Course Syllabus

ECE 676 – Numerical Techniques in Applied Electromagnetics

Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Course Number: ECE 676

Course Title: Numerical Techniques in Applied Electromagnetics

Credit Units: 3

Course Description

A study of current techniques employed to solve practical electro-magnetic field problems. Emphasis will be placed upon antenna and radar cross section problems using moment methods. Students will be expected to use the techniques treated to solve problems using a digital computer.


Students taking this course should understand the material in ECE 471, an intermediate level course in Electromagnetic Waves and Fields dealing with time varying fields and waves. They should have had ECE 671 or ECE 674 or an equivalent course.


There is no prescribed text for this course. Several journal articles and some chapters from the following book will be used as reference material.

W. L. Stutzman and G. A. Thiele, Antenna Theory and Design, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, NY, 1998.

Course Objectives

After completing this course the students should be able to:

1.  Understand the method of moments (MoM) technique of solving integral equations and integro-differential equations of simple wire antennas and cylindrical scatteres.

2.  Apply modeling techniques such as wire grid and surface patch models for practical three dimensional problems .

3.  Understand high frequency techniques such as geometrical optics, physical optics, geometrical theory of diffraction .

4.  Apply high frequency techniques in the analysis and design of antennas and scattering.

5.  Understand hybrid techniques that combine MoM and any of the high frequency techniques.

6.  Develop computer programs in FORTRAN, C, MathCad or MATLAB to solve antenna or scattering problems.

Topics Covered/Course Outline

1.  Integral and integro-differential equations in electromagnetics.

2.  Scattering from cylindrical structures, Electric field integral equations (EFIE), Magnetic field integral equations (MFIE), Combined field integral equations (CFIE), and edge conditions.

3.  Method of moments technique for solving antenna and scattering problems:

- Wire antennas, and scatterers.

- Aperture problems.

-  Scattering from dielectric structures.

-  Wire grid models and surface patch models for surfaces.

4. Geometrical Optics (GO), Physical Optics (PO), and Geometrical Theory of Diffraction (GTD), and Uniform Geometrical Theory of Diffraction (UTD).

5. UTD applications:

- Scattering from cylindrical structures

- Radiation patterns of horn antennas, and reflector antennas.

- Antennas with finite ground planes, e.g. slots and monopoles.

6. Hybrid techniques such as GTD-MoM, PO-MoM etc.

Relationships to Program Outcomes

This course supports the achievement of the following outcomes:

a) Ability to apply knowledge of advanced principles to the analysis of electrical and computer engineering problems.

b) Ability to apply knowledge of advanced techniques to the design of electrical and computer engineering systems.

c) Ability to apply the appropriate industry practices, emerging technologies, state-of-the-art design techniques, software tools, and research methods for solving electrical and computer engineering problems.

d) Ability to use the appropriate state-of-the-art engineering references and resources, including IEEE research journals and industry publications, needed to find the best solutions to electrical and computer engineering problems.

e) Ability to communicate clearly and use the appropriate medium, including written, oral, and electronic methods.

f) Ability to maintain life-long learning and continue to be motivated to learn new subjects.

g) Ability to learn new subjects that are required to solve problems in industry without being dependent on a classroom environment.

h) Ability to be competitive in the engineering job market or be admitted to an excellent Ph.D. program.

Prepared by:

Sembiam R. Rengarajan

February 14, 2003