ECE 4330/7330 Introduction to Mechatronics & Robotic Vision, Fall 2012
Lab 5
Mobile Robot Navigation
Inthis experiment, students will use MobileSim and Aria to achieve the following goals:
- Get familiar with the mobile robot simulator.
- Control one mobile robot to follow one user-manipulated mobile robot and also another mobile robot wandering around (the closest one at each moment).
Reference Materials
- README files under MobileSim and Aria directories.
- C++ API documentation under Aria directory.
- Examples under Aria directory.
Lab Procedure
A. Installation on personal computer
- Open the folder “ECE4330” on the desktop of lab computer.
- Go to the subdirectory “Robotics7330\TA\MobileRobotSim”.
- Copy “MobileSim-0.5.0.exe”, “ARIA-2.7.1.exe” and “Mapper3-2.2.5.exe”.
- Install these “.exe” files on your computer sequentially.
B. Getting started with demo programs
- Go to the directory “C:\Program Files\MobileRobots\MobileSim”.
- Run “MobileSim.exe”.
- Expand “More Options” and select “Create a new robot for each connection”. You will see a pop-up window simulating the indoor environment.
- Select “No Map”.
- Copy the directory “C:\Program Files\MobileRobots\Aria”to the desktop of the lab computer.
- Go to the subdirectory “examples” and build “All_Examples-vc2003.sln” (you can use Microsoft Visual Studio).
- Go to the subdirectory “bin” and run “demo.exe”.
- Follow the instructions to control the mobile robot with the keyboard. In the MobileSim window, you are able to scroll the middle button of the mouse to zoom in/out the robot. To drag the robot, click the right button of the mouse.
- Go to the subdirectory “bin” and run “wander.exe”. The robot uses a laser scanner to detect obstacles. If no obstacles is found, the robot moves forward with a constant velocity.
- Go to the subdirectory “bin” and run “directMotionExample.exe”. The motion of the robot in this example includes rotation of robot with certain degrees, driving forwards and backwards, robot sleeping and retrieval of robot global position.
- For more details of the demo programs, please refer to README file under “examples”.
C. Some hints to follow the user-controlled mobile robot
- Typical laser device returns infinite values if there is no object in the scanning path of the laser. However, the laser reads certain angles in degree whenever it detects an object. Those angles are essential to adjust the orientation of the chasing robot. To determine the velocity, you are suggested to use sonar to measure the distance between the two robots.
- Examples “simpleMotionCommands.exe”, “demo.exe” and “wander.exe” share similar functionality with the robot following. You are encouraged to build your own program on top of these demo programs.
D. Extra credits are given if the program is able to follow the robot successfully in a mapped environment (when there are some static obstacles like walls, etc. in the environment).
- Open the “MobileSim” with a predefined map, i.e.
- Start with the followings two demo programs: “actionExample.exe” and “actionGroupExample.exe”.
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