City of TecumsehParks and Recreation
Advisory Board Minutes
Meeting Date:Thursday, April 6, 2017, 6:00PM
Meeting Location:AJ Smith Recreation Center Community Room
Members Present:Chairperson Larry Ash, Mickey Alvarado, Chuck Gross, Stacy Downing
Members Excused:Kyle Cook
Others Present:Shelley Lim
- Meeting called to order by Chairperson Ash at 6:02 PM.
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Quorum established.
- Motion to approve agenda;Chuck Gross, Second: Stacy Downing. Motion approved.
E. Public comments for items on the agenda. None
F Approval of Thursday, January 5, 2017 Advisory Board meeting minutes.
Motion to approve: Chuck Gross, Second: Stacy Downing. Motion Approved.
G. Directors report was presented by Shelley
Department has worked with the county to submit grant application to extend Kiwanis Trail
Department submitted grant applications to refurbish bathroom facilities at TecumsehPark
Spring soccer sign up showing good numbers
Spring flag football cancelled for low registration numbers
Next week free for start up of Tai Chi and HIIT programs
Annual Easter Egg Scramble is set for April 15th
Splash Pad is undergoing some needed repairs
Stacy mentioned program fees are being written up as very positive
H. Old Business
a. The public surveys for the tobacco free parks results showed the public was in favor of smoke free parks. This included the surveys on line, newspaper, and at the recreation center.
b. After Beardsley Park was reviewed for a possible mountain bike trail it was determined that it did not have the desired terrain. Privately owned land located between the park and additional city property may provide the appropriate terrain.It was determined when the weather allows another review will be scheduled.
c. A decision for selective tree harvesting in the park was delayed until the next meeting after a walk through has been completed to see if tree removal is beneficial.
I. New Business
Board motioned to:institute a tobacco free policy at Cal Zorn
Park, pending City Council approval. Cal Zorn would be tobacco free as of July, 2017. The remaining parks will be tobacco free as of January 2018.
Motion: Chuck Gross, Second, Stacy Downing; Motion Approved.
J. Public comment for items not on the agenda:
a. Mickey raised the question of public access to the Red Mill Pond at the dam site. Shelley will check with the city to see who owns the property for sure. She will also check with Steve May to see what the access is at this point.
b. Stacy asked if there were any plans to look at the invasive species in the Indian Crossing Trails area in the near future. Shelley said the phragmites removal was a project that was included in a grant application that was applied for through the Lenawee Conservation District.
K. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM.
Next regularly scheduled quarterly meeting date: Thursday, July 6, 2017