School-wide Behavior Rewards for 2017-2018
*** If Reward System is designed to encourage students not to receive more than one (1) office referral during a particular time frame. The time frames and events are listed below:
K-3 Time Frames:
August 28th – October 13th
October 14th – February 2nd
February 3rd – April 13th
4/5 Time Frames:
August 28th – October 20th
October 21st – February 9th
February 10th – April 27th
Dates of Events:
K-3 Movie Afternoon (2:45-3:30) on October 13th
4/5 Dance (2:45-4:00) on October 20th
K-3 Movie Afternoon (2:45-3:30) on February 2nd
4/5 Dance (2:45-4:00) on February 9th
K-3 Movie Afternoon (2:45-3:30) on April 13th
4/5 Dance (2:45-4:00) on April 27th
Attendance on field trips will require a pattern of positive behavior. To encourage this pattern, teachers will set Positive Behavior Timeframes. Students who receive 2 or more discipline write-ups during these timeframes will not be able to go on class field trips.