ECHE 311
SPRING 2015, 11:40 AM-12:55 PM TTH, 2A14 (SWRG)
Professor: Dr. Branko N. Popov
Office: 2C19 SWG Eng. Center
Tel: 803-777-7314
Web site:
Office Hrs: Monday 11-12 am, Fri. 11-12 am and by appointment at 777-7314 or
Teaching Assistants:
Tae kuen Kim
Office: 2B33, SWG. Eng.Center
Phone: 803-576-5634
Won Suk Jung
2B33, SWG. Eng.Center
Phone: 803-576-5634
Xie Tianyuan
2B33, SWG. Eng.Center
Phone: 803-576-5634
Smith, Van Ness, and Abbott, “Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics”6th ed., McGraw-Hill.
Ref. Textbooks:
Elliot and Lira, “Introduction to Applied Thermodynamics,” Prentice Hall
PTR, 1999.
K. S. Pitzer, “Thermodynamics,” 3rd Edition, Mc. Graw-Hill, 1995.
ENGR 290, Thermodynamic Fundamentals
Course Objectives:
The students will learn the concepts of chemical engineering systems, evaluation of thermodynamic property changes of pure materials, solution thermodynamics of single-phase multicomponent systems, phase and chemical and electrochemical reaction equilibrium, electrochemical equilibrium.
Computer Usage:
Extensive use of spreadsheets, MathCad or Maple and graphing packages.
Expected Knowledge:
To pass this course the student must demonstrate that he/she knows how to
- set up and solve phase equilibrium problems
- recognize thermodynamic fundamentals and distinguish thermodynamic models(e.g. compressibility equation, Equations of State, activity coefficient models, etc).
- calculate vapor-liquid equilibrium (bubble point, dew point and flash).
- determine and locate-pure component thermo-chemical data.
- set up and solve problems in chemical reaction equilibrium
2 exams 50% February 12th, March 24/2015
Weekly Quizzes 5%
Homework’s 15% Follow ChE Handbook Format*
Final Exam 30% Monday, May 4th @ 12:30 PM
Total 100%
*Homework must be submitted on time. Late homework will not be accepted unless valid reasons exist. Exams (open book) will be related to the homework and lecture material.
ECHE 311 Approximate Schedule, SPRING 2012
Final Exam: Monday,May4th @ 12:30 PM
Holidays:January 19th, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Service Day; March 8-15 Sun-Sun, (Spring Break),
Date Topic and Reading Comment
Unit 1 First and Second Law/Equation of States/Residual Properties
1/13 Orientation. Review of Basic Concepts: Mass and Energy Balances:
1/15 Read SVNA Ch 1,2,4, B .N .Popov “Handouts” The Reversible Process, Enthalpy, Heat capacity: Read: SVNA Ch2 ,
B. N. Popov” Handouts “The Fist Law”
1/20 Second Law, Entropy, Read SVNA Ch. 5 thru Section 5.9,
B.N. Popov Handouts ”The Second law of Thermodynamics,”
1/22 Properties of pure fluids: Equation of State-Virial Equation
Read SVNA Ch.3, Problem Solving (P.S.)
1/27 Cubic Equations of State,Problem Solving
1/29 Generalized Correlations for Gases and Liquids,
2/3 Property Relations Homogeneous Phases, SVNA Section 6.1 6.2
2/5 Fundamental Equations: Homogeneous Phases, Residual Properties: Read
SVNA Section 6.16.2, 6.3, (P. S).
2/10 Two phase systems / SVNA, Section 6.4, (P.S)
Generalized Properties Correlation for Gases: SVNA, Section 6.7, (P.S). Review Unit 1.
2/12 EXAM 1-Unit 1
Unit 2 Solution Thermodynamics Theory: Phase Equilibrium
2/17 Criterion for Phase Equilibrium: Chemical Potential, Read SVNA
Ch.11 Section 11.1, and 11.2. (P.S)
2/19 Fugacity from an EOS-Pure Component, Read SVNA Section 11.5
2/24 Generalized Correlation for the Fugacity Coefficient (P.S)
2/26 Ideal Solutions
3/03 Solution Thermodynamics Liquid Phase Properties from VLE data:
Read SVNA Ch12
3/5 Activity Coefficients from experimental data (P.S.)
3/8-3/15 Spring brake
3/17 Models for the Excess Gibbs Energy and Margules Equation/ (P. S.)
3/19 Review Unit 2
3/24 EXAM 2 on Unit 2
Unit 3Gamma/Phi Method/Electrolyte Equilibrium/Reaction
3/26 Gamma-Phi method for VLE, Raoult’s law, Modified Raoult’s law, Read SVNA Ch. 14, B .N .Popov “Handouts”
3/31 Dew point and Bubble pointcalculations
4/2 Flash calculations: Problem Solving
4/7 Reaction Equilibrium , Read SVNA Chapter15,
Section 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4 13.5, 13.6, 13.7
4/9 Application of equilibrium criteria to chemical reactions/
Standard Gibbs Free Energy change and the equilibrium constant
(Effect of Temperature, Van’t Hoff Equation Gas-Phase Reactions
4/14 Application of equilibrium criteria to chemical reactions/
Standard Gibbs free energy change and the equilibrium constant
(Effect of temperature, Van’t Hoff Equation gas-phase reactions
4/16 Application of equilibrium criteria to chemical reactions/
Standard Gibbs free energy change and the equilibrium constant
(Effect of temperature, Van’t Hoff Equation gas-phase reactions
4/21 Application of equilibrium criteria to chemical reactions/
Standard Gibbs free energy change and the equilibrium constant
(Effect of temperature, Van’t Hoff Equation gas-phase reactions
4/23 Liquid-phase reactions, Equilibrium conversion for single reactions
Review Unit Last Day of Classes