo to see the Pandas, or BlairDrummondSafari Park? Funds will need to be raised, but the treat should go ahead in September.

Further suggestions to AR.

Next meeting

  • August


  • Well done to those who ran the cake and candy earlier this term. They did an excellent job.

Suggestions were made to organise another cake and candy stall in September or maybe before the end of term?

  • Harry Speake – to liase with AR to get two powerpoints organised for the screens downstairs. One to advertise what the eco-committee is doing for sports day. And the second, for the new first years to come join the eco-committee. AR to email GThomson with the powerpoints.
  • Suggestion made for next year to take two volunteers from each S1 tutor class to join the eco-committee.
  • Pupils to speak to Primary 7’s when they are here in BellahoustonAcademy to tell them about the eco-committee.
  • Eco-badge – a lapel badge to go on pupils blazers for next year. Designs in by 22nd June to MCanning/LAlbarracin. Green flag badge to be school eco badge?
  • Pupils to remember and check emails on a regular basis to ensure they receive information on the eco-committee