Report Card Categories for Math

Standards / 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th
Number Sense and Operations
1. Understands and Identifies place value through 100,000 / 4.N.l / X
2. Order and compare whole numbers through 100,000 / 4.N.2 / X
3. Round numbers through the 100,000 place / 4.N.16, 4.N. 17 / X
4. Adds up to 5 digits accurately and effectively / 10, 12, 14 / X / X / X / X
5. Subtracts up to 5 digits accurately and effectively / 10, 12, 14 / X / X / X / X
6. Knows multiplication facts through 12 x 12 and related division facts / 7, 8, 9, 11 / X / X / X / X
7. Multiplies up to 3 digit by 2 digit accurately / 10, 12, 14
8. Divides up to a 3 digit by 1 digit whole number accurately / 10, 13, 15
9. Demonstrates an understanding of fractions / 4.N.3, 4.N.18
10. Locate and compare fractions on a number line / 4.N.3
11. Compare and order fractions and mixed numbers / 4.N.4
12. Use equivalent forms of common decimals and fractions / 4, 5, 6
13. Uses fractions and mixed numbers to solve problems / 4.N.4
Patterns, Relations, and Algebra
14. Determine the rule for extending a pattern / 4.P.1 / X
15. Accurately solve for a variable / 4.P.3, 4.P.6
16. Writes number sentences using number symbols (+, -, x, <, >, =) / 4.P.2
17. Solve problems involving proportional relationships / 4.P.4, 4.P.5
Geometry / Standards / 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th
18. Identify, describe, and compare 2 and 3-D shapes and solids / 1, 2, 3
19. Understand the properties of acute, right, and obtuse angles / 4.G.4
20. Describes and draws intersecting, parallel, and perpendicular lines / 4.G.5
21. Use ordered pairs to identify points on a coordinate grid / 4.G.6
22. Uses reflections (flips), rotations (turns), and translations (slides) / 4.G.7
23. Predict and explain the breakdown of 2 and 3 dimensional shapes / 4.G.9
24. Identifies and describes line(s) of symmetry / 4.G.8
25. Uses metric/English units to estimate, measure, and compare / 4.M.1, 4.M.2
26. Computes elapsed time using a clock and a calendar / 4.M.3
27. Solve problems using units of measurement / 4.M.5
28. Finds area, perimeter, and volume using diagrams or measurement / 4.M.4
Volume is under standard 4.M.l
Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability
29. Collects, organizes, displays and uses data appropriately / 4.D.1, 4.D.2
30. Understands and uses lists, tables, or graphs to solve problems / 4.D.3
31. Understands probability and combinations / 4, 5, 6
Applies to All Strands
32. Applies problem solving strategies / X / X / X / X
33. Communicates written and verbal mathematical reasoning / X / X / X / X